Is Michael Jackson the biggest selling artist of all time?


Proud Member
Oct 13, 2009
Midlands, UK
Before his death he had sold 750 Million and the Beatles and Elvis were a little ahead with One Billion. But after his death he surely made up and surpassed 350k more sales did he not? I think the This Is It album alone should guarantee him this. Am I right? If so does anyone know where it is recorded officially and when it will be updated?
I was thinking that too and like you said elvis and the beetles were great and most of their sales came after their deaths so if he hasn't surpassed them already its just a matter of time, when the unreleased songs come out he'll have deffinatly sold more than all the others, michael's sales will be a lot more than any of there records when all of his unheard songs come out
it goes

1. Beatles

2. MJ

3. Elvis.

Michael has produced the least albums though so yeah...
the billion figures are false . theres been articles/ sales listed posted discussed many times on here about it
yes. in 2001 when he was promoting his new album in new york, the anchorman called him "the biggest selling artist in the history of music"
He's got the biggest selling album of all time. And is the biggest selling solo artist off all time so to answer your question yes he is, cuz beatles was a group.

And you have to remember that michaels Bad, Dangerous and History albums havent been certifed almost since their release. You tellin' me that Dangeorus, and Bad has sold only 1 million since their release?? Sony wont update their sales cuz if they do they have to pay Michael or the estate now. So yeah, there's hell of lot more sold than they want us to belive

Its very hard to say because very few actual figures are used.

But the Beatles figure of 1 Billion includes all the solo work of each member of the band.

Elvis Presley sales are all estimates and could be actually be less then estimated.

I am unsure if Michael's figure includes the Jackson 5 and Jacksons stuff. It is also unclear if they include all the solo work done at Motown.

However, I am sure that Michael is probably the single biggest selling artist of all time.
Neither The Beatles or Elvis sold a billion, that was just PR by their record labels, neither of them have sold anywhere near that.

The biggest selling artists of all time are The Beatles with 490-500 million while Michael is 2nd with nearly 400 million. So Michael is technically the biggest selling SOLO artist of all time.