Is it Safe for my Cat to be killing Birds ; Do Birds have rabies?


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I was wondering, its never happend before but just now my cat came close to killing a bird outside. I'm wondering - is it safe? Can my Fancy become sick with whatever disease that birds carry? Rabies??
I was wondering, its never happend before but just now my cat came close to killing a bird outside. I'm wondering - is it safe? Can my Fancy become sick with whatever disease that birds carry? Rabies??
The birds don't carry your cat can't catch rabies .
And even the bird has some disease the cat has an animal immunity which protect of such things.Their immunity is not like the human's.
So don't worry... :p
You should put a bell on your cat's collar to so birds can escape the sensless slaughter. Cats don't eat the birds, they just like to kill
my cat Fancy is a very sweet cat. but I've had her indoors watching the birds from inside; I thought it might be time to take her out just to see the real thing. lol.

thanks guys! much appreciated. xoxoxo
If your cat manages to kill one it probably won't eat it. We used to have a Maine Coon that was declawed, overweight, middle aged (for a cat) and on a friggin leash and she still managed to catch a dove and rip it's head off :ph34r: She didn't eat it, just brought it to the door... like... here mom this is for you! Like a gift.

So i pet her and told her good kitty and she walked away purring.... Yeah then I had to find a garbo bag and some gloves to dispose of the 'gift' :p
Ever see the PBS Special, Secret Life of Cats? Every cat owner should. Cats are, by nature, predators. They should not be allowed to savage other living beings which they do, as a matter of course, unless owners take preventive measures (i.e. collars with bells, etc. )
It actually depends on the bird your cat is killing.. Your cat probably wont get sick. But you can. If this cat is killing pigeons..for instance, beware of the fact that most pigeons carry harmful bacteria and disease like rats do. That's why people call them flying rats. If your cat claws it, then scratches you, your wound can and will be infected. So be careful of that.

I think that goes for any animals that live outdoors.
Just dont let it scratch you right after its killing spree.. heh.
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I think cats should be kept indoors. You never know what they can get into. Some people put poison outside for things, and your cat could wind up eating that and it will kill your pet.

You would want your cat safe, so please keep the birds safe.
I think cats should be kept indoors. You never know what they can get into. Some people put poison outside for things, and your cat could wind up eating that and it will kill your pet.

You would want your cat safe, so please keep the birds safe.

Agreed ^^
Cats are also known to have shorter lifes pan when they live out doors. Usually because they get into things theyre not supposed to and eat bad stuff.
Agreed ^^
Cats are also known to have shorter lifes pan when they live out doors. Usually because they get into things theyre not supposed to and eat bad stuff.

Thanks for agreeing, Nar.

They also have a risk of being hit by a car also.
I agree 110% ; when I see a stray cat, & BTW our house for some reason is the 'cat house' we get like 3, 4 stray cats every week. anyway, when i see a stray cat l get so so sad. I wish I could adopt all them, but really we have 2 & thats enough. Actually we already took in a stray cat that we've been getting for the past 2 years & we couldn't keep it - she tore apart the bathroom & could not settle down. so we thought it best to keep it outdoors. It must have just been a wild cat.

anyway, my cat is indoors 24/7 - theres alot of bad stuff outside & I don't want her to get eaten by a dangerous dog or beat up by the other cats.
You should put a bell on your cat's collar to so birds can escape the sensless slaughter. Cats don't eat the birds, they just like to kill

So true. I volunteered at a place that took in injured birds. Most birds that are even bitten by cats end up dead even if they get away because cat bites are so full of bacteria. Cats kill millions of song birds every year. A lot of them get away and die miserable deaths from infection. Please don't let your cat kill birds.
I only allow my cat to be outside during the day and never at night. She has a bell on her collar so she doesn't catch too many birds but sometimes she still does.. and I tell her off. The other day she caught a baby rabbit and I caught her and rescued it before she killed it, amazingly it wasn't even wounded.. poor little thing. Yeah the bell idea is the best one. :)
Some cats are fine to be inside 24-7. Others would go nuts lol.
My cat got sick after eating a bird. Thankfully, he got well.
I don't want her to get eaten by a dangerous dog or beat up by the other cats.

That reminds me of the time my neighbor's huge dog was mauling a kitten. I walked passed by when i heard the screeching sounds of a kitten screaming and I immediately looked over and saw the dog just mauling it up and without thinking of my own safety (im serious) I literally hopped over the fence and grabbed the poor kitten who was already bleeding from its mouth a little and shaking crazy.
I brought it home, cleaned it up and noticed it had a puncture wound in its belly.
So I went over to the neighbors and they were distraught because it belonged to them and said somehow it got out of the house. They took it to the vet and the kitten was ok for some time. But later had to be put down because it got really ill. :cry:
I used to ask them every week how it was doing.

For a while... I really disliked dogs. Or that one in particular.

I'll never forget that. I can't believe I jumped over a fence with a huge dog. It was a big monster.

Take care of your pets.
the nose

hey I want to make sure my cats not sick - is a wet cold nose healthy? or a warm dry nose? Sometimes my Fancy will get both but I don't know if shes feeling well.

Re: the nose

hey I want to make sure my cats not sick - is a wet cold nose healthy? or a warm dry nose? Sometimes my Fancy will get both but I don't know if shes feeling well.


Yes a wet and cold nose usually indicate your cat is perfectly fine.
While a dry nose can actually mean its probably ill. But not always.

If its nose is runny though, that could be something else.
But cat noses are supposed to be moist and usually wet. :)
Hmmmm, I don't think you should let your cat kill birds.

I wouldn't want a dog to kill my cat... I don't see the difference.

Although I do thank my cat when she kills spiders! :ph34r:
theres a difference - birds I actually don't want her to kill & she doesn't. I promise. But mice - yes.. no one likes mice lol