Is it possible to learn to play Piano without learning how to read sheet music?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The reason why i'm asking is because some people have told that you can learn some instrumets like the Guitar and don't need to learn sheet music and then they tell me there are instruments that you need to learn sheet music for like the Piano. Is this true?
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You dont have to read sheet music just know the notes
the scales and memorise what keys _ you play by ear -
No its not impossible i can play by Ear and i can also read sheet Music being a Pianist for 10+ years i think its better to be able to do both, i mean say you wanna learn a song and you sit at the Piano and try and work it out sometimes it takes awhile other times its fairly quick but to save hassle it'd be better to get the Sheet Music for the song and learn that way usually its more accurate aswell
It's possible, but I wouldn't reccommend it. If you really want to learn to play piano, I say take the time to learn the fudamental basics of music theory. That way you'll have that foundation and a better understanding of it. And also, you'll be able to play ANY song you want without having to depend on someone having to teach you or without having to go through the arduous task of finding out the notes yourself. :)
I bought myself an electric piano a week ago, Im just learning!!! If you watch videos on youtube with people giving tutorials on how to play piano, it sure is possible because so far Ive learned to play Man in the Mirror and Heal The world.. It is difficult but nothing is impossible with willpower. But I do think Im gonna consider reading sheets later because it is frustrating to learn the tutorials especially when people on youtube teach you too fast..

Songs Im trying to learn at the mo:

Unbreakable - Alicia Keys
Gymnopedie 1 - Erik Satie
Someone put your hand out - Michael Jackson
There are some very talented people who can learn play some instruments that way ... and I'm really admire them... I'm musician more then 12 years... I can imagine playing without note but learn to play withot knowing them.. no nooo I'm definatelly not that talented :p
But.. nothing is impossilble. wish you luck! ;)
Sure, many famous musicians can't read music like all of the Beatles members, Jam & Lewis, Bill Withers, and many others. Blind musicians generally don't read music, although there is musical notation written in Braille. But obviously you can't "read" Braille and play at the same time, so they still would have to memorize the music.
I have always played piano only by ears. I'm not very good at it but some easy songs I can play. I understand nothing about the sheets.
Depends how good you want to be.

For Gymnopedie, you really have to read the sheet music unless you have an outstanding, raw natural musical ear without any musical training to get it note perfect. Then you are God-like.
Lionel Ritchie doesn't know hiw to read music. He mentioned that neither he nor Michael knew how to read or write music when they were collaborating on the We Are the World song.
The Beatles can read music, can't they? John and Paul did..??

I think you should learn how to read. It is SO important.

None of The Beatles could read and write sheet music. Neither could Michael Jackson, he said it's not nessecary
None of The Beatles could read and write sheet music. Neither could Michael Jackson, he said it's not nessecary
It's not necessary for the few lucky and incredibly talented ones like MJ, JL, P McC etc. For us regular people it's a lot harder ;)

I can do a bit of both, though I didn't play for ages already :(
I learned without knowing how to read, later on I was just lazy... always asked my teacher to put the letters with all the notes, but he would play it on tape and I'd listen and play what he did...

I always changed stuff.... giggles... he would always tell me this is really really pretty, but it just aint right! lol....
None of The Beatles could read and write sheet music. Neither could Michael Jackson, he said it's not nessecary

Michael was just amazing, i loved how he explains how he would sing/beatbox the beat onto tape and then play it back and add things over that _ ive got into beatboxing beacuse of mike (im not very good) and love listening out to where he could be beatboxing on his tracks but i would really like to learn the piano/keyboard i brought one a few years ago, wow thinking back alot of years ago lol and brought a learn how to play lkeyboard book and i do sit down time to time to try and learn but i can never do it _might seek professional help