Is It Possible, Or…


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Unites States
…am I still in denial? He was working on a magical comeback with the biggest production ever and moves that would rival the moonwalk. Will he rise in 3 days or am I setting myself up for disappointment. His passing is so surreal and sudden; I just can't believe it…
…am I still in denial? He was working on a magical comeback with the biggest production ever and moves that would rival the moonwalk. Will he rise in 3 days or am I setting myself up for disappointment. His passing is so surreal and sudden; I just can't believe it…

one moment i'm thinking this very same and other moments i accept he's gone for real...
:( I can't take it. this HAS to be a dream. ITS NOT RIGHT :'(!!!!!!!!!!
You're not the only one! Excuse me, but this is fucking crazy. I'm grieving twice because my Grandma died 6 days prior to this of Cancer. Plus I'm in the process of moving. I don;t think I can take anything else. I don't know what to do!
You're not the only one! Excuse me, but this is fucking crazy. I'm grieving twice because my Grandma died 6 days prior to this of Cancer. Plus I'm in the process of moving. I don;t think I can take anything else. I don't know what to do!

I came home from work yesterday and told my wife the news. She tells me that she found a new apartment for us and wants me to go look at it. She loves me a lot, but I was hurt that the apartments came before my needs. We had to make a quick decision to get the apartment all while I was in mourning. Now I have to move within a week to a place I didn't even want. This is has been a difficult 24 hours…
I really want a Jesus miracle to happen, that he rise from the dead and say hey everyone I'm okay but I know that won't happen and that the hardest thing of all. This is definitely a time where I wished I could rewind time and make all the bad things go away, I really do.
Ive been thinking the same thing...but I don't think Mike would pull something like that..because thats playing with millions of peoples feelings...I'm not sure many would like that very much
but if it is just a stunt...I would be happy to know that the most amazing human being is still here in the flesh after all
I think denial is widespread, and it's very normal when this happens. When someone you love suddenly leaves a hole in your life. Reality will start to trickle in slowly over the next few weeks, especially when the concert dates are around the corner. We all just need to try and stay grounded and calm. Instead of focussing in this one bad day, try to remember the many many good days we've seen, hard as that may be.
Michael blessed all of our lives with his music, light, and love. Yes, it is sad, but we must remember his message of peace and harmony and know that he is finally at peace himself. Michael's journey is not over. It has just begun. He can finally do the work he most wanted to do and that is help people. Now he will be doing it from up above and with unlimited strength. He's free.
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At first I was sad, but was laughing because I really didn't know him personally and everyone was calling me and giving me their condolences. However after getting home and reading the news it started to sink in. I guess after knowing so much about him as an artist and person and having had to defend his name, I really started to feel I did know him personally…
Anything can happen to anyone. Things can change in one day. No one knows that better than i: Because of that wisdom i celebrated every single day with him.
It was an unimaginable honor to live in this time - his time. Thanks for everything brother michael; hope all my letters have found to you.
I can't accept he really is dead.

I just can't! :(
I really want a Jesus miracle to happen, that he rise from the dead and say hey everyone I'm okay but I know that won't happen and that the hardest thing of all. This is definitely a time where I wished I could rewind time and make all the bad things go away, I really do.
I would give anything if this could be so.
I wouldn't want him to rise from the dead....especially after having a full autopsy. Denial is the first stage of grief. Then comes Anger, Bargaining, Depression and finally Acceptance.

Please, he's gone. He's in a better place now...full of love, and no more hate..
I'm still crying but my tears won't come out anymore, I ran out. I know it will all come back. I'm still crying, there's just nothing coming out. :/ Gah, I'm emotionally a mess right now and I just know every morning I wake up and I cry again and again, like I did this morning. This is still all too much to bare.
I always thought MJ would live forever :-(

Well not really but I never could have imagined MJ passing. I'm sorry, but if it had been any other celeb I would never be this distraught or distressed. But it's MICHAEL. Michael Jackson. I can't wrap my head around this tragedy at all.
Maybe there was a mistake, it happens all the time, ive heard and read stories about ppl waking up after being pronounced dead.
Michael Jackson is resting peacefully. He isn't suffering nor in pain any longer. He shall not suffer on this cruel earth any longer. He is alive in all of us. He is alive in our hearts and shall always be so. His legacy shall live on in our memories and in the memories of the next several generations. He is amongest us, can you not feel his love and joy? He is amongest us because his memory and legacy will be forever etched into our minds and hearts. He shall never be gone for we as fans will forever keep that torch lighted. The King of Pop still reigns here on earth musically wise, but it's the KING OF KINGS that will forever have Michael alive because Michael is now an angel and in the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I don't feel joyful at all :no:

He was taken from us much too soon and it just isn't fair. I don't mean to question God, but I can't understand this.
I don't feel joyful at all :no:

He was taken from us much too soon and it just isn't fair. I don't mean to question God, but I can't understand this.

I feel the same way. Its like if there really is a God then why would he let such a terrible thing happen, there's so many of us in the world that love him so much.
yes there are so many of us who love him with all our hearts, minds, and souls. Michael left so much for us. while i don't like the circumstances around his leaving us, God took him when he meant to, and he did it for Michael not for us. Michael's no longer in pain - physical, emotional, spiritual or in any other way. He needed relief. it was his time, and God is merciful. that you can believe.