Is it being marketed/promoted enough?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is only my personal experience but I dont know a single person who actually knew about the film until I mentioned it, and my friends are all film/television students.

Is this just me or is this film not being marketed enough?
Really? I'm a film major and I'm aware of it. Then again, I'm a MJ fan so... :D I should ask my other film/television buddies if they have. But, as of right now, I personally don't feel that there's been enough marketing just yet. I don't think heavy marketing will (should) start until early next month. I think the VMA's and, I guess, Oprah kind of put the film out there into the public's awareness, but not a lot. If they want the film to be extremely successful, the distributors better promote the film right.
Well, in fairness, it had one of the biggest trailer intros ever (VMA's!) and the movie isn't out for over a month, I'm sure there will be more publicity from next week on to promote early ticket sales.
Call me selfish but TBH, I don't really want their to be much more promotion, I don't want to be sat watching it surrounded by tonnes of people, rustling packets, crying babies etc.
I sat around the canteen table at work yesterday afternoon and there was about 15 of us, each one knew how much MJ meant to me and how many times I was going to see him durring This Is Is concerts, and for some strange reason whenever i'm sitting with everyone the subject always turns to Michael, and the first thing someone said was wow have you seen the film they are bing out with the rehersal footage etc and all 15 people knew exactly when it was roughly due out and everyone single one said they would like to see it if not at the cinema but on DVD so this is going to massive bigger than anyone is expecting I feel
I sat around the canteen table at work yesterday afternoon and there was about 15 of us, each one knew how much MJ meant to me and how many times I was going to see him durring This Is Is concerts, and for some strange reason whenever i'm sitting with everyone the subject always turns to Michael, and the first thing someone said was wow have you seen the film they are bing out with the rehersal footage etc and all 15 people knew exactly when it was roughly due out and everyone single one said they would like to see it if not at the cinema but on DVD so this is going to massive bigger than anyone is expecting I feel

I think I agree with you there. I know A LOT of people who are underestimating this film. Hell, even I was kinda underestimating it--until I saw the trailer.
This is only my personal experience but I dont know a single person who actually knew about the film until I mentioned it, and my friends are all film/television students.

Is this just me or is this film not being marketed enough?

On on a personal note, I know a few people who like Michael but not nearly on the level as me, and I've asked them if they've seen the trailer, and the answer has always been no, and they weren't even 100% sure what the film was. I wonder if the trailer has only been televised so far (in the US at least) during the VMA's, because that's actually the only time I've seen it on TV (I've since sought it out a few times online).
I've seen the trailer only twice outside of the VMAs. Once during the premiere of Jay Leno and another time during the 'Making of the Janet Jackson VMA tribute'.

It's not in heavy rotation yet and I noticed there is no rating yet (PG, PG13). So maybe they are waiting for the rating to put the trailer into heavy rotation on TV.

I am hoping they do print promotion also. Like ads in People, Rolling Stone, etc.
When October hits I have not doubt that there will be lot of promotion for the film. I have a feeling that its going to be huge and exceed expectations. Films normally only have trailers shown for them on tv 1-2 weeks before release so expect promotion to be in full swing from mid October onwards.
People I speak to give me a strange look when I ask if they are going. No, only MJ fans seem to know around me.
everyone should make a link to the official trailer on their Facebook profil and promote the movie via their own facebook profile. - I have a photoalbum with screenshots only from the trailers. This Is It needs promotion, and we the fans can help very much!
Call me selfish but TBH, I don't really want their to be much more promotion, I don't want to be sat watching it surrounded by tonnes of people, rustling packets, crying babies etc.
yeah i could care less, this is for people who care about michael and are inspired by him.
I don't think the studio is going to spend that much on promoting something that is only going to be in theaters for 2 weeks.
Well, considering how fast the tickets for the concert series at the O2 sold out, I'm not particularly worried.

I'm with SuperLee and Starde. I mean, this is Michael Jackson. I don't think the film will need much promotion. Promo will probably pick up in the coming weeks anyway, whether needed or not.
Whoever is in charge of the This Is It website, probably Sony, is doing a terrible job at it. I mean I don't know what states it's playing at. How the heck am I supposed to plan where to get the tickets. This is ridiculous!!
The only promotion I've seen is the trailer from the night of the VMA's and those couple of clips that were released. On YouTube, sometimes an ad comes on the right side of the screen promoting the TII mosaic.

I agree with everyone saying that promotion will become heavy in the next several weeks.
A lot of people I know want to go see it that aren't really big Michael fans...

I think it will be huge.
everyone should make a link to the official trailer on their Facebook profil and promote the movie via their own facebook profile. - I have a photoalbum with screenshots only from the trailers. This Is It needs promotion, and we the fans can help very much!

done.. :)

come on guys we want this movie to sell lots of tickets!!!! :D
I'm guessing there will be more promotion once the tickets go on sale and through October, but hard to say. I personally think they really are just expecting Michael's fans to go, which is why they are limiting it to a two-week release. They'll get more ticket sales that way from all the fans who won't want to miss it on the big screen. And they probably figure it will do well enough just with the fans going. I'm sure they'll get it out on DVD before Christmas, so they'll get more money that way too.
Lilke the OP, I am also finding that no one has heard of it before I mention it and explain. Not too many people in Australia probably watched the VMA's so that may have something to do with it.

I haven't seen any ads on TV for it.
ya i mentioned it to my friends and they didn't know its gonna be a movie
they all thought there will be a dvd only
Whoever is in charge of the This Is It website, probably Sony, is doing a terrible job at it. I mean I don't know what states it's playing at. How the heck am I supposed to plan where to get the tickets. This is ridiculous!!
i agree. i only know they will sell the tickets on 27 sep
but i don't even know if it will be a worldwide sale on that date and where it will be play at
i'm gonna call the cinema by myself.. *sigh*
I haven't seen any promotion in the UK, except for a very brief segment on 'the one show'. They appeared to have officially released footage, rather than an internet clip, so I guess Sony were behind it but there wasn't enough information in the clip.
I'm sure there will be SOME promotion between now and the end of October but as somebody else said, but as frustrating as it may be for the fans, don't expect there to be much. The length of time this release is allowed to run for is being capped by Sony and so as long as ticket sales for that two week period are good then Sony will be happy. Theymay even extend the run by a week, but With such a short run, nobody should expect Sony to put much money into promotion because they are a business and won't want to waste money. BUT I agree that the marketing campaign for the DVD release should be huge - that is where the money really is! I'd be disappointed if we didn't see billboard posters, magazine adverts, TV adverts for the DVD (and possibly CD) bet
I believe Sony want a good solid run at the cinemas with huge demand and good reviews so that they can use hype to sell the DVD in December.
The main thing that concerns me is that the general public perceive this release to be a success. It's important to me that (even though he is gone) 'This Is It' is a 'comeback'. I know many people have rediscovered Michael Jackson and I know that people feel a void since he left, but I want them to feel as though he COULD have made a successful comeback. Before he died, many people were saying he was too old. They said he was passed it. They said he wasn't rehearsing and wasn't in shape. I want the film to show that he WAS really working for this and that he could have done it if he hadn't been taken.
I believe that Sony will realise the public need to see this as a succes and I believe they'll hype the theatrical release's success to make sure the public perceive it to be a success in order to sell millions of DVDs in the run up to Xmas!
Over here in Holland the trailer was shown on the national news, several tv-shows and of course on the VMA (and Oprah).

Most people i know (fans-no-fans) know about the movie.
I think it will do fine regardless of the promotion. MJ's death in general is promotion. If anything you have to worry about over saturation. You don't want people to get too tired of Michael that they don't want to see it. (meaning non die hard fans)
Hell no...its not getting enough publicity...I haven't even seen it advertised on TV at all...usually I see movies advertised way in advance,,,not this one ...poor marketing skills...that is what they have,