Is Dr Murray planning his defense??

Rasta Pasta

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Milan Itlay
Doc's Defense: Demonizing Michael Jackson?

Fri., Aug. 14, 2009 8:50 AM PDT by Gina Serpe and Art Harris
AP Photo/Houston Chronicle, Pool Photographer
For Dr. Conrad Murray, the best defense may be a no-holds-barred smear campaign against Michael Jackson.
Celebrity defender extraordinaire Mark Geragos, who successfully repped Jackson during his 2004 child-molestation trial, spoke to E! News yesterday, explaining why he rejected an overture to defend Murray, why he thinks the doctor may wind up charged with murder, and what exactly he believes the embattled medico will use as a defense strategy.
Which, in a word, would be Jackson himself. (And all the controversies, mysteries, trials and, per Geragos, general "weirdness" that will forever be part and parcel with the King of Pop.)
"Ultimately, that may be…what the defense is, to say things about Michael I'm just not going to say," Geragos said. "Whatever is required by somebody who is going to defend the doctor, is not something I can do ethically."
Or personally.
"I've been approached," he said in reference to the possibility that he would join Murray's defense team. "But clearly I have a conflict of interest.
"I represented Michael and I would not want to be in a position where I was deprecating Michael in any way, shape or form."
Part of that defensive deprecation may come in the form of rehashing Jackson's drug addictions and his alleged doctor shopping—some reports claim the star sought prescriptions under 19 different aliases—which investigators are currently sussing out. (A copy of the search warrant executed this week shows officials were seeking proof that Murray bought propofol at a Las Vegas pharmacy.)
A source told E! News that three prescription medications, including Xanax, were found in Jackson's system at his time of death, and Geragos said that he suspects detectives' efforts at tracking down the source of the drugs is the reason for the indefinitely delayed toxicology tests.
When the results do finally come in, expect the pointer fingers—and the legal action—to fly.
"I can imagine 10 different lawsuits coming out of this," Geragos said, adding that someone will likely need to be "blamed" for the death and that a wrongful death lawsuit would not be unexpected.
"Whether it's against doctors, whether it's the Jacksons against AEG, or AEG against the estate…Anytime you've got the kind of money that's at stake here, there will be lawyers, and where there's lawyers, there's lawsuits."
And where there's Murray, there's likely a criminal charge…though not, Geragos suspects, involuntary manslaughter, which is what he is currently under investigation for. Instead, Geragos believes attorneys may have the upper hand if they try to nail him for murder.
"It's one of the most bizarre things," he said. "It's literally easier if you look at jury instructions, to get a jury to convict on second-degree (murder) than involuntary manslaughter."
As for Jackson, the attorney has high hopes for his legacy. When asked what he hoped people would remember most about the star, Geragos said he wanted people to think of "all the greatness…and forget all the weirdness."
Too bad a lot of it's one and the same.
murray lwyer denied they contacted mark. mark made the claim around the time of the memorial so not new interms of thinking hes setting up his defence now
Threads disappear so fast on this board it's mind boggling.

It's in our hands as true Michael fans to keep this up. We have to be pro-active. We all know what's coming.
You all better believe that this is gonna be a major trial and BIG PHARMA and their pushers with degrees have a lot to lose. Them and the evil media will be very mean to Michael and will leave no stones unturned.

Because of this, WE have to spread the goods on Michael around the word. Keep pestering TV shows to invite Larry Nimmer and Aphrodity Jones to speak about the media conspiracy. Email Geraldo, Oprah, Larry King, Jay Leno, Ellen every day.

Here's what I'm sending to everybody I can think of. You're welcome to use it.

BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT Michael Jackson was framed‏.
Must see new DVD by Larry Nimmer and Tom Mesereau proving beyond the shadow of doubt that Michael was framed.

It was never released because Nimmer couldn't find anybody to distribute it. Just like Aphrodite Jones was told by publishers that they didn't want anything PRO Jackson.

It's proof that the media and other powerful evil people were all conspiring to destroy poor Michael Jackson.

Please spread this far and wide for the sake of his beautiful children.

Geraldo's email

Larry King

Oprah show

Ellen Show

Jay Leno

If some emails don't allow links just write copy and paste video ID QfdBxFEgNd8 in youtube search.

Start Michaeling!
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this doctor had better have some damn good lawyers. hes going to need them to get his fat ass off the hook. If it is true that he is in hiding right now then he knows hes going up the ish creek with out a paddle.
Dr. Murray needs to find himself a BRAND, NEW attorney, before he plans anything.

Because in my opinion, the attorney he has now, is a straight up fool.

First his attorney went and hired his OWN attorney, why on earth would he do that?

Then he said he would be making no comments. Now all of a sudden he's talking to the media again, i.e. talking about Dr. Murray making phone calls. Why would he be admitting that to the press, right smack in the middle of an ongoing investigation.
First his attorney went and hired his OWN attorney, why on earth would he do that?
There's an interesting article about Chernoff and the defense of Murray here:

From what I gather, other attorneys were brought in to help handle the media.

Without knowing what's in the toxicology report, everything Chernoff, etc., do is geared to the media. I suspect what he's saying is for that purpose - by admitting to the truth of some of the leaks, it makes his denial of other leaks more believable. I can't see why else he'd say some of the things he's said

Not that it'll help him if the toxicology reports show that drugs procured and administered by Murray were responsible.
Moderator could you please Sticky this thread. It's important to keep an eye on this. All forum members need time to read this before it disappears again.

I just hope Katherine's lawyers gather up all their evidence and have it ready to lay out.

And to also plan their defense for Michael himself because of course the other side will be making stuff up.
Is he planning his funeral ?

Well, he should.
WHy should he
are YOu threatening to kill him ??
what does your statement mean?

how will this effect Mjs legacy and what MJ stood for
for a fan to promote such a thing?

Just asking ?
WHy should he
are YOu threatening to kill him ??
what does your statement mean?

how will this effect Mjs legacy and what MJ stood for
for a fan to promote such a thing?

Just asking ?

Does a doctor just leave the *ucking room after giving him propanol in his HOME which is illegal or very dangerous to do? No im not threatening to kill him but I hope he pays a high price if he is the one who killed michael.

A doctor to a mega star does NOT just leave the room to make like five phone calls
A doctor does not just dissapear from the hospital where his client is.
A doctor does not just leave his client after taking a dangerous drug.
A doctor ask their client if they are taking something else so there wont be a mix of drugs

That is just fact.

He has all odds against him, thats why im angry.
I know u think conrad is behind it too... who else could it be , michael would never ever do that to his children, fans , friends and family.
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You guys are right. It's TOO BIG of a mistake to be an ACCIDENT.
Doc Murray has been planning his defense long before the ambulance ever showed up at the house.
Is the missing footage from security camera will ever be recovered? Who made it disappear? Murray doesn't look smart enough to think about it on his own. What guards were on duty watching the monitors that day?

And why make the video disappear if it was just a stupid ignorant mistake by Murray?

Video or no video doesn't change the fact that he didn't have the counter drug in the room in case of emergency.
I believe he is and I bet you he has TONS of offers from lawyers who would love to represent him. If Murray goes on trial, it will be a media frenzie. Lawyers everywhere know this....
i agree! many defense laywers would love murray as their client because it gives them tons of exposure. if murray goes on trial it will be a feeding frenzy and the media will be lapping it all up every moment

I believe he is and I bet you he has TONS of offers from lawyers who would love to represent him. If Murray goes on trial, it will be a media frenzie. Lawyers everywhere know this....