Is Chris Tucker Ok?

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Dangerous Incorporated

Does anyone know if Chris Tucker is ok and has said anything? We know they were quite close over the past 10 years.
He is probably too distraught to say anything right now. I'm sure he will say something when he is ready.
He was no closer to him than other friends. I personally don't give a *bleep* how Tucker is.
What i mean is.... Who cares what Chris Tucker thinks specificaly? Why Chris Tucker? Why not ask about Michael's closer friends or any other of hs friends? i just don't get the need to make a thread about how Chris Tucker is feeling right now. He's not special. He's just another name on Michael's long list of celebrity friends.
I hope he is ok.......hes probably too upset to say anything right now....
What i mean is.... Who cares what Chris Tucker thinks specificaly? Why Chris Tucker? Why not ask about Michael's closer friends or any other of hs friends? i just don't get the need to make a thread about how Chris Tucker is feeling right now. He's not special. He's just another name on Michael's long list of celebrity friends.

The reason is because he is one of the few who havent said anything and he went through the trial with Mike and has been there for him over the past 10 years.

I guess I could also ask if Culkin has said anything or R.Kelly or Bruce Swedien or Jennifer Batten or .............
Also has Lionel Richie said anything?

I guess I could also ask if Culkin has said anything or R.Kelly or Bruce Swedien or Jennifer Batten or .............
I read that both Macaulay Culkin and Stevie Wonder wouldn't be releasing statements. And i've read statements from R. Kelly and Jennifer Batten.
Um, wow.

He was certainly more close to Michael than you were or will ever be. Now isn't that right?

Yeh thats right. But what has that got to do with anything? :scratch:

And i just don't get why people are so interested in what other celebrities are saying about Michael. Nothing they say is gonna bring him back. And they all say the same old stuff. There's not really much you can say other than... "This is so sadening, i've lost a great friend and a the world has lost a genius, etc etc..."

(No disrepsect meant by this)
Everybody grieves differently.

Either Chris is not ready to release a statement, or he is not going to release a statement at all. It's totally his choice.

Whenever I think of Chris and MJ, I always remember an interview Chris did when he talked about Michael calling him "Christmas." LOL! That is the cutest story ever.

I'm sure Chris' heart is broken just like our's.
dude, stop with all negativity. You're being negative and rude in other threads too

No I'm not. I'm just saying what I feel. I'm allowed to do that. Sorry if that upsets you. I can't see why it would. I simply asked a question in here. It was... who the hell cares what Chris Tucker thinks? it's pretty obvious what he thinks. He's as crushed as the rest of us. Did he need his own thread? 'lol thats my point.

And chill.
I never said i was. Just understand what I'm asking in my question. thats all i ask.

Rubber mattress, your posts are getting more and more bitter... maybe try relaxing a bit. You're probably just angry right now and I understand that but.. chill :)

I was actually thinking of starting this thread too... I'm worried about Chris Tucker too :( They really seemed to enjoy each other's company :(
Rubber mattress, your posts are getting more and more bitter... maybe try relaxing a bit. You're probably just angry right now and I understand that but.. chill :)

I was actually thinking of starting this thread too... I'm worried about Chris Tucker too :( They really seemed to enjoy each other's company :(

I give up. You're all on some other planet. I'm not bitter, negative or angry. I'm just wondering what all the fuss about Chris is. 'lol Don't you see? I mean, he hung out with him on some award shows and they made the music video together but so did lots of celebrities. Do you get my point?
If not, don't worry. I wont post anymore in this thread.:)
I give up. You're all on some other planet. I'm not bitter, negative or angry. I'm just wondering what all the fuss about Chris is. 'lol Don't you see? I mean, he hung out with him on some award shows and they made the music video together but so did lots of celebrities. Do you get my point?
If not, don't worry. I wont post anymore in this thread.:)

They were a lot closer than that. They met a lot in private, in neverland, Bahrain and other places that I can't remember. It was actually Chris that warned him about the Arvizos.
The last thing I wanna read on the forum right now is stupid shit like the above. Please just leave it out.

I bet he's heartbroken like many of us are. To have spent that much time with Michael, it must be on another level! This is gonna have hit a lot of people hard. I'm sure he'll say something sometime.
There are a lot of people close to Michael who loved him that haven't released a statement but I'm sure have been in touch with the family...which includes Barry gibbs,Diana Ross, Lionel Richie, Nicole Richie, MacCauly, Gladys Knight,Eddie Murphy, Slash, David Guest and I'm sure there are more....

I've learnt not everyone go to the media to express love..
There are a lot of people close to Michael who loved him that haven't released a statement but I'm sure have been in touch with the family...which includes Barry gibbs,Diana Ross, Lionel Richie, Nicole Richie, MacCauly, Gladys Knight,Eddie Murphy, Slash, David Guest and I'm sure there are more....

I've learnt not everyone go to the media to express love..

I think Slash released a statement. Diana Ross has also been quoted as being shocked and saddened. I think it will be a long while before people who were truly close to him will feel ready to speak about it.
He's PROBALLY hurting like the rest of us. C'mon guys, no need to be fighting and stuff. We all are upset, but, fighting isn't going to make us feel better and bring him back. In my tears and pain, I don't want to come on here and read this shit. I come on here for comfort and comeradery
What i mean is.... Who cares what Chris Tucker thinks specificaly? Why Chris Tucker? Why not ask about Michael's closer friends or any other of hs friends? i just don't get the need to make a thread about how Chris Tucker is feeling right now. He's not special. He's just another name on Michael's long list of celebrity friends.

shut up,ok? saying shit now about how there is no need for a thread like this. there is no need for any thread anymore, nothing makes sense anymore, but still there are people who care. so don't pms about it. damn it!
The reason for my post wasnt to hear celebrity statements but genuine concern for these people who were privileged to be in Mikes life and be his friend. I hope they are all doing ok. They'll be taking it just as bad if not worse than us.
Has Thomas Messsarou said something?

thomas Sneddon!?



The death of legendary entertainer Michael Jackson on Thursday sent aftershocks through the legal and law-enforcement community of Santa Barbara County, the home of Jackson’s Neverland Valley Ranch and the location of his 2005 criminal trial for alleged child molestation.
Representatives from both sides of Jackson’s criminal case — in which he ultimately was acquitted — were stunned at the news of the star’s death.
Members of his defense team who grew to know the man behind the fame recalled Jackson as shy, intellectual and extremely kind.
“It’s heartbreaking,” said Jesus Castillo, a Santa Maria-based private investigator who was part of Jackson’s defense team.
An emotional Castillo noted that the criminal case, which was tried in Superior Court in Santa Maria, took its toll on Jackson. However, he said, that Jackson seemed to have been recovering from the ordeal.
“All indications were that he was bouncing back,” Castillo said.
“We did all that work and won the case, and now he was going to go out there and sing again,” Castillo said.

Santa Barbara-based attorney Robert Sanger, one of the defense lawyers for Jackson during the 2005 trial, said that the entertainer should not be defined by his legal problems.
“Michael, first of all, was an extremely kind individual,” Sanger said.
Jackson felt that by using his celebrity and money, he could make a difference in the lives of children, Sanger said.

The performer — who periodically treated groups of kids to shopping sprees at the local Toys’R’Us store — gave hope to children suffering from cancer and other diseases, he said.

Sanger said that he got to know the Jackson family while working on the case, and sat beside Jackson each day at trial.

Jackson was well-read, Sanger said, and was interested in literary classics and history.

Sanger said he was anticipating Jackson going back on tour.

“I was really looking forward to it,” he said. “It’s very, very sad.”

Thomas Mesereau Jr., the lead attorney for the defense, said he is shocked and devastated by Jackson’s death.

He said he didn’t know Jackson until he agreed to represent him, but ended up spending a lot of time with him.

Jackson had a gentle soul, Mesereau said.

“He was someone who had great gifts and wanted to improve the world with those gifts,” he said.

Retired Santa Barbara County District Attorney Thomas Sneddon, the lead prosecutor on the case, could not be reached, while Ron Zonen, a senior deputy district attorney who helped on the case against Jackson, declined to comment.

District Attorney Christie Stanley said the pop star’s death was unexpected.

“He was awfully young,” she said. “He led such a strange life that I guess nothing’s out of the ordinary.”

Reflecting on the investigation and the subsequent trial, Stanley said a lot of resources went into the process.

“There was an awful lot of investigation, a lot of attorney time, a lot of sheriff time, a lot of investigator time from my office,” she said.

“I think it got prosecuted and completed as completely and justly as it could have,” Stanley said.

Stanley also recalled the crowds at the Santa Maria court complex that had to be managed so that other court business wouldn’t be disrupted.

Jim Anderson, who was Santa Barbara County Sheriff during the trial, said that Jackson’s death is a “shame.”

“That’s actually pretty young,” he said. “It’s unexpected.”

Anderson said a lot of hours went into the investigation regarding the alleged molestation, adding that he believed investigators had a good case, but said the jury felt otherwise.

“It’s one of a number of cases that were what I consider high profile,” he said. “Whenever you have somebody that’s in the news all the time, it’s going to keep the media’s attention.”

Journalists who covered Jackson’s cases remembered him as child-like and delicate.

Linda Deutsch, an Associated Press special correspondent who covered Jackson’s criminal trial and many other major celebrity trials, said that the entertainer never really recovered from his ordeal in court.

“I think the trial likely had a lasting effect on Santa Maria, and it definitely had a lasting effect on Michael Jackson.”

Deutsch said it seemed that Jackson had really thrown himself into rehearsals for his comeback tour, and said she didn’t know whether that played a role in his death.

“His life was fantastic and his death was just as fantastic,” she said.

Karen White, a former longtime Santa Maria Times reporter, remember Jackson as being kind during his 2002 civil trial involving an alleged breach of contract, and that “his eyes lit up when he talked about entertaining.”

Jackson won the 2002

$21 million lawsuit filed against him in Santa Maria by a concert promoter.

“He was the ultimate Peter Pan, always a little boy,” White said.