Is being a Elvis fan the same as being a Michael Jackson fan?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Both kings right? Elvis died 32 years ago right? Well elvis still has fans old and young and is remember every year .. And alots of elvis stuff still sells.. Well will MJ have that same legacy 32 years years from on and so on?
I believe he will.
I heard this quote from a journo while watching the memorial, she said: "...there are stars, then there are superstars, and then of course is Michael Jackson - The Supernova".
Michael was a rarity, unique - a talent like that only surfaces once in a hundred years.
He will be remembered forever. :)
Trust me...

He will never ever die....well- in the sense his legacy will always live.

People like Michael is gonna be remembered in the history books FOREVER!

I mean, look at me. I didn't grow up during the height of his fame and I couldn't care less about him yet after stumbling upon a MJ video randomly in youtube one day, I could not help but be in awe of him. I was so fascinated and look at me now. I'm just one of the many who discovered his genius thanks to the magic of the internet. I guarantee many more will continue to discover him. Like Michael said, Great art never dies.
Michael is famous worldwide. He is much bigger than Elvis. Only old and westerners remember Elvis.
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Michael is famous worldwide. He is much bigger than Elvis. Only old and westerners remember Elvis.
Well I don't think that's quite right. There's many youngsters who like his music, too.

I think Michael will be absolutely remembered just as Elvis is today.
Didn't they just sell Elvis' hair and other stuff or something? :blink:
Yeah. And there lots of impersonators of Elvis nowadays. You know.

Hah, I just became Elvis fan two days after Michael died because one theater play which was based on Elvis' music.

But thinking 32 years from now on... there'll be Elvis and Michael still as the King of Rock 'n' roll and the King of Pop there. I believe so. And there's records being released during these 32 years. Like Elvis. There's published some Elvis tracks every now and then.
Nothing is the same as being a Michael Jackson fan :) MJ fans have a beautiful, unique connection to Michael and to each other. Michael's legacy will live on forever. True art never dies.

I like Elvis but I think he is very over rated.
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i saw this topic and the first thing i thought was.
OMG mike,s really gone from this earth.
Sometimes i forget that he ahs died...
An dtopics like these are throwing me back in reality, damn......

And yeah, i think mike,s popularity will live on from now.
After the movie his popularity will grow even more then ever before, believe me.
The only thing I feared would bring MJ's influence down was the media. MJ would have been even more dominant if it weren't for the media who portrayed him in the worst way possible. Michael, although, remained huge because of his extraordinary talent. However, I sense a change in tide. It is beginning to be "cool" to be an MJ fan. Media has begun to change Michael's portrayal. If things continue, MJ will be the biggest in death. Because frankly, MJ is the most talented with all his unique gifts. He should have been hailed as the King of all singers by the entire world long ago. The only thing that kept MJ from being officially the greatest is the media, although, he unofficially is. Everyone shuts up when confronted with the dazzling records of the great Michael Jackson. Maybe in death he will claim his rightful place as the undisputed number one in his profession. What would have happened to Elvis's legacy if he went through what MJ went through? Plus, Michael achieved a unique feat before his death. What artist would sell the fastest selling tour of all time under MJ's circumstances? NO ONE! He was rumored to have lost his voice, didn't tour in 12 years, haven't put out an album in 8 years, charged with molestation, charged with so many other things in court, considered crazy and weird.....etc. Yet, he caused all that frenzy and madness just by announcing the tours in a two minute conference. Other "artists" didn't go through 5% of the hell MJ did and market themselves in every chance by going to talk shows and all that stuff. However, no one even dares to dream of what MJ did after years and years of negativity. Michael is supreme.
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Let just say Michael is more bigger then elvis b/c Michael is a golble superstar, and elvis is a superstar but really had no 1 hits in the US and not much in uk. Elvis was more known in the US then anyway else.

Its lIke Janet and Michael, shes had more no 1 in the US then the Uk etc.. And Michael's had no 1 ever where.

Do u see where i am comiing from?
Let just say Michael is more bigger then elvis b/c Michael is a golble superstar, and elvis is a superstar but really had no 1 hits in the US and not much in uk. Elvis was more known in the US then anyway else.

Its lIke Janet and Michael, shes had more no 1 in the US then the Uk etc.. And Michael's had no 1 ever where.

Do u see where i am comiing from?

Yeah don't want to get into that really 'cause it always gets ugly, but Michael is absolutely bigger worldwide than pretty much any pop star I can think of, Elvis included. But of course Elvis did very well for himself, but he's bigger in America than anywhere else. Michael is more global. Michael is truly a global superstar.

I think that Mike will be remembered for a long time. :D

I agree. I'm worried about how the media will portray him or how they will acknowledge him, but a person and entertainer like Michael comes around once in a lifetime. He is so unique and incredible, I think he'll be remembered for many many years.
Yeah. And there lots of impersonators of Elvis nowadays.
Yeah only in America.
And if dressing up in Elvis clothes and singing his songs is considered an Elvis impersonator. Then i think Michael has more impersonators.
Maybe in America but I haven't seen any impersonators of Michael here yet. And yeah, I've seen Elvis impersonators few every now and then. ;)

But we'll see about that.
not really cos michael is like a bilion times better
michael, michael, michael.. from his graceful moves and his divine voice, to his beautiful smile and his incredible talents...

here is a man loved by the world, with fans that love him like family. the rapper 'the game' says in his lovely tribute that we are ALL jackson kids. michael captured the hearts and souls of many generations for five decades, and will remain beloved for the rest of time.

one day in the future a man may look up at the sun as it sets in the red sky of mars, laying down at night while he listens to the music of one of humanity's greatest artists thinking about how far he has come, the first men to land there, driven by a passion placed into his soul by the wondrous life, song and messages of our beloved michael.

yes, he will live forever. one day, 100 years from now a child may discover that magic truly does exist as he witnesses the works of Michael Joseph Jackson.

i love you, Michael.
I think his legacy will be even greater than that of Elvis. He has such a HUGE fanbase, and basically every single person in the world knows him. I hope other MJ-fans think as I do and will expose their future children to Michael all the time, cause that will inevitably make them fans too :)
Yeah Sorrowbird, my nephew is really into Michael. As hard as it is for me to watch TII, and as much as it tears me apart seeing Michael as happy and determined as he was, I'm going to take my nephew to see it and it will only help to bring Michael to another generation.