Is anyone finding it all a bit too much ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Do not want to get negative or depressing but I have and still am finding it hard without Michael and whilst I am pleased to have new material etc. It is also such a big reminder of what we have lost and how excited I would be if Michael was here. DOes this sound crazy ?
not at all. it seems depressing to me too... I hear the song, and I like it and I want more. I want to see a video of him in it, I want him to be happy with this album, I want anticipation... With this, we got nothing like that. After the album... We can just hope we get some more songs... seeing the HMH video I was like, damn I want to see how he would have dressed for the video etc. It's one of the most depressing things ever, and an inexplicable loss , not to see the genius back to his throne.
I'm right there with you friend!! Everytime i hear a new song i'm excited, but at the same time, the thoughts that we will never see a new short film, or live performance for that song kick in and i bum out again. Especially when i fist heard "behind the mask" which is a totally amazing song, but the sampled crowd bits from Bucharest just remind me that we will NEVER see that song live, and it sucks. Not a day goes by that i don't miss him massively
not at all. it seems depressing to me too... I hear the song, and I like it and I want more. I want to see a video of him in it, I want him to be happy with this album, I want anticipation... With this, we got nothing like that. After the album... We can just hope we get some more songs... seeing the HMH video I was like, damn I want to see how he would have dressed for the video etc. It's one of the most depressing things ever, and an inexplicable loss , not to see the genius back to his throne.

I know what you mean:yes: because every day I thought what would Michael think of all this good news and would he have gone to London to say thank you or what:(
I still think that the new album is just too soon...........
Do not want to get negative or depressing but I have and still am finding it hard without Michael and whilst I am pleased to have new material etc. It is also such a big reminder of what we have lost and how excited I would be if Michael was here. DOes this sound crazy ?
Not crazy at all....I feel the same way. I try not to think about it too much, though. That's why I am hardly here as well. It's too difficult.
The album Michael helps for me.
it's not crazy at all, it's all bittersweet now.

I agree.

I keep reminding myself.

Despite all the controversy:

--Whether Michael is really "Michael" singing.
--Should the songs be released?
--Is this what he would have wanted?
--Someone calls another person this, that and the other thing all in "defense" of Michael and their viewpoint.

The only thing we all want is Michael with us. And that's the hardest part. :no:
I am both grateful and sad. It's a reminder of his genius and also a reminder of our great loss.
I've been having a hard time with it all. Controversy aside (which has been emotional for me), the loss seems bigger than ever for me now. I miss him all the time.
No, it's not crazy at all. Right now I want to scream. I just wish MJ was still here.
I agree.

I keep reminding myself.

Despite all the controversy:

--Whether Michael is really "Michael" singing.
--Should the songs be released?
--Is this what he would have wanted?
--Someone calls another person this, that and the other thing all in "defense" of Michael and their viewpoint.

The only thing we all want is Michael with us. And that's the hardest part. :no:

Same here.
And all this makes things even worst.
I found myself crying for him again yesterday and at some point today too. He is simply most of the time in my mind. How good is that? There's no use in me suffering this much, and yet, I can't help it.

There are days when I truly wish I had never ever came to the forums, while others I hate myself for never registering earlier. I don't know. This is really very difficult and painful. Add to this my doubts about some vocals, the discussions and the division among fans, people judging each other in such hard terms... it's so sad :(

I wish I could hold him just once... it's so painful he is not here anymore :weeping:
*huggs anna too jemini ..everyone (huggs)..its like "hasnt got his blessing" hes not here to seal it ..seal the deal and it somewhat makes the pain magnatude with the controverse about it all too ..just i , kno. yeah im with you lot here .:weeping:*shrugs* huggs everyone .
*huggs anna too jemini ..everyone (huggs)..its like hasnt got his blessing ...somewhat makes the pain magnatude with the controverse about it all too ..just i , kno..:weeping:*shrugs* huggs everyone .
Thank you, Wendi. :huggy: :heart: :better:
sure, there is a chance Michael would not be satisfied with this album, but there is a very cruel fact - he was a celebrity, and the biggest musical artist of all time - it is nothing but logical for people to release his music,and for people to want more from him and of him...

that's just the way it is - something's gotta give...
I know how you feel. I am watching the video and I think it's really nice but I am crying. I am seeing all these people in the present and yet Michael in past clips. It really hits home with these kinds of things that he is gone. Sometimes listening to his music and watching other videos like time stops and you don't think about him being gone but all these new songs just makes it harder. I like the songs and I am sure once I listen to the album I love it but I wish Michael was here. Everything is bittersweet now. It is still an adjustment to him being gone. It's hard.
It is tough definitely. HMH video had me in tears reminding me of our huge loss.
I try to keep positive though and his new album does help me a lot. He always said he attached his soul to his music so I keep reminding myself of that. So when I hear his music I feel he is alive and with me. Of course there are always times when the reality comes crashing down on me and I get really down. I miss him soo much. sigh
in the HMH video when the voice whispers "come back". that says it all for me.

I still have my parents,brothers and sisters with me (thank you God) but I have experienced the loss of grandparents aunts and uncles whom I loved very much but losing Michael knocked me down and I still haven't gotten up.

i think I would do anything if I could make it so you never left us.

I will love you forever but I have no doubt I will see you again.
*raises hand* :) me too. There's part of me that wants to get super excited like I used to when there's something new out... but the reality is that it's not the same at all. While it's sooo good to hear his voice, it feels empty- and it's not like I knew Michael and got to personally thank him when he released something... but he was the joy of it for me.

With all the new things coming out, it feels overwhelming and kind of empty. It reminds me that he's not here to share it with, that it's not something he's personally put the final touch on, and all the people who never appreciated Michael before are now in our circle, yet still don't understand everything Michael was. So it's still a happy feeling when I hear his voice, it's not the pure joy I used to feel. It still feels bittersweet.
in the HMH video when the voice whispers "come back". that says it all for me.

Huh? Where do you hear that? If you're talking about the ending, I thought it was Michael whispering "Hold My Hand". lol
I feel the same. I still didn"t recover from that terrible loss and I never will. Never.
We all have been waiting so long for the new album and it is understandable that we are excited. But so sad at the same time.
It is so hard. I have buildt my own Michael - world where I live.
Otherwise it would be too hard. I miss him beyond words.
Noone who loves Michael truly will never recover!
By listening to his voice and watching him in clips and photos we feel him more and he keeps us from getting crazy because of the loss!
Im still crying because hes gone.
It will probably never get better.. Especially now with the new album I feel happy and sad at the same time.
It's all bittersweet... But the album is a piece of comfort... flashes remind us of his genius and what we love in him most!
I've found it.... strange. It's like I feel excitement over all the new stuff....but it's a weird excitement because there is this huge sadness mixed in with the excitement if that makes sense?