Is anyone else remembering the cool breeze of Dorchester Oct '05


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know this was like 4 years ago and technically on this date Michael wasn't even in London he'd left like a week ago, but, recently I haven't been able to get Michael's trip to London when he stayed at Dorchester Hotel out of my head! I remember how excited I was when hearing Michael was in London and it was so good to hear that he was happy and travelling/recording after his ordeal. There was something so special about this particular time for me, it signalled a triumph that Michael was getting on with his life. There was such an optimism in the air and the fans were buzzing at seeing him, from his frequent waving from the window to when he stood on top of his car. It was like he was glad to be back too.

I thought I'd just share my reminisces and wondered if anyone else having been there or not also "remembered the time."
I occassionaly think back to those days.
I made this thread when he had got back to the US after the 02 conference because I was still in awe that he was so near by.
fecking freezing that wind down the side of the dorch. but not as bad as almost snow in march 07
Just thinking about it was the first trip where I actually got close to him London 01 didn't really see him and Berlin only saw him at the window
OMG i remember this like it was yesterday i nearlly got arrested because i was standing in the road so i could see michael in the window! The police came and moved us all out of the road ha ha! I didnt wanna move!

I can remember michael kept playing with the light switch! Oh god its nice to remember these things thank you for bringing it up! :)
OMG i remember this like it was yesterday i nearlly got arrested because i was standing in the road so i could see michael in the window! The police came and moved us all out of the road ha ha! I didnt wanna move!

I can remember michael kept playing with the light switch! Oh god its nice to remember these things thank you for bringing it up!

yeah i remember that.i think we scared a few bus drivers when they saw all those ppl stood in the middle of park lane looking up at a window yeah the switch. makes u smile now! what id give to be freezing my u know whats off there now *Sigh*
Aw, it's nice to hear people share their memories like this.
I wish I had a similar experience to share, but I don't. :(
My first mj trip :) I remember it like it where yesterday

Yeah me too, I think that's why and actually it was probably the best as Michael seemed to really respond.

I can't remember feeling cold as I was so excited!

And oh my God 'Michael's Wendy Bird' I swear I did not even realise that was a road until my friend and I went back at a later date and I was like hold on how could we have stood there it's a road, and she was like we were on the road!

Even the police were quite funny and you could see they were excited too. I'll never forget we couldn't work out where Mike was and the police couldn't say (I did try getting it out of them), though when he got back they told us Michael went to the Odeon to see wallace & Gromit. How aww is that.

I remember it was you Elusive Moonwalker who replied to my thread on directions how to get there so thanks for that!

Has anyone any pictures at hand to share (though I'll just go through the archives if not).
God i took no pictures so if anyone has any they would be happy for me to have from those few days i would really appreciate it! :(

I love that we stopped the whole traffic on park lane ha ha! Michael must have been like WTF we could have all been run over by cars and taxis ha ha! (ok thats not funny but you know what i mean)

I sware i took me about half an hour to see where michael was which window everyone was screaming and cheering and i was like where is he i cant see him :( Then i saw him oh i sware i squealed like a baby!

I found this one! I can see myself god what a night ha ha!
jiblet took one of me one of those nights maybe that night and posted it on mjjf as it was then. if u come across it bluewolley hat with a brolley if i remember right
Thanks for posting the picture it certainly brings back the memories! There were so many of us!

I have a video, it's better to listen to rather than visually but how do I upload a link for a video on here?
There were loads of people it was amazing then compared to march this year i got to the hotel and there were like 10 people there :( I suppose more people turned up later in the week which was good! :) But the whole time at the dorchester it was packed!
Yeah like after I remember, I went to Hemel Hempel in Nov 06, Carlton Towers in March 2007? and the Royal Gardens Hotel In Kensington May (2008?) but it was never as packed and never was there such a vibe.
I always wanna be back there! And even when I'm just in and around that part of London (even Marble Arch) or just central London and I feel a kind of exciting buzz I kinda get reminded of it. Sorry to come over as a little Dorchester obsessed!

Yeah the Hempel was busy but I didn't get to see Mike and the arrangement of where to stand etc. annoyed me.
I was really lucky at the hemple i stood right by the door and remember Michael coming back with a peter pan cuddly toy! Oh i just wanted to squeeze him! It was a bit crazy though i remember the porters/door people coming out and being like look michael has gone to bed you might as well go home then the next thing you know he is at the window ha ha! I was like okay mate! Sorry to everyone inside but damn michael is hear what do u expect!

Sorry going off topic! I love being near the Dorchester although it just feels wrong now if that makes sense!
my first experience of the dorch was in may 2000 i guess it will be forever enshrined (sp) in mj folklaw. threads like this make u realise it will never happen again, its so hard to comprehend.

carlton in 2007 was a pretty short notice trip and wasnt anything offical so i guess that was why there werent as many there and it was sooo cold. and with march this year it was such short notice it was crazy. pretty imposs for most ppl to get there. the stupid mail did an article at the time saying look hes got no fans. they took pictures from when he was here for the history so u had fans travelling here for the concert at the hotel and compaired it to one taken on wed morn when fans had only found out tues night that mj was consdiering what we know now im gald i went and was there when he left sunday morning with around 15 other fans. if only we knew *sigh*

i liked the hemple hotel although a nightmare to find at first. it was like it was in the back of beyond. yet paddington station was only roundthe corner instead of trecking from bayswater everyday lol i LOVED that balcony thats what made the hotel great. al lthe others have always been quite high up but when he came out onto it or just when he was at the window was amazing.

i guess the pre 05 trips bar the WMA and march will always be the special ones cause when mj came he was actually attending something, u knew u would see him there and u kinda knew how long he would stay based on the when the events were that he was attending.even the fan clubs got told when he was arriving so u could welcome him at the hotel!and he was coming once a year pretty much spot on. either it was oxford or the sony demo or the liz taylor tribute. it was you annual mj holiday. i didnt like the trips or rumours when he would just turn up pretty much out of the blue and u were like do i or dont i go down and how longs he gonna be here for.

anyway nice thread for abit of escapism
Yeah it's really nice to reminisce but really hard to know you won't experience it again.

The other trips were often short notice but it was always fun second-guessing and doing the detective work on how/where to follow Mike. I understand though for those living further it must of been a pain.

Oh my God it took me ages to find the Hemel a friend and I even ended up going into some random hotel with this guy who was a tourist so we could see a a map. Paddington was closer, damn wish I knew! The hotel security weren't that welcoming and I remember asking one of the posh local residents for directions and she was like yes i definitely know he's here I can hear fans chanting, it keeps me up at night! She wasn't being horrible about it though.

Doesn't surprise me about the Mail. Post 25/6 I guess I do sometimes look back and think I wish I got closer or went more often, but guess that's life.