Is anyone else on and off fan?

Dangerous 1991 HIStory

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I became huge MJJ fan in 2005. For next three years i was totally obsessed with him, with collecting MJJ stuff etc.

However, in early 2008 i became depressed and I lost interest in everything. Including MJ.

I barely listened his music for 1 year.

However, 21 days ago, when he announced tour i became fan again. I fell in love with his music, and i feel so bad that i missed out 1 year!!

So, is anyone else on and off fan?
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I also lost some interest after my father died as I became depressed too, but recently, oh boy I'm catching up!! :lol: :D
I think I can relate to that. It's not so much being an on and off's just that..the past year..nothing was really happening in the MJ it's easy to kind of lose interest. But once there's a spark..the fire lights

P.S. I love how you said "I falled in love with his music.." lol..that sounds so cute :). It should be "I fell in love.." :D.
well i had the same experience a few years back. I cant remember when i became a fan, i think i was around 10,11 so its hard for me to remember exactly how and when i became a proper fan. But around the trial time, i fell out of love with michael and didnt listen to his music for like a year :(:( (how dare i!!) But then i remember getting a new cd player and for some reason decided to replay off the wall, and then i was obsessed again! And iv never looked back!! lol xx good thread btw, i think its happend to everyone once in a while.
I think I can relate to that. It's not so much being an on and off's just that..the past year..nothing was really happening in the MJ it's easy to kind of lose interest. But once there's a spark..the fire lights

P.S. I love how you said "I falled in love with his music.." lol..that sounds so cute :). It should be "I fell in love.." :D.

That's true. I always forget that fall is Irregular verb lol.
Beside that mistake, my english is quite good for a teenager:)
As an old school long time fan I went through that period in my very late 20s that lasted 3 years of not keeping up with anything MJ LOL then i got a computer in 1999 and my fandom came back through the internet.
I think I can relate to that. It's not so much being an on and off's just that..the past year..nothing was really happening in the MJ it's easy to kind of lose interest. But once there's a spark..the fire lights

P.S. I love how you said "I falled in love with his music.." lol..that sounds so cute :). It should be "I fell in love.." :D.

I agree with you. Don't get me wrong, I'm always listening to his music and watching videos but over the last year when nothing really happened I was never on this board. I would just come on here and check the news thread and then move onto something else. And also I would never go on the official site as it never was updated.

Over the last couple of months though, I've been mainly on here when on the internet lurking and occasionally posting.
Im glad im not the only one!
It's kinda logical. No mather how much we love MJJ, sometimes you simply get bored with those 100 songs that he released in past 30 years! Even when i was completely obsessed with him, there were still some off days, if you know what i mean....
I go in and out of different phases of being a fan, sometimes his music and videos are all I do and listen to, however there are times I dont listen at all and try and focus on other projects and things, its weird though, in spite of it all, Im still a huge MJ fan but yea my obsession has peaks and vallies LOL!
Uhm not really.. I don't really know when i started to be a fan of him exactly. I always said it was between Dangerous and History but i remember i asked my dad to take me to his Dangerous Concert so i might been a fan even before that. Anyway i also had my way obsessed period but luckily that stopped soon since that costed to much energy. I still did collect MJ goodies but only the ones i really liked and went to parties and other fan events. In the more quiet periods i was still a fan but i gave my other interests more space. The last 2 years or something it was so quiet around him that he was really pushed somewhat to the background but i never quit being a fan. I did check if there was news about him every once in a while still had my MJ weekends (when i play my MJ DVD's and music all day). And now i have the same feeling again as a few years ago and it feels great!
True i'm not that obsessed as i was like 10 years ago, back then i told everyone i was a fan wether they wanted to hear it or not. Now some of my collegues didn't even know till i told them last week. Not that i hide it or anything (they could have read it all the time on my hyves page or just ask for my music taste) but i'm more then just an MJ fan and in my experiense people start to talk bad about him assoon as they know you are a fan. And once again last week was prove of that.

I believe the fanfeeling can't be the same all the time. At first it's all new and you are all excited and after a while it becomes normal and such.