Is anyone aware of what's happening in Burma??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
How come the only sings of concern I see regarding this matter are pictures posted on Facebook? I was actually surprised to see that there is no thread about this issue here. I do not blame anyone for not knowing about it, because I have come to realize that the media is simply not shedding enough light to this devastating matter. That is one reason I do not like looking into what the media has to present because it is always bias. So yeah, before posting this thread, I googled news about this issue and I found out that most of these news websites were actually asian.

Now for those of you who have absolutely no idea about what I'm talking about, I'll put it very simply.
The minority of Muslims living in Burma are being killed for....being Muslims. Innocent lives of families (including children) are heartlessly being put to an end by the country's majority (Buddhists). This has been going on since July!
Here are some articles:

Rohingya Muslims killed, raped by Myanmar forces: HRW

Naypyidaw: Human Rights Watch has accused the Burmese military of killing, rape and mass arrests targeting Rohingya Muslims during recent sectarian violence in Western Burma.

The bloodshed in Rakhin state between Muslim Rohingya and largely Buddhist communities erupted in May after a Arakan Buddhist woman was sexually assaulted and murdered.The report released Wednesday by Human Rights Watch says hundreds of Muslim Rohingya men and boys have been detained in mass arrests since June. It says their whereabouts are, as yet, unknown.It also says that the Burmese government initially failed to take measures to stop the flare up of violence between ethnic Rakhine Burmese and Rohingya Muslims which began in June. The violence, which has left many dead and led to the displacement of more than 100,000 people, has also focused new attention on the plight of about one million members of the Rohingya minority, who live in Burma but are not accepted as citizens there, or in neighbouring Bangladesh.Human Rights Watch says government security forces stood by and failed to intervene in the June 3 attack. Later, as violence escalated and thousands of Rohingya rioted, it says police and paramilitary trooped fired on Rohingya communities.Rights workers interviewed both Arakan and Ronhingya communities.A Rohingya man recounts how his house was raided by the military. He explains how the military searched all the homes. He says when no adults were found, soldiers tied up and beat the children until they fainted.Both ethnic communities attacked villages and neighborhoods, destroying and burning homes, shops and houses of worship.In the capital of Sittwe most Muslims have fled or have been forcibly relocated. Shops held by Muslims have been commandeered by the state.Burma largely denies citizenship to the estimated 800,000 to one million Rohingya, adding to communal tensions.The report’s release coincides with U.N. human rights envoy Tomas Ojea Quintana’s official visit to Burma. Quintana traveled to Rakhin state to evaluate the damage to the region. He is expected to report his findings in the coming days.


Myanmar Muslims killed for not converting to Budhism: JI

Myanmar Muslims killed for not converting to Budhism: JIJAMAAT-e-Islami Syed Munawar Hasan has expressed grave concerns that Myanmar Muslims were being massacred after they rejected the Buddhist pressure to convert to Buddhism.

He appealed to the world community, especially the Muslim rulers, to exert diplomatic pressure on Myanmar government to stop its atrocities on Muslim population and protect their basic human rights.

He said this in a statement after a three-member delegation of Myanmar Muslims called on him at Mansoora on Wednesday and apprised him of the plight of Myanmar Muslims and the brutalities being perpetrated on them.

Syed Munawar Hasan said tens of thousands of Myanmar Muslims were lying at the borders of Burma and Bangladesh. They badly need financial assistance. He said they were being tortured by the state machinery and the armed forces. But unfortunately, the world community, the media and the so-called human rights bodies were completely silent.

Syed Munawar Hasan said the JIP had set up a relief fund for the Myanmar Muslims. He appealed to the well-to-do people and philanthropists to donate generously for the help of their brethrens facing unprecedented atrocities. Earlier, leader of the delegation, Noor Husain Arakani, told the JI Ameer that Myanmar Muslims were being forced to convert to Buddhism, and on their refusal, they were being subjected to untold brutalities.

They have been asked to eat pork and drink liquor. Cases of gang-rape have increased. At some places, the Muslims were being burnt alive. They were even not allowed to use mobile phones. In fact, the Burmese government wanted to clear Burma of the Muslim population, he added.

APML: All Pakistan Muslim League Secretary General Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif urged the Muslim countries to rescue the Muslims from the cruelties of Buddhist community and Burmese armed forces.

All Pakistan Muslim League Secretary General said that over 500 Muslim villages had been incinerated during the last two months and thousands of people exterminated. The persecution of the Burmese Muslims at the hands of the Buddhist mobs is limitless. Yet all human rights organisations have adopted a criminal silence over the genocide. Saif also urged the government of Pakistan to raise voice for the poor Muslims at the international forums. The whole Muslim world should join hands to get the poor Burmese out of their distress and misery, he added.


I would have posted pictures of these horrible events, but due to the fact that there has not been proper media coverage of this matter, I am concerned about the legitimacy of these images I came across through google. Some maybe real while some may not. Nevertheless, these images were not easy to look at. PLEASE feel free to do come research about these killings in Burma. I felt that this matter needs be brought to attention everywhere. It’s truly shocking and sickning to see how the world is silent about these killings.

Kindly take 30 seconds of your time to sign a petition by clicking this link below. (This is an effort towards grabbing UN's attention, hoping that these ruthless killings will come to a stop) :<wbr>petitions/<wbr>ohchr-palais-wilson-to-help-the<wbr>-muslims-in-burma-that-are-bei<wbr>ng-part-of-an-ethnic-genocide

Thank You.
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Thank you for posting.
I had no idea about this,petition signed.
Mrs. Emine Erdo?an Turkish PM's Wife in tears as Turkish bring aid to the Rohingya Muslims of Burma

Mrs. Emine Erdogan (wife of Turkish PM) at the Banduba refugee camp in the Myanmar coastal state of Rakhine. Turkish people have come forward to help Innocent Muslims of Burma who are facing worst conditions in their own country of residence. Wife of Turk Prime Minister starts weeping after seeing the shocking condition of Burmese Muslims. We appreciate the courage of the Turkish Govt. and hope they will continue their leading role to support Burmese Muslims.
