Is a world tour a Dream or is it on the cards ??

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Proud Member
Apr 16, 2009
Blackburn, England
In my opinion Knowing Michael I think the London shows are just the beggining, I think he may go to the following countries after the London o2 shows:

*Romania(Bucharest maybe??)

Im not sure but about the USA, however I do think the fans in the US do deserve it, but I think this is unlikely for him to go here as he has tacken alot of stick off the US but you never know, so all you US fans all I can say is I hope he comes to a town near you and dont give up hope Michael is always suprizing us we all know that !!

Where do you think Michael will go next (If anywhere)??. Where do you want him to perform ??

Also I dont want to sound to girly but lets talk hair what do you think MJ's hair will be like ??
for me I think he shouls have it like he did in the HIStory tour or the Dangerous tour.

However I would love to see Michael jump out on stage with an afro now that would be a site to see !!!.

But what do you think about the hair please share your thougts ??.
There is a thread in MJGD that discusses the possibilities of other stops Michael may make and another in Michaelmania that discusses hairstyles everyone wants to see. Just do a quick search and if you can't find them let me know I'll get ya links. I'm going to close this one :yes:
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