Iron Man 3

I saw this on Wednesday and it was great! I didn't like the 2nd one very much but this was huge improvement. This was almost perfect Iron Man movie and Shane Black was right director for this. Robert Downey Jr. was awesome as always as Tony Stark/Iron Man. I hope he continues to play Stark as long as he can.
I saw this on Wednesday and it was great! I didn't like the 2nd one very much but this was huge improvement. This was almost perfect Iron Man movie and Shane Black was right director for this. Robert Downey Jr. was awesome as always as Tony Stark/Iron Man. I hope he continues to play Stark as long as he can.
Glad you enjoyed it but most of all kudos to you for not sharing any spoilers. I'll be seeing it on sunday in IMAX.
I liked the first two movies better. I was kind of disappointed with this one. Robert was brilliant, as always, but certain aspects of the movie ruined it for me. I will elaborate later on, once people have had time to see the movie as not to spoil anything. :lol:
So just came back from seeing IRON MAN 3 and it was awesome!!! Great return to form for the franchise. Was certainly better than the second film. I wouldn't argue with anyone if they said this was the best IM film or if they still think the first film is the best. Hope to see the film one more time. There is one twist that will certainly divide people on. If comic book fans don't like the twist I can say I understand why.
I saw this last night and I thought it was brilliant, but the more I think of it the more I realise it's the Best of the series. Great GREAT movie that I might actuallywatch again tonight.

Hope downey returns. He IS iron man.