Iron Man 2


Proud Member
Oct 25, 2009
Ok, so I am going to see this this evening. I hope it will be a good one. Has anyone seen it yet. What did you think of it?

Let's share.:yes:
Saw a midnight screening last night. It was the type of entertainment you'd expect a flick like this to be. I had fun.
It was entertaining. And it features Scarlett Johansson...oh yeaaaah. :wild:
Thanks for the reply guys!

Was it better than the first, on par, or not as good? I'm so excited to go to the movies with a large group of people. Fortunately we are going to the theater where they are loud and rowdy. If the movie was not as good, it will be by the time the moviegoers get through with it.
Saw a midnight screening last night. It was the type of entertainment you'd expect a flick like this to be. I had fun.

Great to hear. Two of my fav actors are Robert D. and Don Cheadle. Can't wait to see it.

Do you agree with a lot of the critics? That it tried to cram in too many characters?
I finally saw it. I have to admit that I really liked it. It was very exciting and just fun. Yay!
I'm going to see it today! My boyfriend is dragging me to see it...but it'll probably be
Hopefully you will like it Arklove. I thought it was pretty cool even though there were some scenes that I was grabbing my bro's arm and saying for him to tell me when it was over.:D
Hopefully you will like it Arklove. I thought it was pretty cool even though there were some scenes that I was grabbing my bro's arm and saying for him to tell me when it was over.:D

i really did like it...although i fell asleep for about half an hour :blush: :lmao:
I've seen it 3 times. It's AWESOME...LOVED. EVERY. MOMENT. OF. IT.

Can Robert Downey Jr. get anymore adorable and sexified? LOL!

Heck, I usually cant stand Scarlett Johansen but I actually didnt mind her in this film. I thought she kicked ass. (Literally and figuratively).

I'd see it again in a heart beat. I also thought it was as good as the original. And no I did not feel they crammed a bunch of characters in, the critics who say that are probably just looking to find SOMETHING to whine about. **rolls eyes**

And even though I missed Terrence Howard in it, Don Cheadle did his thing. It was all VERY good.

And it proved that RDJ can act his cute little bum off, even in a super hero action flick.

Go see it, if you haven't.

Good times will be had by all.

:) which is better...avatar or iron man 2? lol

LOL....Pfft Iron Man 2....hands down. I never understood the whole 'hype' over avatar. I didnt see the film in 3D...maybe that's why? **shruggs** I don't know...LOL...Anyway this is about IRON MAN 2....WOOOOOOOOOT! hehehehe....

**spoiler ahead**

Iron Man Drunk was very VERY funny. LOL.

Good times.