Irish radio and tv presenter Gerry Ryan found dead on Friday April 30


omg, Im in shock here, just found out that one of Irelands most famous tv and radio presenters has been found dead in his home. He failed to turn up for his radio show on Friday morning and was found in his home.
Ryan's death not being treated as suspicious
CONOR LALLY Crime Correspondent

INVESTIGATION: GARDAÍ ARE not treating Gerry Ryan’s death as a criminal matter. However, a postmortem will be carried out to establish the cause of death and an inquest will be held.

It is believed that Mr Ryan phoned RTÉ on Thursday night to say he would not be in work to do his radio programme yesterday morning. It is unclear if he was feeling ill or had made other plans.

Mr Ryan’s partner, who did not live with him, became concerned when she did not hear him on the radio yesterday morning and was unable to contact him by phone.

She called to his apartment on Leeson Street Upper, Dublin 4, and, with the help of a builder working nearby, managed to break the lock on the hall door and went in at 12.30pm.

Garda sources said Mr Ryan was found by his partner on the floor of his bedroom beside his bed.There were no visible injuries on his body and no signs of a break-in or any disturbance at the apartment. The emergency services, including gardaí, were alerted. The property was sealed off and an examination was carried out by gardaí to check for anything suspicious. Nothing was found.

There was a heavy media presence outside Ryan’s apartment after news broke of his death. A doctor arrived at about 3pm and left within 20 minutes. The remains were later removed.

Book of condolence opens for Ryan

Books of condolence will open again today for Gerry Ryan, the RTE broadcaster who died on Friday.

RTÉ said it would reopen its books from 12pm until 6pm. Almost 2,000 people signed the books yesterday, the broadcaster said.

Minister for Arts Mary Hanafin was one of the first to arrive at the RTÉ Radio Centre yesterday. "The nation has been shocked by such a sudden loss. He was not just a great broadcaster, he was a great entertainer," she said.

"The fact that he was in homes all over the country meant people thought they had a personal relationship with him.

"People are grieving for somebody they had not even met. People feel like he has been in their home. The country is not only in shock, but grieving for the loss of a great man."

Ryan (53) was found dead at his apartment in Dublin on Friday morning.

Constance Byrne-Edodo fought back tears and clutched a copy of his autobiography. "I never knew him, but I felt that I knew him and that he was only a phone call away if I wanted him. Nobody will replace him, there is a void."

Peter Behan, who had phoned in once to complain about Ryan's take on the Mahon Tribunal, said the country had "lost a son, not a father. He was too young to be the nation's father".

Anastasia Leonard, who came with her two daughters to sign the book of condolence, described Ryan as the "heart and soul of Ireland. He will never be replaced."

Similar sentiments were expressed in the book of condolence. "Like most of the country, my trip to work will never be the same", "the man, the legend and everyone's best friend" and a "ray of colour in a grey world" were just some of the expressions of interest.

A separate book of condolence will open at the Mansion House in Dublin tomorrow.

Garda sources said there were no signs of a break-in or any disturbance at Ryan's apartment. The exact cause of death will not be established until after a postmortem is carried out.

His death has shocked his fans and RTÉ colleagues, many of whom struggled to hold back their tears on air on Friday.

On a tribute show on 2fm yesterday morning, U2’s Bono and Edge described him as the “nation’s weather vane” and a “great analyst of the country’s affairs”.

The band's manager Paul McGuinness praised the late broadcaster on RTÉ's Marian Finucane yesterday morning.

"He was an extraordinary larger than life, but he had extraordinary breadth and depth. He knew so much," he said. "The whole country is in mourning now. The country was in love with him."

Sean Haughey, who was a childhood friend of the broadcaster, described him as a great ambassador for North Dublin and praised Ryan's independence.

"He was a very independent thinker, independent in his views about politics or whatever the subject was. He didn't just go with the consensus," he said.

"He liked to live close to the edge, he did push things to the limit. He had that sense of danger; he liked that sense of danger and that as certainly evident in his teenage years...He took risks on air and people accepted it."

Writer John Banville described Ryan as "a marvellous storyteller, a marvellous raconteur".

"He struck me as being very much like an 18th century wit. He was very funny, but he was also very witty and there's a difference. His humour, which really appealed to me was very much language-based, he was alive to the comic possibilities of language, and the ambiguity of language," he said.

Gay Byrne, Joe Duffy, Dave Fanning, Pat Kenny and Brenda Donohue took part in a special Late Late Show on Friday night.

"Often he was overlooked in ways," Kenny said.

"There are talents of varying degrees which have come from RTE, I think it's been a great training ground for people. But I think with Mr Wogan and Mr Byrne, you are the holy trinity as far as I'm concerned."

The panel shared memories of Ryan throughout his career.

"What I remember most about him is his jollity, his sense of fun, his skit, his bloody minded awkwardness for the sake of being awkward to get at somebody and to rise them," Byrne said.

RTÉ director general Cathal Goan said it was a “moment of inexpressible grief” for the broadcaster. Ryan had been a fixture at RTÉ for nearly all his career and his 2FM Gerry Ryan Show, with more than 300,000 listeners every morning, made him the “rock” of the station, according to colleague Larry Gogan.

An emotional Joe Duffy described Ryan as the “boldest broadcaster in every sense of that word”. Gay Byrne described him as an “unconstrained spirit”.

Ryan was separated from his wife Morah, with whom he had five children. A brief statement from the family said they were in “complete shock”.
Totally agree...was a very arrogant guy and that always came across.Didn't realise he had 5 kids...that's whats sad to me.God help them.
Such a shock. I feel so sorry for Gerry's children. He was loved by a lot of people, including his listeners, and I'm thinking of them too.

I always wanted to go on School Around The Corner with him! RIP.
Gerry's daughter Charlotte mentioned Michael and This Is It in her eulogy of her Dad.
I'm a non-irish person but I am curious as to who he is and what did he do bad? Anyway RIP though.

He was an Irish dj who ran an early morning phone in chat show, he was loved by hundreds of thousands and disliked by probably the same amount, i didn't like him because i found him to be very sleazy and would try and bring most topics around to sex, he would often ask what a woman caller was wearing when it had nothing to do with the topic i rarely listened to him but i heard his show a while back and they were discussing how dogs can actually smell cancer cells and doctors are doing studys to understand it a little more, so Jerry said if you are worried you should strip off naked and let the dog lick you all over he said in the usually dirty voice he puts on, once again he found a way to make it sleazy. I wouldn't have minded his show so much if it was on a private station but i found him inappropriate for the state paid national broadcaster.
What did she say?
She said that she and her siblings watched This Is It with their Dad, who gave a running commentary. They all agreed Michael was taken in his prime and much too young, and little did they think their Dad would go so young too, only months later. :(

I'm a non-irish person but I am curious as to who he is and what did he do bad? Anyway RIP though.

Hey Marie.
He didn't do anything bad at all. Gerry was a radio and TV broadcaster for Ireland's national broadcaster RTE. He's had a morning phone-in radio show for the last 22 years.
He was kind of love/hate in a way. A lot of people absolutely loved him, he had one of the highest listenerships in the country. But some people found him annoying/arrogant/obnoxious I suppose.
He used to always talk about his wife and 5 kids (aged from 10 to 24, poor things), which made people feel close to him and like they knew him. He and his wife separated 2 years ago.
I didn't listen to his radio show really but I still had a soft spot for him.
He was apparently going to fulfil his dream of having a primetime TV chat show in the Autumn schedule. Sadly that won't happen now.
Was never a fan of his so no crocodile tears from me.


Love your honesty and your heart very much.
At least you are not pretending to feel something you don't feel.
Wish there were more perople like you,even if you say that it wouldn't be a good;D