Iphone 4.. Who is going to buy it?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

HD Film Camera on it 720p & 5 megapixel Camera on it... many many options... don't know what the price is going to be but you can find allot of info on www.apple.com

Looks great, Think i am going to buy it also with MJ covers on it.
Right now i have a Nokia N97 witch freezes everytime, so i need to get me a new phone...

anybody here also going to get it??
I don't know. It seems like it's going to be another expensive fad(around $500.00) that will fade away in popularity in about a year, when it will only cost about $200.00. :/
I don't know. It seems like it's going to be another expensive fad(around $500.00) that will fade away in popularity in about a year, when it will only cost about $200.00. :/

And by then, the latest iPhone 5 will be out, or a new iPod mini, or perhaps a new iPad? For me, it's hard to keep up with.
Yeah their always be an upgrade or a new phone... but since i phone and ipad are a hype right now.. i think since the phone got allot of option as well and works good, i will buy one as well..

apple.com says .. starting price is $199,- (really hope so, look at the website)

here they cost like euhmmm 600 euro.. that is like 734.94 US Dollars
I am!! I'll go for the 16gb for $199. I wouldn't come close to using 32 gbs so there's no point. I'm very excited! This phone has some really cool features. Basically, all the features the first iPhone should have had and then some.
I am!! I'll go for the 16gb for $199. I wouldn't come close to using 32 gbs so there's no point. I'm very excited! This phone has some really cool features. Basically, all the features the first iPhone should have had and then some.

yeah same here... i have a n97 right now... 32 gig.. i can't even reach 16 lol .. no need for that .. i will go cheap also haha
I AM TOO! :D And I can't wait, cause I've had a friends old sony ericson for SOOOO long. Everyone I know has an iPhone apart from me, but I'm glad I didn't get one, cause now I can get the new version.

You can get MJ covers?!! Do tell!! :clapping:
I love the the look of the new iphone but I've had my 32Gb 3GS for less than a year... The price in the US - is that with a 12 month contract etc, or is that to buy the phone outright? Also are they going to be locked to networks like the previous versions, or will they be unlocked?
I love the the look of the new iphone but I've had my 32Gb 3GS for less than a year... The price in the US - is that with a 12 month contract etc, or is that to buy the phone outright? Also are they going to be locked to networks like the previous versions, or will they be unlocked?

good question, i would like to know as well... What you can do is approach them and say... what if i return this 1 and want the new 1 with a new contact. then maybe you little extra but you have the newest phone. Not sure tho...

You could also sell it before it will get less worth then it is now. Then you also have to pay little bit
I'm thinking about it. I'm considering getting rid of my land line phone and going completely mobile so I should get something good - and fun. My 2 year contract with AT&T is up in August so I will renew with this. We'll see...
Ordering it straight away! Been waiting for this after breaking my I Phone 3G last mont, I'm going for a white 32GB. :)
Not sure I have the N97 floating around gave it to mum as I got the iphone 3GS which will do me fine for a while. My iphone only has 5GB left on it due to music,videos,photos & apps.
Hoping my ipad arrives tomorrow yay! I'am a Apple girl :)

I have this cover for my iphone:
The one's above are pretty to look at but made cheap. Easy to scratch,chip & break
There are tons of covers but most of the photo ones will wear & break.

Ipad will come down in price over time. I was lucky families I work for got theirs from the states so been playing with their ipad's for a while. They paid for mine lol. We are like family.
I'd buy one, only here they cost more than $1000. so it takes some preparation to buy an iphone :)
I hope they come up with details and when the shops are going to get in the netherlands, because seems that it will get out on 24th of july but they didn't say that we would get it also, only germany, states and some other country's .. :(

Witch is pretty lame i have to tell you hahaha
This iphone looks real cool and the features are way better than previous ones, id like to buy one but if i spend all that money on buying it now, this time next year the same thing will happen when the next iphone comes out and il be stuck in a long contract! Plus there are phones with better features that arent as popular so cost alot less so i think il stick to my android for now .. but this iphone is pretty impressive!!
As far as I know iPhones are still locked with AT&T and you can only get the $199-299 prices if you sign up for a 2 year contract or are already with AT&T and have an available upgrade (which is my scenario).

P.S. I do not understand the appeal of the iPad. I have ZERO interest. To me, it's like technology in reverse. Instead of new technology getting smaller, they've reverted back to the 80's (when telephones, walkmans, and all other electronics were enormous) and made a giant iPod or a giant stripped down iPhone (the iPad doesn't have phone functionality). Why would anyone pay big bucks for that? My iPhone does everything it can do and more. Now, if the iPad was a laptop with laptop capabilities, I would be all over that bad boy! However, that's not the case. It's just a glorified giant iPod. Not worth my bucks.
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The new iphone 4 (16G) is £499.00.. That's a lot of dosh! I'll think I'll stick to the iphone 3GS for now as that will come down in price, and even now you can get pretty good contracts with it, especially on o2.
I want it so badly but I just got my Iphone 3Gs last October so I'm not available for upgrade until Oct 2011 but with my luck I'll get it then and then a couple months will go by and they will announce a newer model
The new iphone 4 (16G) is £499.00

WTF.. for that money i can buy a second hand car :p