Invincible was ahead of it's time


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anyone else agree that certain songs on Invicible was ahead of their time? I've always felt that the songs Heartbreaker and Invincible sound more relevent today than to what they did 8 years ago
I definately agree that Invincible came before it's time
The kind of music we see today really seems to be a poor offspring of the example that amazing Michael Jackson album set. :yes:
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I agree with you too, I think if songs like Heartbreaker were released today, they would be very popular...
But I think most of Michael's albums were ahead of their time, he always plays first fiddle in pop music, but sometimes he does it well (Thriller) and sometimes not (Invincible). Although imo Invincible was great
No. They were fine. Some of them should've just not been on the album.
Some of it sounds dated, some of it sounds like it could be released tommorrow, due to production and quality it was recorded in.
Well um I wouldn't really know because I wasn't listening to pop music at the time Invincible came out. I didn't hear it till this summer. I think it's fabulous, and prob. spawned the sound we hear today (as he always does), although today's sound is growing tired and weary cause it's run out of new things. The sound on Invincible is very fresh, not dated (at least to my ear) and sounds like it could be brand new music. The industry is waiting on something fresh again though and the only one that can produce that freshness is Michael Jackson. He's always leading the way.

In any case, Invincible actually did VERY well. Majority of artists would be jealous to be able to sell as many copies as that album did (more than 9 million). Not to mention the millions of mp3's it has sold. Unfortunately they don't seem to count so the numbers SEEM lower than they really are. I don't think Invincible is a bombshell at all. I think it's beautiful and brilliant.
Yeah...Way ahead. Songs like Invincible, Heartbreaker and Unbreakable would be huge today.
It's not only invincible that you can hear similarities in the pop music today, it's everything he made. The bass-walks from thriller, the percussion from all his music, the way he go from vers to chorrus. And the overall sound. Everyone is trying to make something that sounds as good (maybe they dont directly think about Michael's music, but the sound they are looking for is he's sound!). Now when people begins to get their brains up-to-date and realises everything about Michael - then it's going to be biiiiiiig :)
sorry if I went nuts there.. :p
I always loved Invincible.Unbreakable is master piece and very much ahead of its current time.But ballads on this album were brilliant,Speechless really leaves me speechless..Amazing song,it could have sold more than 18 million copies if controversies againt michael wudnt have occured..
No, I really don't think it was ahead of it's time. I actually think it fitted too much (sorry, i really dont know how to explain this in english :p) to it's time. The Invincible album was around 2001 and almost every artist was making RnB songs like that. Look at artists like Usher and groups like Destiny's Child, they all made songs like that. The songs were really something from around that 'time'. Everything sounded really RnB and the beats were quite similar. Of course I do think Michaels album stood out and that the lyrics were better, but I do think that the album didn't sound like Michael wasn't trying to 're-new' the music industry, something he always did before. The album sounded too much like other artists around that time and made it look, likt he was trying to 'fit' in.
If you would release songs like 'Butterflies' they wouldn't be such a succes like they could be (if they just had the chance) around 2001, because it would sound too much like an ''old'' RnB song. It's not like I'm saying the songs are outdated now, but I just think that the music that is on the album fitted it's time perfectly and would be less of a succes if it's released now.
It definitely was not ahead of its time. I don't think it influenced any of the music today either. Barely anyone outisde of his fanbase has even heard the album, so how can it be so influential? I like most of the album but I hardly consider Michael's best work. Instead of making something outside the box, he made something that had already been done. Brandy's "full moon" album sounds pretty much like the first 3 songs on invincible. And the rest of the cd (except for speechless and the lost children) sounds like any other r&b album of that time.
No, I really don't think it was ahead of it's time. I actually think it fitted too much (sorry, i really dont know how to explain this in english :p) to it's time. The Invincible album was around 2001 and almost every artist was making RnB songs like that. Look at artists like Usher and groups like Destiny's Child, they all made songs like that. The songs were really something from around that 'time'. Everything sounded really RnB and the beats were quite similar. Of course I do think Michaels album stood out and that the lyrics were better, but I do think that the album didn't sound like Michael wasn't trying to 're-new' the music industry, something he always did before. The album sounded too much like other artists around that time and made it look, likt he was trying to 'fit' in.
If you would release songs like 'Butterflies' they wouldn't be such a succes like they could be (if they just had the chance) around 2001, because it would sound too much like an ''old'' RnB song. It's not like I'm saying the songs are outdated now, but I just think that the music that is on the album fitted it's time perfectly and would be less of a succes if it's released now.
"Butterflies" was a number 2 on the R&B charts in the US. The beats on "Heartbreaker" sounds kinda like 1980s Kraftwerk to me. But it's still good. Mike was probably "fitting in" as you put it, that's why he started to use the popular "producer of the month" instead of unknowns or abstract producers. I thought that it was odd that Mike chants "Darkchild", lol. Advertising the producer is what the other R&B/hip-hop acts of today do. In the past nobody mentioned the producer's name in a song.
I think that many of Michael's songs are timeless and can be relevant in any era.
Couldnt agree with you more man... but then again, michaels music is always ahead of its time ;)
"Butterflies" was a number 2 on the R&B charts in the US. The beats on "Heartbreaker" sounds kinda like 1980s Kraftwerk to me. But it's still good. Mike was probably "fitting in" as you put it, that's why he started to use the popular "producer of the month" instead of unknowns or abstract producers. I thought that it was odd that Mike chants "Darkchild", lol. Advertising the producer is what the other R&B/hip-hop acts of today do. In the past nobody mentioned the producer's name in a song.
Almost all the Darkchild-produced songs have that chant. You know what they are, like, He Wasn't Man Enough by Tony Braxton, If I Told You That by Whitney Houston, just to name a few. Mike wasn't an exception.

Back to the topic,

As much as I love the whole Invincible album, I don't think it was ahead of its time.
no. not ahead of its time. what? when i first popped it in, i was dissappointed that Michael stepped back and made stuff that has been done before. i remember going to wall mart i think it was and picking it up first putting it in...i was like...what? its not a bad album but...didnt meet Mike's standards, i think.
Do you think that if Sony agreed to release both the song "Invincible" or "Heartbreaker" or "Unbreakable" along with a killer video, that that would have made the difference with the saleability of Invincible? I think so.
This is the case with most of his albums, That's why the music never sounds dated.
Look at Off the wall? Most music you hear that was recorded in the 70's sounds like music from the 70's not Off the wall, Not to me anyway. That's why his music is timeless :happy:
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This is the case with most of his albums, That's why the music never sounds dated.
Look at Off the wall? Most music you hear that was recored in the 70's sounds like music from the 70's not Off the wall, Not to me anyway. That's why his music is timeless :happy:

You are so right. That's why Alien Ant Farm did their "Smooth Criminal"....cause it is timeless and it sounded even better with that fast rock beat...