Invincible Magazine


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A while ago I started a project called the "Invincible Magazine." In fact, I think it was just about a year ago that this magazine series was hyped and I was ready to post it.

I didn't put it in PDF file, disappointing many, so I decided that I would, and then post the magazines. It was then that I was feeling sort of like the reputation of the magazine had been tarnished; I had failed to live up to the standards.

I got caught up while I was going to put it in PDF form. I found a virus on my computer and I got a new one. I attempted to transfer all my previous files to the new computer. However, I forgot one important thing: The Invincible Magazine.

So the project then died. I went on with life and forgot about this magazine, and I kind of shifted away from Michael Jackson and began to wonder about other things, although I remained a loyal fan.

One June 25th, I was shocked with the news that Michael had passed away. Truth be told, I cried. I got upset. I was surprised. It was then, in the back of my mind, that I remembered the Invincible Magazine.

Something told me to resurrect that dead project. It has been in my head ever since. Now, Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you what I call "Project Tribute," the project with the objective of resurrecting Invincible Magazine.

I will attempt to recruit my old writing pals who wrote with me: KOPV, wannabestartinsomethin21 and J5 Master. Also will come much, much more. More writers, more everything. I will interview fans and their opinions on Michael and the impact he left. There will be much more.

The magazine may come out by next month, who knows. I don't have a solid, concrete, date. I will work that out later. All I know is that this will be a massive project, dedicated to Michael.

One issue is intended. But if more news comes out and surfaces, there may be a second issue. I will reveal the picture I want on the cover of the magazine:


Michael will be remembered and loved by many fans. A website for the magazine will be set up. Everything will be massive.

The Invincible Magazine lives again, even if for a short time. Friends on MJJC, thank you for your support. I promise you that this is a project that I will not back out on, or leave to die. This will be a tribute to the King of Pop.