Invincible Campaign: Make The album #1 again


Proud Member
Feb 25, 2011
Bucharest, Romania
Fans are attempting to get Michael’s album Invincible to the top of the charts againn. The reason is that the album has a lot of meaning, especially given the allegations falsely made against in 2003-2005, but mostly to provide support to our King and his Family with the pending proceedings about Murray and the 2nd Anniversary of Michael's passing. The lyrics of many of the tracks from the Invincible album are particularly apt about the moment for example "Invincible", "Unbreakable", "Privacy" and "Threatened". Show your support at the end of your tweet messages adding #mjsinvincible. If you can afford to do so purchase Invincible on iTunes or Amazon or a local music store. Make sure to join this campaign because we ast this difficutl time it is important to send out support for ichael and let everyone know he is Unbreakable.


Important update
UPDATE: The creator of this campaign, @clearmjsname1 on Twitter wants me to inform you that you should buy the album starting on Monday 22nd August so it is number one for Michael's birthday. This is a worldwide thing, we want it to be #1 in as many countries as possible..

@clearmjsname1 would also like to thank all of you for showing your support.
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People buying it in dribs and drabs isn't going to get the album in the top 100. You need an organised week in one country with tens of thousands of sales.

Just being realistic.
Matty is right! We ALL need to organized about this, So I say here in the USA it would make a lot of news if it did go to Number 1.
Invincible is great but I think that MICHAEL album should be in this campaign because it is current release.
Remember - it's Michael's last album when he was alive, and it sadly flopped (compared to other MJ albums) due to bad promotion by the terrible $ony. BUY IT!
Invincible - one of my all time favourite albums :wub:

I have currently nine editions of Invinicible so it can't hurt getting another! :)

If I had more money I'd buy ten at a time!
I'd love it if this could happen and work...imagine how amazing that would be. It needs to be like others said focused in one country and on a specific week.
I would rather have HIStory go number one again.
Michael was going through a hard time, and he created a masterpiece.
That album is great and deserves more recognition in the public, in my opinion
Can you imagine how amazing that would be and how good that would be for his legacy? The album has so many great songs that need to be heard more by the public. If this is possible, I'm totally in.
I'll buy it again. But like others said, it has to be in a time frame. I think if it was we could make it in the Billboard Top 200 chart. I don't think we could make it to #1 (unless we bought like 500,000 copies), but we could chart at least.
MJJJusticePrjct MJJJusticeProject
Call your local radio station & ask them to play Unbreakable.. then Call Best Buy and tell them you want to order seven copies of INVINCIBLE
Important update

UPDATE: The creator of this campaign, @clearmjsname1 on Twitter wants me to inform you that you should buy the album starting on Monday 22nd August so it is number one for Michael's birthday. This is a worldwide thing, we want it to be #1 in as many countries as possible..

@clearmjsname1 would also like to thank all of you for showing your support.
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More info here

Michael Jackson’s Invincible was released Oct 30, 2001, peaked at number one in twelve countries and received a multiple double platinum designations by selling 13 million copies worldwide. Michael wrote fourteen of the sixteen tracks of this album and his personal favorite was Unbreakable.

As usual, with Invincible Michael Jackson used his creative genius to produce a major pioneering masterpiece of sound and soul. It was the recipient of one Grammy Award nomination for Best Pop Vocal Performance – Male, as well as being voted, by readers of Billboard magazine, the best album of the decade, despite the fact that Sony did little to market the album after a dispute with Michael.

“You Rock My World” premiered in 2001 off of Michael Jackson’s final studio album, Invincible. The video is actually a short film written by Jackson and director Paul Hunter. Special guest appearances are made by Chris Tucker, Michael Madsen, Billy Drago, and Marlon Brando. This is the last video by Michael Jackson to feature his active participation; subsequent videos used archival footage. “You Rock My World” won an NAACP Image Award for Best Music Video in 2001. (C) 2003 Optimum Productions

Let’s commemorate Michael Jackson’s death anniversary on June 25th by beginning a campaign to bring Invincible album to NUMBER ONE again on the charts. Please participate in this endeavor by using the Seven Steps below.

#1 Buy the album, multiple copies. Buy from iTunes, and physical hard copies from Amazon/department/music stores. If you don’t find Invincible readily on the shelf, request multiple copies to be ordered.

#2 Call your local radio station daily and start requesting them to play Invincible tracks, Unbreakable or Invincible.. (or your favorite track from the album)

#3 Use the right hand panel on your Twitter “Who to follow” use those names to send #mjscampaign links and messages.

#4 Follow the instructions from the Originators of this #mjsinvincible Campaign and Retweet @clearmjsname1 @4THELEGACY2

#5 Use your facebook, blog, forum, myspace, chat room and any other online site that is available to you to post messages regarding the #mjsinvincible campaign.

#6 Use your Twitter account to Post messages that promote the album INVINCIBLE – Examples:

RT Pls support the #mjsinvincible campaign. BUY Invincible

RT Pls take #mjsInvincible to Number One and ask your radio station to play Unbreakable daily.

RT Pls support #mjsinvincible campaign NOW at

#7 Play and Rate INVINCIBLE Videos – More Views and ratings sends a message that the MJGlobal family is going to support it wholeheartedly. Also use these videos links as tweets; ask other’s to rate and retweet.

Please take some time to visit each of these videos and rate them with a Thumbs Up, Leave a loving comment for Michael and a support message to make #mjsinvincible number ONE.
Please add my previous update to the first post so that people don't miss it later on.
^Buy it on the week starting Monday August 22nd, that way it should go #1 by Sunday 28th, the day before Michael's birthday.
It would be nice to have some new colour covers from Sony...for those of us that still buy in store!
Are we talking about buying the actual album? With itunes and downloading what counts? I will do it but I am not sure which way to go is the best way to help.

I would love to see this happen.
^You can buy it in a shop between Monday 22nd and Sunday 28th of August. Or you can download on iTunes between those 2 dates. All will count towards the charts.