introvert or extrovert or both

Which one are you?

  • Extrovert

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Introvert

    Votes: 21 70.0%
  • A bit of both

    Votes: 9 30.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Great Britain
Which one are you?

Definition: Contrary to what most people think, an introvert is not simply a person who is shy. In fact, being shy has little to do with being an introvert! Shyness has an element of apprehension, nervousness and anxiety, and while an introvert may also be shy, introversion itself is not shyness. Basically, an introvert is a person who is energized by being alone and whose energy is drained by being around other people.

Introverts are more concerned with the inner world of the mind. They enjoy thinking, exploring their thoughts and feelings. They often avoid social situations because being around people drains their energy. This is true even if they have good social skills. After being with people for any length of time, such as at a party, they need time alone to "recharge."

When introverts want to be alone, it is not, by itself, a sign of depression. It means that they either need to regain their energy from being around people or that they simply want the time to be with their own thoughts. Being with people, even people they like and are comfortable with, can prevent them from their desire to be quietly introspective.

Being introspective, though, does not mean that an introvert never has conversations. However, those conversations are generally about ideas and concepts, not about what they consider the trivial matters of social small talk.

Introverts make up about 60% of the gifted population but only about 25-40% of the general population.

Definition: Most people believe that an extrovert is a person who is friendly and outgoing. While that may be true, that is not the true meaning of extroversion. Basically, an extrovert is a person who is energized by being around other people. This is the opposite of an introvert who is energized by being alone.

Extroverts tend to "fade" when alone and can easily become bored without other people around. When given the chance, an extrovert will talk with someone else rather than sit alone and think. In fact, extroverts tend to think as they speak, unlike introverts who are far more likely to think before they speak. Extroverts often think best when they are talking. Concepts just don't seem real to them unless they can talk about them; reflecting on them isn't enough.

Extroverts enjoy social situations and even seek them out since they enjoy being around people. Their ability to make small talk makes them appear to be more socially adept than introverts (although introverts may have little difficulty talking to people they don't know if they can talk about concepts or issues).

Extrovert behavior seems to be the standard in American society, which means that other behavior is judged against the ways an extrovert would behave. However, extroverted behavior is simply a manifestation of the way an extrovert interacts with the world. Extroverts are interested in and concerned with the external world.
i,d probably say abit of both,i do like being on my own,but i also like being people,but sometimes around people i don,t know,i feel very nervous and shy,so thats why i voted for both,cause i can,t quite decide which one i am,
i,d probably say abit of both,i do like being on my own,but i also like being people,but sometimes around people i don,t know,i feel very nervous and shy,so thats why i voted for both,cause i can,t quite decide which one i am,

Thanks for voting :)

I think I was born a extrovert but after having lots of self confidence & esteem, due to bullying, bad relationships I have become more introverted, I take negative comments about myself really personally sometimes and ponder over these comments for far too long and become. Do you think I should get some advice to stop doing this??

I am still very much an extrovert though :) I hate being alone, Love working with people, having a laugh, talking to new people, I can be quite chatty sometimes, almost annoyingly so lol.
i,d probably say abit of both,i do like being on my own,but i also like being people,but sometimes around people i don,t know,i feel very nervous and shy,so thats why i voted for both,cause i can,t quite decide which one i am,
I voted for both pretty much for the same reasons.. :)
Thanks for voting :)

I think I was born a extrovert but after having lots of self confidence & esteem, due to bullying, bad relationships I have become more introverted, I take negative comments about myself really personally sometimes and ponder over these comments for far too long and become. Do you think I should get some advice to stop doing this??

I am still very much an extrovert though :) I hate being alone, Love working with people, having a laugh, talking to new people, I can be quite chatty sometimes, almost annoyingly so lol.

i was the same .got bullied in school,something you mentioned there,about taking comments to personally,i am axactly the same,i am also very self concious about everything,i also can be other chatty and sometimes this can be down to bad nerves,
Oh I'm so introverted. I think I've always been that way though, I mean I enjoy being out ad seeing places form time to time but then again home is my fav place. That and i'd prefer going to a bookstore and reading comics and other interesting topics. They're pretty much right about the way 'we' conversate, small talk is good sometimes but I like my conversations to be meaningful.

Just like some of you guys, it was pretty hard in school too, because of my calm and quiet nature, and I'm very very shy too. It's fairly hard for me to make new friends and I prefer quality over quantity. So yeah...but I'm still trying to learn how to get used to being around people so that i'll be able to live my own life a few years from now.
I am more of an introvert because I just love being alone. Because when I am alone I am free to do whatever I want. The only time I really like being around people is when I play my Sims or Sims 2 game. Because they can't tell me what I can or can not do. Like real people can and I am tired of always being told what to do.
Which one are you?
Basically, an introvert is a person who is energized by being alone and whose energy is drained by being around other people.

wow i thought i was weird or alone feeling drained that way. great poll thanks for posting it.

Oh I'm so introverted. I think I've always been that way though, I mean I enjoy being out ad seeing places form time to time but then again home is my fav place. That and i'd prefer going to a bookstore and reading comics and other interesting topics. They're pretty much right about the way 'we' conversate, small talk is good sometimes but I like my conversations to be meaningful.

Just like some of you guys, it was pretty hard in school too, because of my calm and quiet nature, and I'm very very shy too. It's fairly hard for me to make new friends and I prefer quality over quantity. So yeah...but I'm still trying to learn how to get used to being around people so that i'll be able to live my own life a few years from now.

same here. i also prefer bookstores compared to say crowded malls. being shy is tough..then getting anxiety from it is tougher..then when you do not like too many social settings you get labeled agoraphobic? now introvert.

ohwell, on a plus side introvert is winning. :D
I'm an introvert unfortunately and it's really affecting my personal life in my ability to gain self confidence and mix with other people. People in general just bug me. :depressed:
I'm both, depending on the situation. I would say I'm more introverted though. There's only a few people I'm comfortable enough with to truly be myself. It sucks, but I'm coming to terms with the fact that that's just the way I am.
Basically, I am introverted but when I feel comfortable and are surrounded by people who I trust and who know me well I get extroverted. :D
introvert and shy, but I don't like being alone like other introverts when I'm alone I tend to get depressed. I like having company I just don't like too many people at one time