Introductions: Michael Jackson fan?


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Jul 25, 2011
When you meet someone for the first time do you tell them your a Michael Jackson fan? Or do you wait for them to find out? How do people respond when they they first find out your a Michael Jackson fan?

C'mon, I know some of you have fun stories.

I usually don't tell people, mainly because I don't have to since I always wear a Michael Jackson pin (yay ebay) or I just start talking about him as though the person already knows I am a fan:cheeky:. I remember this one time in high school I started talkin' about Michael to some girl I just meet, and she goes "Wait, your the Michael Jackson girl":rofl:, that's how alot of people knew me, they didn't even know my name. Anyhow, after that she stared at me, I was kinda confused (and it was awkward), and then she said "Wow! I never met one of those before" and I was like :blink:.

Another incident happened at the airport. It was cool.

Okay, your turn.What's the weirdest/most fun/coolest response you've gotten?
It's not something I tell imidiatly. Likewise I don't tell people that my favorite color is blue (if they don't ask).

But when I tell about being a fan people often just say "ah ok.. whatever.. I don't believe in that garbage they said once blablabla".

Something funny that once happened is this: (i dont remember it completely)

I was playing World of Warcraft and people began to talk down about the other faction in the chat. I think that is bullshit so I started to defend.
Suddenly a guy began to talk down about ME and that I probably just hang out with MJ'ish people *shrugs* (is sort of what he said).
I simply said: me? oh.. I love MJ'ish people! They're so hot..
That made him speechless for a while but then he got he's final word telling me that I scared him..

aw.. poor little wierd friend
hmmmmmm....I don't think I mention it at all when I'm just meeting someone. Cause ppl don't tell me their fave singers when we first meet, lol.
But if I hear someone mentioning MJ, I'll say "hey hey hey, Don't talk about Michael Jackson"- and then we'll start talking about my fan-dom, lol.
Or I guess if I'm wearing a shirt that says "thriller" or my Jacksons tour shirt, ppl will ask. All my friends and family know I'm a fan though.
Or like if you have to do an "ice-breaker" activity with a group of ppl you just met- the topic of favorite artist may be one that we have to say...

IDK, it all depends ont he circumstances :yes:
It's not something I tell imidiatly. Likewise I don't tell people that my favorite color is blue (if they don't ask).

But when I tell about being a fan people often just say "ah ok.. whatever.. I don't believe in that garbage they said once blablabla".

Something funny that once happened is this: (i dont remember it completely)

I was playing World of Warcraft and people began to talk down about the other faction in the chat. I think that is bullshit so I started to defend.
Suddenly a guy began to talk down about ME and that I probably just hang out with MJ'ish people *shrugs* (is sort of what he said).
I simply said: me? oh.. I love MJ'ish people! They're so hot..
That made him speechless for a while but then he got he's final word telling me that I scared him..

aw.. poor little wierd friend
^^^yeah, maybe, but that's not the's just kinda about how free you are with expressing that you like Mike...Do you only talk about him with close friends...or do you not care and just start telling peeps about how cool he is...I can't be the only crazy one who does these things...
When people ask me for who I like, admire and am a fan, I reply: "Michael Jackson! I am a fan of this guy, I love your art." People look at me with some surprise and not say anything, but I barrage of questions with questions about the most ridiculous stories that the press has already invented it and we already know. But now many people speaking ill presence of it (I always argue with people when that happens), they say: "He is a man strange, bizarre and weird, but we can not deny that is the greatest artist in the world." I still can not understand why there are still people who do not like the Michael and me so sad to know that are people who know nothing about him. Do not like it simply for what they read in the press.
lol, your story is funny, Spider Man.

as for me, i don't tell people, cus i usually wear shirts that are custom made MJ shirts. the last one i wore said 'King of Pop, Michael Jackson'. someone noticed it, and read it aloud. and i said, 'Got that right!'
if people ask me who my fave artist is, then i will tell them. unfortunately, most of the time, i get a negative response. but hey, aren't we all used to that? lol.

but honestly, i don't mention im a fan, unless mj is brought up in conversation.
I guess it was funny to me back in gary when i was younger I would meet some non fans of michael who would say ''why are you still a fan of Michael Jackson when hes gotten so weird, etcetera.. etcetera.'' i wanted to come up with a good reply since i was getting sick of sticking up for my fandom to people who were starting to back away from michael after a few years and who were now starting to look at me like i was crazy.. when before some of the same people never looked at me that way. so i randomly said, how does that make you feel to be from the same small town as Michael Jackson then? they became speechless after that. i was amazed by the speechlessness of it.
but, that was good enough for me so i would not have to hear from their mouth. yea. only thing i can think of.

I don't think anybody cares if I am a fan or not

:lol: yup.
I don't talk about anything that I like unless it happens to come up - the more I like something, the more important it is to me and the less I like to talk about it lol. It's not just with MJ, but some other things too. That being said, I don't hide it either - as I said if (or rather when) it comes up you will hear me lol. So my friends find out when they find out, sometimes sooner, sometimes later depending on circumstances.

I've had mostly good reactions. Most of my friends get a real kick out of it lol. Sometimes it's because they like him too (although to a lesser degree) but a lot of the time they enjoy watching me freak out about anything because 99% of the time I'm paranormally calm about everything lol. With the concerts and the ticket-buying panic many of my new friends found out I was a fan and enjoyed the spectacle of watching me spaz lol. I had several people wanting to go with me to the concerts so they can watch me LOL. The strangest reaction I got was from one friend who couldn't believe how worried I was about getting tickets for This Is It. One day he just went: "What's the matter with you? It's just Michael Jackson" LOL. That was the weirdest thing ever, I was completely stunned. People always have strong opinions about MJ whether it's good or bad - no one ever thinks it's just MJ! I'm prepared for anything but that!
Like some of you said, I don't usually bring it up unless the subject comes up, but lately it's bee coming up more and more, since people are asking me about my summer plans, and I say "London in July to see Michael Jackson, baby!"