Introducing Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Providence, RI
If you ran into a person who did not know any of MJ's music and wanted to be introduced to him for the first time (crazy I know lol)...What album (solo or otherwise) would you tell he/she to start with that would give this person the full, beautiful, complicated, complexed, and incredibly talented picture of the man?
well I would start at the beginning...with the Jackson 5 stuff and work my way to the present stuff......that would introduce Michael from the very beginning
(crazy I know lol)
Not really. My grandfather didn't like or listen to anything that wasn't blues, so he didn't know anything about the J5 or Michael. My mom doesn't listen to Michael on purpose (she likes Sam Cooke & 60s Motown era music), but she'll watch him if he's on TV.
throw a dart at a dart board. if they haven't heard from the media, it'll be much easier.
the first thing will probably be a billie jean performance. It will dazzle him/hrt.
Yeah, id probably show them Munich 1992's Billie Jean performance.
HIStory album! His best and most personal. It reads like an autobiography.
Billie Jean performance and Dangerous album. And some things about charity work.
Hand them the Thriller album and tell them to watch the short film of Thriller and then tell them what wonderful things he has done!! :)