Interview w/ producer Giorgio Tuinfort on Dutch TV (June 26th) - translated!


Proud Member
Jul 4, 2009
The Netherlands
On June 26th producer Giorgio Tuinfort had an interview with Dutch television about Michael('s death) and about their work together.

BruceWayne asked me if I could translate it for him so thought you guys might like to read it as well, the interview is partly in this vid, misses a few lines but wrote them down anyway:

How long ago did you talk with/saw Michael?
About 9 months.

How did you get in contact, you were approached by Michael’s management right?
Yes I have a production partner, Akon, and in 2007 we were approached because of the music we produced, he liked it. He asked if we would liked to work together.

What does it mean for you?
I didn’t believe it first, eventually we made an appointment, that was very special. I already found the invitation very special, it meant that king of pop appreciates my work.

Where did you meet?
In L.A. at his house, after that we went to the studio.

Did you realise he didn’t bring out an album for a long time, and now he wanted to work with you...'this is gonna be an important project'?
Yes but it’s a special thing anyway, so I already had a feeling it would be special.

How many days did you work with him/how did it go?
We spent a week in studio together, it's hard to explain a creative process, just sitting together, sharing ideas, sometimes I was playin piano, sometimes he came with melodies or textual ideas.

*WBSS plays*

Does this bring up emotions on this day?
Yes it's very hard to realize.

Hard to realize you can’t work further on the album?
It’s purely the fact that he isn’t here that's hard. Not the fact that it'd be a good thing for me to work with him, there are millions of people who took him as an example and the loss that I share with them is much stronger.

We’re hearing stories that he was addicted to prescription pills, how was he when you worked together?
I can't tell anything about his condition and I don't want to answer the question.

What do you think is gonna happen with the songs?
There are few in the making/were in the making, there are some demos and 2 tracks done including his vocals.

Do you have these songs?
Yes I do have all the material.

What are you gonna do with them?
For me respect and integrity towards his family is most important I will respect their wishes. They have the last word for that.

It's quite special to know there is unreleased material after his death, that must come out someday right?
That would be great.

You are 27 right?

Did you grow up with his music and what does the loss of Michael means to you?
Like many people in my generation he was absolutely a part of my musical education. His productions, his great way of writing, his performances. The loss so far is in my experience a loss of a pop icon but also a honest, modest and upright man. A man who was a committing dad. I think there will ever be someone like him. I think back of him with the deepest respect.