Internet censorship is coming (Internet G12 in the works)

Bob George

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Most of us take the internet for granted. It is the single greatest thing to happen in our lifetime. It has allowed for so much free and uncensored information to be shared by billions of people around the world. It is the most free and open thing we have access to these days. But this may not be the case in the near future. Heck, I might not be able to freely write up a post like this in even a few years time.

I'm sure you've heard your country's politicians talking about it. Internet censorship, content filtering, government control of our Internet. In nearly every country around the world there have been serious talks about this within the last couple of years. It's global and it's getting very close to becoming a reality. Below I have compiled some videos and article documenting the global government takeover of our Internet.

October 29, 2008: Australia plans to enforce mandatory Internet filter to block controversial content.


March 23, 2009: United States Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) addresses Congress on the need to regulate the Internet:

May 6, 2009: Bill introduced in the US to regulate the Internet to protect against "cyber bullying".

May 7, 2009: Global news and entertainment mogul Rupert Murdoch says "Internet will soon be over".

May 8, 2009: The European Union has called for "Internet G12" to plan global internet governance.
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Re: The Internet - here to stay or gone tomorrow?

I haven't looked at all you've posted but I don't think it would be possible to censor people to that degree.
Re: The Internet - here to stay or gone tomorrow?

I haven't looked at all you've posted but I don't think it would be possible to censor people to that degree.
It would be hard to regulate everyone and make sure they aren't doing anything wrong. But that doesn't mean they wont try. They'll use "useful idiots" to do their regulating for them anyway. Just like YouTube doesn't really monitor content themselves but they rely on users to report content they deem inappropriate. Well with things like the cyber bullying act being introduced in the US, it'll will soon be legal for people to report to the government that their feelings were hurt on the Internet and then the perpetrator will be find or have their site shut down. Useful idiots will be the police of the Internet.
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