Interesting that Michael only ever appeared in 2 music video's with the Jacksons *repost*


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I think my original thread may have been deleted when the board went down a few days ago?

Anyway, I'm curious to find out do you think there are a few unreleasd Jackson/Jackson 5 music video's we haven't seen?

I only realised the other day when I was watching some Jackson video's that Michael only ever appeared in Boogie and 2300 JS! They had so many (great!) singles during the late 70's-early 80s that didn't have videos!
I don't know if you read my reply in your other thread, but I said Michael also appeared in 'Can You Feel It', 'I'll Always Be A Dreamer', 'Goin Places' and 'Even Though You're Gone'.
Sorry I didn't get a chance to see the original thread it had already been deleted :( so if was him I the CYFI video? I always heard/read somewhere that it wasn't him? Also those other songs u mentioned I didn't even know vidoes existed! Are they online somewhere? Thanks
Music videos weren't really important back in the 1970s. There was no video channel. The ones that were usually made, was because it was cheaper to make a promotional film for other countries than to fly acts to a bunch of places to appear on each countries TV shows. That's why most of them looked really low budget and cheesy. In the US, musical acts appeared on shows like American Bandstand, Soul Train, or Midnight Special. The music business was different back then and promotion was different. Most people didn't know the videos existed.
Music videos weren't really important back in the 1970s. There was no video channel. The ones that were usually made, was because it was cheaper to make a promotional film for other countries than to fly acts to a bunch of places to appear on each countries TV shows. That's why most of them looked really low budget and cheesy. In the US, musical acts appeared on shows like American Bandstand, Soul Train, or Midnight Special. The music business was different back then and promotion was different. Most people didn't know the videos existed.

This is true.. :yes:
Sorry I didn't get a chance to see the original thread it had already been deleted :( so if was him I the CYFI video? I always heard/read somewhere that it wasn't him? Also those other songs u mentioned I didn't even know vidoes existed! Are they online somewhere? Thanks
Yeah, in the 'Can You Feel It' video, Michael was there. He was the one who pushed the rainbow up. :lol:

'Goin Places':
'I'll Always Be A Dreamer':

'Even Though You're Gone' here on Jetzi's site: (Check out all the other stuff on Jetzi too. :D)
The Can You Feel It music video is pretty terrible lol it makes me laugh
The Can You Feel It music video is pretty terrible lol it makes me laugh
It was considered 'state of the art' at the time. This was the era of the movie "Tron" and Atari 2600. :p People were still playing on pinball machines.
It was considered 'state of the art' at the time. This was the era of the movie "Tron" and Atari 2600. :p People were still playing on pinball machines.

YES!! Right as usual DuranDuran! That video (like the Atari 2600) blew me away as a kid! Each were really stepping stones while also being their own respective steps in the evolution of their genre's. . . . And I think CYFI still holds up, even Atari games too. Check out Xbox Live and people still download the classics (albeit w/ a face-lift); Pacman Championship Edition is addicting!
Sorry I didn't get a chance to see the original thread it had already been deleted :( so if was him I the CYFI video? I always heard/read somewhere that it wasn't him? Also those other songs u mentioned I didn't even know vidoes existed! Are they online somewhere? Thanks

I think you're thinking of the Torture video, where a wax dummy was used in Michael's place. From Wikipedia:

In the video, various acts of torture are displayed, and various members of the band are usually on the receiving end. At some points, the video looks like a horror movie. Later in the video, a group of skeletons that are supposed to represent the Jacksons, are shown dancing. Neither Michael nor Jermaine appears in the video:[3] Michael was busy with other obligations,[15], and Jermaine refused to be in the video.[3] The rest of the group decided to film the video without them.[3] In replacement of Michael, a wax dummy in his likeness was used in the video.[16] The dummy was used in three separate sequences, including the ending sequence that shows the rest of the group standing in a shot similar to the album's cover.[16] The television show, PM Magazine, was the show where the discovery was first made.[16] They slowed down the video at the exact points where the dummy appears in the video, and pointed out the differences.[16]
I don't like it because the sounds pretty much overtake the music. :(

A music video is just an commercial for a record. If somebody doesn't want to hear the sound effects, they could buy the single or album or listen to the song on the radio. The "Bad" video had a bunch of sounds and so does a lot of other videos. Phil Collins' "Don't Lose My Number" video had talking throughout the whole thing. I got so used to seeing the video, that when I later bought Phil's record, it sounded strange without the dialogue at first, lol.
I have seen some versions of Can You Feel It with the sound effects more level. They released a bad mix on the Making Of Thriller video.