interesting read on how our soul lives on forever


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i was assigned to do a project on the survial of the soul and found this

LOS ANGELES - British scientists have uncovered astonishing new proof that
> human beings have an immortal soul that lives on after your brain has
> ceased to function and you're clinically dead!
> The research, presented recently at the California Institute of Technology,
> provides the first incontrovertible scientific evidence that the mind
> exists independently of the brain and can survive death.
> In the year-long study, Dr. Sam Parnia and his colleagues at Southampton
> General Hos-pital interviewed 63 heart attack victims who were brain dead
> for several minutes before being resuscitated by doctors. The researchers
> found that, somehow, many patients kept thinking and reasoning the whole
> time. What's more, many remembered leaving their bodies, visiting Heaven
> and meeting dead relatives!
> "We have a group of people with no brain function, who have well-
> structured, lucid thought processes with reasoning and memory formation at
> a time when their brains are shown not to function," Dr. Parnia said in an
> interview.
> The patients recalled being overcome by feelings of peace and joy. After
> leaving their bodies, they reported seeing a bright light and entering a
> harmonious realm, where they chatted with dead loved ones and, in some
> cases, encountered mystical beings.
> The accounts are remarkably similar, said Dr. Parnia. "They say, 'I had
> this intense pain in my chest and suddenly I was drifting in the corner of
> my room and I was so happy, so comfortable. I looked down and I realized I
> was seeing my body and doctors all around me trying to save me and I
> didn't want to go back.' "
> Since the initial study, Dr. Parnia has found more than 3,500 people with
> memories of blissful experiences in the afterlife that occurred when they
> were brain dead.
> Skeptics argue that such experiences, known as near-death experiences or
> NDEs, are caused by low oxygen levels that spawn hallucinations. But in Dr.
> Parnia's study, none of the patients were found to have suffered oxygen
> deprivation.
> Skeptics also suggest that people who report NDEs are influenced by
> accounts they've heard in the media - but at least one case in Dr.
> Parnia's files tor****es that theory.
> One patient was just 2½ years old when he had a seizure and his heart
> stopped. After the toddler was revived, he astonished his parents by
> drawing a picture of himself hovering over his own body, gazing down at it.
> His soul appeared to be attached to a balloon-like object, tethered to his
> physical body by a long string.
> Said Dr. Parnia, "When they asked what the balloon was, he said, 'When you
> die you see a bright light and you are connected to a cord.' "

"eternal beings", of course. Althought it's bound to become a bumpy ride when one starts to look for scientific answers for non-scientific questions. Always puzzles me when a scientist wants to prove something that isn't bound to the assumed scientific laws of our physical world in the first place...

"eternal beings", of course. Althought it's bound to become a bumpy ride when one starts to look for scientific answers for non-scientific questions. Always puzzles me when a scientist wants to prove something that isn't bound to the assumed scientific laws of our physical world in the first place...

yeah i know what you mean