Inspiring Story - Injured Soldier Meets Michael Jackson (2004)


I had never seen this so I thought I would share...

Read the whole story here ^

I saw this picture before! :eek: Very awesome he got to meet him!
wow i havent seen that before.. thnx for posting!!!! BTW moonball i like your siggy nd avatar :)

At the same time [just before the war in 2003], we were very proud of him and he said not to worry this was his job and he believed in their mission.
If true, then this is probably the saddest thing about the whole ordeal the family went through.
wow thanks for posting i never heard of this i knew he visitid ill and hurt pple before but didnt know he still did someone else on here said..MJ is charitable, behind the scenes. in an era when everybody is advertising themselves as charitable..and, doing interviews just so they can tell everybody about their charity..or..'charity'....where they tell YOU to do the giving...MJ uses his own resources and does it all, behind the scenes. He had to be forced to say he was charitable, when he was attacked and accused of not being charitable....other than that, you would never hear of these things he does.
River, I thank you for sharing this precious story with us.
I pray God will continute to help David Bangson heal.
Thank you for posting the link. The story was very moving , interesting and touching. I wish the young man and is family the very best.

MJ is charitable, behind the scenes. in an era when everybody is advertising themselves as charitable..and, doing interviews just so they can tell everybody about their charity..or..'charity'....where they tell YOU to do the giving...MJ uses his own resources and does it all, behind the scenes.

On point. I like the way MJ does not let the whole world know what he is doing in regards to charity. He gives back and moves on to other things. I like the fact that he visited the troops and shows them that he supports them. The biggest star ever is still humble enough to pay a visit to this strong solider and boost up his spirits. Good for Michael and the other famous people who did the same.