INSIDE STORY: How Michael Jackson's Kids Are Coping


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
While Dr. Conrad Murray's formal charging in the death of Michael Jackson is certain to pose another emotional time for the pop superstar's surviving family members, his three children – Prince Michael I, 12; Paris, 11; and Prince Michael II ("Blanket"), 7 – have been dealing with their grief with the help of a close-knit family and something new to them: a sense of normalcy.

"They're doing great, thanks to the love and support they've gotten," Adam Streisand, an attorney for their grandmother and guardian Katherine Jackson, told PEOPLE in an interview before Murray's surrender.

Seconds longtime family friend Kathy Hilton, "They're getting along and they have an incredible family."

Since their father's death last summer, the children have been living at Katherine's Encino, Calif., estate with cousins and other relatives, growing in maturity and confidence as they play with friends and go on outings – now without wearing masks and free of the chaos that once followed their father.

"With the kids running around the house, laughing, playing, they've given each other a lot of joy," says Streisand.

Seeking a Normal Life
The trio's older cousins, who joined Prince and Paris on stage at the Grammys Jan. 31 when they accepted their father's Lifetime Achievement Award (shy Blanket was deemed "too young" to take the stage that night, says Streisand), have become mentors to Michael's kids, who remain a tight-knit group.

Helping Katherine raise the kids is their nanny Grace Rwaramba, who had stopped working for Michael before his death but returned afterward upon Katherine's request. Some Jackson family members don't support Rwaramba's involvement, but a source says, "Katherine's made it very clear that it's important to her that Grace is around. She knows the kids are more important to her than anything."

Katherine and Rwaramba are working to ensure that Michael's kids lead as normal a life as possible. "Nothing over-the-top happens" at home, says a family source. Instead, there are school lessons (they are tutored at the house), iChatting sessions and family dinners.

The children go to karate lessons, the library and church. And even though Katherine may be strict (Prince and Paris had to go behind her back to attended the New Moon premiere last November, says a source), she is also giving them room to grow. "Katherine really listens to the kids," says Streisand. "She wants to give them a sense of freedom when she can. She wants to encourage them."

Building Confidence
Being normal also means a lot less spectacle. When the children venture out in public, their faces are no longer concealed. "They like not wearing the masks," the family source says of the trio. "It's a different experience for them."

Another source notes that Prince and Paris have become more confident over the past several months. "It would have been hard to imagine them going out in public or showing up at someone's house hanging out and playing video games before [their father died]," says the source. "That had a lot to do with Michael, because every time he showed up there were bodyguards and [chaos]. And now, not so much. It feels much more normal and they've adjusted really well to that."

And yet, their father's influence lives on.

"Talking to Prince is like talking to Michael," says the family source. "He's so smart and mature – way beyond his age." Paris, meanwhile, "wants to be a singer."

Adds grandfather Joe, "I was so proud of my grandchildren [at the Grammys]. But I'm always proud of them."


For more on the Jackson kids, pick up the latest issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday,,20341350,00.html
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Re: NSIDE STORY: How Michael Jackson's Kids Are Coping

thanks for sharing!
Mayhap I am bit sensitive but this article seems to suggest that Michael's children are better off with him no longer alive. Read three times and still have that feeling.
It's just funny to me how these recent articles reporting about the kids make it seem as though while Michael was alive he had them confined in his chaotic, weird world, but now that he's no longer here, they are the most normal children ever! :smilerolleyes:

These children would be just fine if Michael were still here to raise them, afterall, what they are today is a result of HIS parenting over the years and not just since the past 7 months!

Just to acknowledge that Michael was a great father is like asking them to swallow a bucket of nails!

Mayhap I am bit sensitive but this article seems to suggest that Michael's children are better off with him no longer alive. Read three times and still have that feeling.

That's what I picked up on too and its pissing me off! and its not just this article.
Mayhap I am bit sensitive but this article seems to suggest that Michael's children are better off with him no longer alive. Read three times and still have that feeling.
You're not sensitive that's exactly how they make it seem, they do this only b/c they hate the fact that they are such well behaved children, whatver these children are now the credit goes entirely to Michael and no one else. He was the one raising them for their entire lives the extended family took over only 7 months, no matter what those f**** up writers say/right.
It is interesting how they can only quote one person by name. Everybody else has the luxury of being a 'source'. Hmph! That allows them the freedom to be subtly sly. I aint falling for it.
Mayhap I am bit sensitive but this article seems to suggest that Michael's children are better off with him no longer alive. Read three times and still have that feeling.

THIS IS IT..., you are not the one..., its pretty weird..., Id say that in fact nobody knows how the kids are living without Michael..., for sure, its totally different from having their father, not the megastar, but the father.

The only thing they have to keep in their mind and memories is Michael being their father. They can see all the pics of Michael on the net, all the articles..., but they saw Michael being real!

They will have to deal with the media and their portrait of Michael Jackson, not only the artist (the Grammy showed that they were aware of Michael Jackson being the music Icon), but mostly as a person... - weirdo...
Overall that was a nice article and it's good to hear the children are doing good. Michael did a great job raising them :yes:

What comes to the article suggesting the kids are doing better without their daddy.. it does not surprise me the journalist just had to add that little twist of weirdness, like always.. what else to expect from them.
Their trying to call the children life normal while writing an article about their lives....yea that's really normal do they do that with every children! NOPE!
They make it sound like they are better off without their father. WTF?
Mayhap I am bit sensitive but this article seems to suggest that Michael's children are better off with him no longer alive. Read three times and still have that feeling.

Nope, I get that same feeling. Stupid "journalists" they act like the kids had no friends or didn't play with other kids when Michael was here! pfftt... :smilerolleyes:
after reading that it does seem like the journalist made it seem like the kids are better off without Michael. thats just so sad and wrong to even say that. Those kids worshiped their father and they continue to love him more each day even now that he is gone. Michael raised those kids beautifuly. i did think it was kinda funny how it said that prince and paris had to go behind katherines back to see new moon. course we all know Michael would have taken them bc he did everything he could as a single father to raise those kids and make sure they were always happy and loved.and if Paris does become a singer i wil most definetly be buying her album!
Mayhap I am bit sensitive but this article seems to suggest that Michael's children are better off with him no longer alive. Read three times and still have that feeling.

This is the exact feeling I had while reading this. You are not alone on that one. This isn't the only article I've read that implies that. It really bothers me how some people really seem to think that.

"Talking to Prince is like talking to Michael," says the family source. "He's so smart and mature – way beyond his age." Paris, meanwhile, "wants to be a singer."

Wow, bless them. They are such smart children. Michael really was an amazing father. Hearing Prince speak at the Grammy's really was like listening to Michael. And Paris :cry: Good luck to her. :heart:
I don't like it. Whilst it's lovely to hear the kids are doing well and are having fun, the article's tone suggests that they're now finally free and perhaps even better off now Michael isn't around, burdening them with his fame. Sure they may have experienced some chaos when they were out and about but Michael did everything in his power to ensure they had as normal an upbringing as possible. I'm sure at home things were much more settled and relaxed. Besides, you only have to look at those three children to know Michael did a wonderful job as a daddy and the fame side didn't scar them.

Whilst I take nothing away from Katherine and the family and the care they have provided for 3P, it is Michael who should take the most credit! It's so sad that his parenting-skills were bashed no-end when he was here protecting the children, and now that Prince and Paris especially are old enough to address the world and people can see how well-adjusted and sweet they are, people assume that this just miraculously happened since Michael passed away and 3P finally got the 'normal' life they need.

Poor Michael. :depressed:
I don't think the article suggests anything negative in regards to MJ being their father, or them being better off now that he's passed away... Of course they aren't better off -- They've lost their father and the only parent they knew! What is touched on, and naturally so, is the fact that his celebrity brought chaos to their lives, in the same way it did to the lives of anyone who was involved with him. This is not something MJ wanted or chose, but he couldn't avoid it either, and if he could've, then of course he would have chosen to raise them outside of all of that and without the masks, the mobbing media and fans, the security, etc. etc.

But he did the best he could, which, seeing how the kids presented themselves at the Grammy's and also how the last paragraph of the article describes them, is a lot better than most celebrity parents. Especially considering that MJ is more famous than any of them... I think that he would like the fact that his kids' lives have a greater sense of normalcy to them now. It is clearly something that he wanted for them, but could only give to a certain degree.
I'm sure if the kids had a choice between this so called "normal" life and their life with Michael, they'd choose the latter in a heartbeat.

Also, what the hell is "normal"? Jeez that word should not have been invented!

They aren't the only rich and famous children! Millions of kids are rich too. So that's one sense of "normal". There are many average children on average income and many children who are living in poverty.

So what is normal? I wish people would get over it. Their lives are "normal".
the article sounds a bit harsh as if it is better for kids that their daddy is gone :no:
:heart: Michael sure have a great influence on their behaviour and personalities.
Their persoalities were molded before He left.

all i can say, i pray everything goes on as :heart:Michael wishes... :angel:
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"NORMAL" Can mean different things for everyone. There's no specific "Normal" Too Many its not "Normal" to be raised by grandparents, its not "Normal" to have photographers follow you around and its not "Normal" for strangers to be interested in what your doing. It's not "Normal" to have never attended regular school. It's not "Normal" to wear masks. But for them this IS normal. Im sure they've grown used to the photographers, fans (the strangers) and its becoming normal for them to be living with their grandmother.

:) I'm happy they are happy and I look forward to hearing great things about them in the future..
Mayhap I am bit sensitive but this article seems to suggest that Michael's children are better off with him no longer alive. Read three times and still have that feeling.

Me too.

This bit -

. "It would have been hard to imagine them going out in public or showing up at someone's house hanging out and playing video games before [their father died],"

... is not true at all.

I'm really annoyed about this article because they make it sound like with Michael, they have NO confidence nor did they have any freedom.

Totally false.
The main thing about the article that annoys me is the untruths. They did go to their friends houses to play video games and they stopped wearing the masks before Michael passed. There are plenty of pictures of the four of them out and about with no masks on. These children are a product of their daddy and what a wonderful job he did raising them.
I agree that this article makes it seem as if they have more freedom now that Michael is gone, and that really annoys me. Heck, didn't Michael say that the kids went to sleepovers and stuff at their friend's houses?

It's funny how the media thinks they know everything about Michael and his children. They also do not want to accept the fact that he was a good father. They love anything negative. You can tell by Prince and Paris' recent public appearances that they're not children who have been locked away from the public.
What comes to the article suggesting the kids are doing better without their daddy.. it does not surprise me the journalist just had to add that little twist of weirdness, like always.. what else to expect from them.

Yep I totally agree. The media will always hate on MJ, its basically apart of their job description. lol

All that matters to me is that those kids are well taken care of. They loved their Dad and knew exactly why they had to wear those masks. They understand a lot more about show business than people give them credit for.