Injury when dancing like MJ


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Any of you guys really hurt yourself when dancing as MJ? I actually cut my finger here the other day. And it wouldnt stop bleeding. Almost needed some stitches :D Its not a crazy story, but i wondered if any of you have other stories to share :p
When I was at uni during my first year in halls we ended up having a mini party in the corridor. Billie Jean started playing and I started dancing, obviously! Well after trying to do an MJ spin I lost my balance and fell into the wall. Had the biggest bruise on my thigh for two weeks!
The "Man-in-the-mirrir-twist-and-fall-HARD"-move (patented).

The regular "Moonwalk-on-socks-hurting-big-toe"-move (favorite).

The "woops-i-didn`t-mean-to-hit-you/that"-move while punching around when Jam is played..

Do i need to go on? :):):):)
Ive punched things by accident and damaged my hand quite a bit. Nothing apart from that though.
oh my goodness yeah I have kept injuring myself while dancing like Mj these past few months!!!

The 1st was on august 29th last year (his 51st) I was dancing & singing along to loads of his songs & all of a sudden i looked down at my right hand & noticed my thumb had swollen really extremelly badly & it was bruised badly too it looked so disgusting & stomach churning!!!

I don't know exactly how it happened though??? I just completely lost myself in the singing & dancing that i didn't know i'd injured myself!!! It hurt really badly & took a few weeks to get better.

a fair few times i've smacked one hand against the other & hurt my fingers quite badly & earlier this week I was performing they don't care about us in bare feet & accidentally got sharp plastic in my foot (I thought i'd picked up every last bit, clearly not!!!) that really hurt like mad i'll tell you, it wasn't too severe an injury i have to say but was quite painful & had to be bandaged for 3 days & i limped a lot when walking
I was trying to the hop... :p and then I trip over my bag... (facepalm)

Needless to say, it was embarrassing!

Good thing I landed face plant on my bed but I twisted my toe and pinky finger... :(

Lesson learned: Never attempt to dance before you cleaned up your room.
i dislocated my knee in 2003, practicing the Remember the Time routine for a talent show. I tried to spin and, OUCH!

true story LOL. I was on crutches watching LWMJ when it premiered, due to this incident.
:lol: I thought I was the only one. um I've hurt my ankle while attempting to moonwalk. I kicked too high and knocked myself off my feet and bust my ass. I ALWAYS bump into things when i try to do the spin (my room is small). and I've torn my pants before. I think this is a message from Michael saying "girl sit your ass down and leave this to the pro" :yes::happy:
well I thought I was the only one...lets see, I have run into my door many times trying to dance to numerous spins, at the church where I volunteer (I sing) all of the kids were trying to do different MJ dances, well they heard that I could do the moonwalk and asked me to do it, I did, but feeling confident I wanted to do a spin and end up on my toes, I forgot I was wearing converse and that the floor was rather grippy, so since my spin was a fail I tried to go onto my toes, ending up on the floor, right before I had to run out on stage. So embarrassing...but fun... =p
er... nearly breaking my nose while attempting the Smooth Criminal 'lean'. I bled and bled.

Hey, I was 8 years old, I had no idea about the shoes and if he could do it then it was possible, right? :D
Yup sure have!
I can do "Beat It" pretty well and one day, when I was listening to it, I started doing the dance. As I was doing the part where he does that little 'spin' around (when he sings "Show 'em how funky strong is your fight"), my feet positioned weirdly without my control and I almost twisted my ankle. I almost fell flat on my face but I kept my balance.

And there have been other times where I'd trip over something but that was the only so called 'major' thing that happened. I'm constantly trying to dance like Michael or just simply dancing to his music and I'm very clumsy so it comes with the package of me I guess. lol.
Yeppers, a few weeks ago I injured myself after having a tad wee bit of wine ( :shifty: ) and then cranking Dangerous (as I do :p ) and tripping and falling over my own two feet while running around dancing like him...

This was the wonderful result:



It's comforting to know I'm not the only one :ph34r:
Oh yes! I was 10 years old and my older brother and I were trying to do the SC "Lean." I don't know why but my brother persuaded me to do the lean while he held both of my ankles as my "support." Well, I did it! I fell flat on my face and chipped a tooth! My older bro? Yea he was laughing his ass off!!! Now everytime I think about that time, I can't help but to laugh haha :hysterical:
ouch... your dancin' injuries must've relly hurt :) ... hope you're all ok now ;) ...

I never really hurt myself while dancin' on MJ songs... once while I was dancin' on SC, I stepped on my sock with the other foot and lost my balance (luckily there was a chair near me and I put my hand it) and the I continued dancin' like nothin' did happen :lol: ...
in the New Years' Eve, I was at my cousins' place and there was Beat It playin'... so I started dancin' the end song and when I rised up my hands, I almost knocked off the mistletoe and it almost hit my head :lmao: ... then I stopped dancin' and started laughin' like crazy :rofl: ...
Haha, you have no idea how many times I ended up crashing into the wall when I tried to do the spin aged about 9. :lol:
In the beat it dance, when he raising his leg and swings it over really fast, and continues on dancing right away....

well, i was doing the beat it dance, and when i got to that part i fell backwards on my bottom.
When I was like 16 I was dancing around to Michaels Music and when I did the kick move my foot came up fast under a table. It felt like I broke my toe. Other than that just a few pulled muscles lol
It's not me, because I know better than to even attempt lol. But my ex is a rapper and he has a lyric in a song that says "these days everybody is biting Tupac, so F it, I'm gonna stand over here and do the moonwalk". Usually he would do the moonwalk in concert to that part of the song, well once he tried but the stage was super small and he fell off. He wasn't physically hurt, his ego was though.
OMG!! These stories are hilarious!!! :hysterical:

My worst injury was at 11 years old. I was in my room, singing to Black or White...into my hairbrush. (LOL) As I did a spin, the hairbrush flew out of my hand and hit me in the face. It hurt like hell....and from then on, I became very cautious when singing into a hairbrush. :lol:
I was doing the MJ spin and lost my balance, fell into the sideboard, smacked my hand and my leg...oh the bruises!

I'm sure Mike did, all dancers do :)

Yeah.. he broke his nose on the Destiny Tour..
He performed RTT in a wheelchair, can only be done once :)
He fell during the lean on HIStory Tour in Japan.

And i guess normal tearing/wearing of his feet..

Yeah i have! hehe when i was about 12 i twisted my wrist and my sister bruised her face when we were goofing round dancing to YRMW haha We were were doing the cool solo dance bit Mike does in it when i put out my arm she, somehow, lost her balance and fell right over it it was so painful! But so funny! I nearly died of embarrisment at the time! :D haha
Where to start with my injuries.......
I was about eight and I kept trying to do the smooth criminal lean and obviously kept falling over (I didnt realise at the time it was an illusion), so I climbed onto a wall to try it as being a very wise eight year old cough cough...I figured cause I didnt want to fall off the wall that fear would enable me to do the lean.......needless to say I fell off the wall and got some lovely bruises as a result.

I also have tried for years to do the tornado spin, and once I tried in the doorway to do a remember the time type look. anyway Ii didnt work, I tripped and my head ricoched off the door frames like a pinball machine, I was quite dazed after that believe me