Information on the MiJac Catalouge.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anyone have information on the MiJac Catalouge. What happened? Does it still exist? Any fans have some information?
^ I've seen that before. I mean, information. Where is it? Any recent news.... But on a different note, thank you.
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smoothcriminal12: The company is still active, and registered in New York. They acquired some new songs recently. There are some changes in the structure at all, since MJ moved "MJ Publishing Trust" into a new fund called "New Horizont II".
Does MJ own this completely? Or is it subject to something? Anyone know how much it's worth?????

I just did some researching and saw that Michael Jackson owns it exclusively and it's worth around $150M. Is this correct????
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yeah he owns it couldnt say on what its worth but it contains most of his music so that alone makes it worth alot
Does MJ own this completely? Or is it subject to something? Anyone know how much it's worth?????

I just did some researching and saw that Michael Jackson owns it exclusively and it's worth around $150M. Is this correct????
During the trial one criminal investigator for Sneddon mentioned that, according to a generic Los Angeles based appraiser, in 1999 the Mijac catalog was appraised for $128 million and showed income for the year 1999 of around $5 million. It was also mentioned that there was a $24 million loan leveraged against the catalog at the time; but I'd hardly call any of these figures definitive since again that was based on a figure from nearly a decade ago that was reported by someone testifying for and working with the prosecution; not a formal appraiser or auditor.
Does MJ own this completely? Or is it subject to something? Anyone know how much it's worth?????

I just did some researching and saw that Michael Jackson owns it exclusively and it's worth around $150M. Is this correct????

yep, Michael is the exclusive owner and really don't know the full value.. I wouldn't count on the usual media sources to give you the real facts about it.

all his music that he has penned without his brothers are under Mijac Publishing including all Sly Stone's, the Ojay's, Sound of Philidelphia, Hall/Oats, some Aretha Franklin classics, Jerry Lee Lewis classic, and a lot of other gems...

the music he has penned with his brothers he has under Peacock music and / or Miran Publishing.. which he shares ownership with his brothers...

so Michael acutally has about 4 music publishing with Sony/ATV being the biggest with his 50% share...

loving it
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MiJac furthermore includes the following companies:

VABRITMAR MUSIC INC. (MJ purchased from Marlon in 1989)
PEACOCK MUSIC PUBLISHING CO. (MJ paid off Jermaine and Tito in 2003)
MIRAN INTERNATIONAL (MJ purchased from Randy)
Stone Gold Music and Three Blind Micee Inc (MJ purchased from Tito on May 12, 2003 for $9.000)

Since December 2004 MiJac acquired about 40 new songs.
the media can hate all they want but as long as MJ has Publishing he will have so many heads begging and asking him for whatever. He is always gonna be alright because he invested so wisely.
the media can hate all they want but as long as MJ has Publishing he will have so many heads begging and asking him for whatever. He is always gonna be alright because he invested so wisely.
That is the real deal here. When they tried to destroy is music career, they thought they had him for good. Now look what happen, he has a more cemented position in the music industry than they ever would have imagine.

Now he doesn't even have to turn up on their lousy shows and he still gets paid, so now they want him back.

He doesn't even need the lousy music career to survive, so he doesn't need them. In fact, they need him.

They also have to go to him for permission to play the music on their shows. Wow, who is laughing now.:D
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That is the real deal here. When they tried to destroy is music career, they thought they had him for good. Now look what happen, he has a more cementedposition in the music industry than they ever would imagine. Now he doesn't even have to turn up on thir lousy shows and he still gets paid, so now they want him back. He doesn't even need the lousy music career to survive, so he doesn't need them. In fact, they need him. They also have to go to him for permission to play the music on their shows. Wow, who is laughing now.:D

yep, and I am loving it


Sony/ATV (and Mijac Publishing) are traditional music publishers which makes money every time a piece of music is used on a variety of outlets including radio, movies, live performances, advertising as well as a share from recorded music sales.
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Michael might own some things that we never know about during his protest against sony Michael said he purhcased something and he got a bargain for 500 million.....