Infant Sorrow Music Album ROCKS! :D


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
There is a fake band called "Infant Sorrow" and their music rocks! :punk:I bought their album(fake band, real album. :D)! Jams to the songs.:punk:... :) My favorite song is, The Hard Rock song "Let's Get Fucked"(okay, it is really called, "Gang Of Lust, but I don't really like to call it that. I'd much rather call it, "Let's get Fucked".) :D I ROCK to this song, even though it is a hard rock song, and I am a Soft Rock music kind of girl, like early 90's Mariah Carey and Rod Stewart kind of girl. The only problem I have with the album is that there is no lyrics booklet, even though the lead singer sings the songs with a heavy British accent, and British dialogue(he sang something like, "I woke up with a dodgy eye)........:scratch:Seems that this would have been the perfect time to add the lyrics, so that we listeners would know the words that are coming out of his mouth, but nonetheless, he is an excellent Rock singer! :D
I think "dodgy eye" means shady, as in he is up to no good. :)