Incredible night in Amsterdam


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello everybody,

It's been a sad couple of days with this terrible news about Michael dying. I am 20 years old and I live in the Netherlands. I was absolutely shocked when I heard the news, I watched CNN till about 5 in the morning, leaving me with no sleep that night at all. I was going to the concerts in London at 24 july and 30 july and I was bidding on ebay for opening night tickets. I had 8 tickets in total and people immediately started texting me about the tickets and if I would get a refund. Also so called ''true fans'' were moments after the news arguing if they would get their money back. I thought that was pretty heartless and an indication that they weren't REALLY his fans but just people who liked his music but without his best interest at heart. I'll start looking in to the refund question after Michael's funeral and all. I think that's the least of respect a fan can give to Michael and his family.

Then the reason why I started this thread. The next day(friday), I have gotten no sleep at all, but I started looking on the net for some kind of Michael tribute gatherings or party's.
I found one that night in Paradiso(one of the best known clubs/concert venue in Amsterdam, about an hour from where I live). From midnight till 5am. I got 2 friends of mine to come with me, put on my black MJ hat and off we went. I didn't know what to expect at all, were there going to be a lot of people? The last thing I wanted was that I would be nearly empty. I hoped there would be lots of people who came to pay their last respects en celebrate Michael's life, and my hopes became true. When I arrived at about 1 o'clock there was a huge line in front of the paradiso. There was a text on the television screen in front of the club reading ''Michael Jackson Tribute". At about 4am when I left (I was exhausted, being up almost 48 hours) it read ''Michael Jackson Tribute - SOLD OUT". This really made me kind of happy for Michael. Amsterdam had showed him that they still and will always love him.

The night itself was pretty amazing also. There were 5 huge big screens where they had video of Michael, and the whole night was just MJ music and singing and dacing along with all his hits.

I will put a few video's online in a short while so you can all see what a beautiful night it was.

Update: Video's now on youtube:

We Are The World: (goosebumps)

Billie Jean/Smooth Criminal: (people went crazy when the moonwalk was seen at the big screens)

Wanna Be Starting Something/Beat It:

Furthermore, I wish you all the best and lots of strength in these difficult times. MJ lives on forever!
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