Incredible, just incredible speech by Louis Farrakhan from last year about Michael!!!!

Jan 17, 2004
I had not seen this before, just watched it in its entirety and its just amazing. He talks about him growing up, his music, his charity work,the charges, the powers that tried to stop michael, the power that he had. Its simply awesome and anyone who hasn't seen it should see it. It also comes to a point where he says he got called by one of MJ's attorney's and that he was told that MJ agreed to only 10 shows, but they made it 50.

I never knew about him buying Little Richard's catalogue and giving it back to him, free of charge. He mentions the fantastic Oxford speech Michael held , he tells a few things from them. And just so much more...i have seen that there's some controversy about this man on the internet but that doesn't say anything. What i see here is a man who speaks incredible words about our hero. This is just a must watch. Also how he speaks out the lyrics to TDCAU is just awesome.....just...yeah watch it.

It starts from 8:40











I think this guy knows almost everything about mj's thoughts and his depressions, that he went through. He was a good friend.
He also mentions the forces mj was fighting against!
Thx for placing this here my friend!! :)
Yeah, a brilliant speech, surprised by how much he knew. And that part about how Michael wanted to make a movie about Africa , about how beautiful it is, the peolpe all of it. He went with that idea to Spielberg and such but they turned him down...goddamn.
He basically covered it all about him, any stupid hater should watch this, but they wont cause they don't care. But people who aren't sure what they think of it all..should really watch it.