Incredible, I have found the ultimate girl for me!

Science Freak

Proud Member
Jan 25, 2008
In a place with soul and love, it's called: Home.
Hi everyone

Since a couple of months I have this girl in my head (from school). Nothing really serious, but from the moment I saw her, I immediatly felt something. (positive)

Today I was looking around on the internet and saw her on a social network.
I saw some really interesting things on her page!
Artists she loves: Michael Jackson. :)D:wild:)
Loves: Fireworks (I also love firework:))
What she wants to reach in life:
To become someone in a development aid program.
That's exactly the same thing I want to do for the rest of my life.

I was like, dang, the perfect girl for me:wild:
I am not in love with her and I don't know if I will be, but should I make the steps to get to know each other and eventually maybe dating?

I know, you can't make the decision for me, but your opinion could help me:)

I say yes...get to know her and see if the two of you have more in the rest here say..You have nothing to lose..:)..and Good Luck!!
I say yes...get to know her and see if the two of you have more in the rest here say..You have nothing to lose..:)..and Good Luck!!

Thank you:flowers:
What I learned from previous love situations, is that I won't rush it anymore.
I will try your approach (the more slowly one :p )

I hope it all works out for you. :happy:

Thanks Stacey:cheers:
That's wonderful, go for it :yes:
If you guys don't end up falling in love, at least you'll have a wonderful friendship. :)
Hi everyone

Since a couple of months I have this girl in my head (from school). Nothing really serious, but from the moment I saw her, I immediatly felt something. (positive)

Today I was looking around on the internet and saw her on a social network.
I saw some really interesting things on her page!
Artists she loves: Michael Jackson. :)D:wild:)
Loves: Fireworks (I also love firework:))
What she wants to reach in life:
To become someone in a development aid program.
That's exactly the same thing I want to do for the rest of my life.

I was like, dang, the perfect girl for me:wild:
I am not in love with her and I don't know if I will be, but should I make the steps to get to know each other and eventually maybe dating?

I know, you can't make the decision for me, but your opinion could help me:)


Hehehehehe, go get your gurl boi.
Love grows step by step... my experience tells me that you should be near... and show your "self"... if she likes.. she will show you the way... love is when we give a step from our side and the footprints of the other go our side... they meet... like this:
:)-------» :heart: «------:)

Wow Wendy,I love your message:wub:

That's wonderful, go for it :yes:
If you guys don't end up falling in love, at least you'll have a wonderful friendship. :)

I wouldn't mind if it doesn't end up in falling in love, but then to have a wonderful friendship with her. :yes:

Hehehehehe, go get your gurl boi.

Haha thanks:)
your innocence is so endearing...but don't get too excited or else it will be a big bummer if it doesn't go well. I hope it works out for you
Good luck hunny! She sounds lovely and a Michael fan could'nt be better! he he :)

And i also am in a similar situation as you, this this lad in my school who ive only briefly spoke to over the past year or so (weve never brought up Michael), and he's really lovely. I didnt know he was a fan, then the other day he added me on facebook and commented on my page something about Michael and from his page he's clearly a huge Michael fan! Im normally terribly shy, but ive never had a friend who likes MJ and i would really love it, im going to try to spark a friendship, if it was anything more it would be amazing!
Take it slow and easy, be a gentleman (I think girls nowdays aren't used to that! LOL).

no we're not, men known as "gentlemen" are an endangered species lol
but yes, we love the gentleman type :girl_dance:
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Lars, I'm in a situation similar to yours, except I'm the one who's being pursued! We're talking right now and seeing where things go in time. Slow is the way to go, and I'm not used to it! But it is clearly the better way because it may end up right. :)
go for it but a pice of adivece coming form a girl dont ask her for sex on the first date and if the subject ever come up if she want to wait untill she married to have sex trust me shes a keeper and it will be very specail for the both of you ( if it ever get to that part)
your innocence is so endearing...but don't get too excited or else it will be a big bummer if it doesn't go well. I hope it works out for you

Yeah, I already experienced that. So that's why I'm not too excited, if it will only be a friendship, I would be very happy too :)

go for it but a pice of adivece coming form a girl dont ask her for sex on the first date and if the subject ever come up if she want to wait untill she married to have sex trust me shes a keeper and it will be very specail for the both of you ( if it ever get to that part)

Hey don't worry!
I can't even have sex right now, because of my syndrom. Maybe over a couple of years I can have it. And sex isn't important to me;)
I don't know why man are so possessed of naked women and sex:doh:
Hey don't worry!
I can't even have sex right now, because of my syndrom. Maybe over a couple of years I can have it. And sex isn't important to me;)
I don't know why man are so possessed of naked women and sex:doh:

wow I guess you are one of the endangered species snowhite is talking about!

I hope it will work out for you.

Keep us posted!!