In your opinion what's Michael Jackson's Best song ever?

Stranger in Moscow or Liberian Girl
My opinion is that it's Heal the World but that's just me. What's your opinion?
oh really? Heal the world huh? How long have you been supporting m ?
You make an intriguing thread... I'll be back.
Billie Jean or Black or White or Remember The Time. Sorry, I can't choose one, they're all perfect
My personal best song ranking can change, but I would say at the moment it is On The Line.

MJ's songwriting peaked with this song.
created with true pain :(

It’s actually impossible for me to have one definitive favourite MJ song. There’s literally dozens and it depends on my mood. Also, a lot of the time I’ll hear a song I’ve not listened to in ages and it will blow me away all over again.
i think this is a reasonable answer which i shall ...echo! [ sorry lol] .
Stranger In Moscow is timeless and beautifully melodic, and his lyrics of hurt and abandonment can be felt deeply by listeners. This song is definitely among his best.
when he was writing this ... i wonder if he knew just how much of an impact this would have ...years decades later . long , long ,long after he left us.
Best - Earth Song, Stranger in Moscow, Who is It, Dangerous, TDCAU, You are Not Alone, Blood on the Dance Floor. His songwriting and music peaked in the 90s for sure
Most influential is either Thriller or Billie Jean
I notice a lot of suggestions here are songs in the 1990s. In terms of songs from the 1970s that are among Michael’s best, I say Got To Be There is among them. As in the 1980s, there are Someone In The Dark, Dirty Diana and Smooth Criminal.
I notice a lot of suggestions here are songs in the 1990s. In terms of songs from the 1970s that are among Michael’s best, I say Got To Be There is among them. As in the 1980s, there are Someone In The Dark, Dirty Diana and Smooth Criminal.
I Shot the Sherrif is the best MJ song from the 70s and it was just a cover he did on a TV show
I notice a lot of suggestions here are songs in the 1990s. In terms of songs from the 1970s that are among Michael’s best, I say Got To Be There is among them. As in the 1980s, there are Someone In The Dark, Dirty Diana and Smooth Criminal.
My favorite from the 70s is In Our Small Way
Billie Jean.
May be for fans, that is a boring answer, because we know it so well. But the whole world recognizes this song after just a few beats. That means something... the song has so much appeal.
I would personally say

Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground). Something about that song is pretty transcendent.

But I'd also say Wanna Be Startin' Somethin. On so many layers, it's immaculately crafted and truly one of a kind.
Earth Song….the album version,the shorter single version is also good.
This song I can hear on repeat when im in the MJ mood.