* in what language would you like Michael to sing?

Jul 25, 2011
lost, lonely & scared... wanna live with Michael i
im not sure if that sentence is correct grammaticlly but i hope u get it ;) :lol:
(i's be thankful if someone corrects it) :flowers:

we already have heard him singing in English!!!!!!! ;) French and Spanish.

i think :heart:Michael has sang them greatly and i love listenings to songs of him in a non-English language.

me personally :heart: loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:heart: to hear him singing in FARSI my native language. that would beeeeeeeeeeeeeee so so so so awesome that i cant even imagine
:wub::wild::wub::wild::wub::wild::wub: :wild::wub::wild::wub::wild::wild::wild::wub::wub::wub::wild::wub::wub::wub::wild::wild:
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im not sure if that sentence is correct grammaticlly but i hope u get it ;) :lol:
(i's be thankful if someone corrects it) :flowers:

we already have heard him singing in English!!!!!!! ;) French and Spanish.

i think :heart:Michael has sang them greatly and i love lsitenins to songs of him in a non-English language.

me personally :heart: loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:heart: to hear him singing in FARSI my native language. that would beeeeeeeeeeeeeee so so so so awesome that i cant even imagine
:wub::wild::wub::wild::wub::wild::wub: :wild::wub::wild::wub::wild::wild::wild::wub::wild::wub::wub::wild::wub::wub::wub::wild::wild:

French and Spanish??wow I didn't even know that!!that's awesome!!!I would like him to sing in one of the African Language(I know which one, but i forgot the name.ughhh blonde moment, im not blonde btw lol!!)...:D I think foreign langs are sooooo cool!!Maybe Chinese , Tagoluge(sp?) as well!!!
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:eek: wow...WONDERFUL!!!! Who is singing the girls part?? I like it, I never knew MJ sang this in Spaninsh, how cool!!!
well aside from my first choice english... second would be arabic..
I think he should just stick to the English, maybe do some African lines.
Everybody will be hatin' on me when I say this :p .. but I think he sounds horrible in Spanish. His whole accent just made me giggle. xD

The French was Ok, but when he went ''Quoata Quota'' (Ok, this is probably wrong, but it did sound like Qouta Qouta xD, it's at 047) Pepsi was running out of my nose .:pxD

Only English. For me Michael sounds the best in his native language. If he sings in English I will understand the song :lol:
I think he should just stick to the English, maybe do some African lines.
Everybody will be hatin' on me when I say this :p .. but I think he sounds horrible in Spanish. His whole accent just made me giggle. xD

The French was Ok, but when he went ''Quoata Quota'' (Ok, this is probably wrong, but it did sound like Qouta Qouta xD, it's at 047) Pepsi was running out of my nose .:pxD


LOL, I actually like his 'r' when he sings in french:D. But I like the lyrics more in english :yes:.
And he's singing 'que toi, que toi':D.
But still, I actually love hearing him the most whe nhe sings in english!
It's more natural and when he sings in his language, his adlibs are much better:D
I've always thought Michael should sing in italian 'cos it's the language of so many artists and genius like Michelangelo, Leonardo, Dante...he's a great artist and he should sing in italian.
There's a beautiful Neopolitan song called 'Ammore Annascunnuto' (sung recently in concert by Celine Dion). It's gorgeous, and a 'certain someone' would make it sound even MORE gorgeous.

The thing I love about hearing non-English songs is that you can really appreciate the vocal nuances and expression because your ears are not tuned into words and meanings. A great voice can keep you captivated, regardless of your understanding of the lyrics.

'Todo Mi Amor' has always been one of my favourites, for this reason (and the rolling 'rrrr')
When Michael sing(s?) in French, it's very funny!!! lol
So, in spanish, it's good too...

Well... I would like is sing again in French but not a love song like I Just Can't Stop Loving You...
Ow, yes, I love the rolling RRR is the spanish version!!
I wistle every tune that is in my head but when I'm under the shower, it's hard to wistle:D. So I always go like 'RRRrrrrRRrrrrrRRRRR' on the tune with my rolling RRR :D.
I really can't sing so I always wistle or let my 'r' roll LOL.

But I hope Michael NEVER sings in Dutch! There aren't many Dutch songs I like actually.
isn't french the language of love? then i say mj would sound great in french, just listen to the french version of i cant stop loving you, its beautiful.