In the most time of need.... He lives in you


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
in the light
Hi people I just wanted to post this here in hope that even just one of you, maybe some of you might start to look at things a bit differently.

When the news came on Thursday night about Michael I didn't know what to think or what to do. I completely balled my eyes out. I called all the way to Australia to talk to my mum and begged her to tell me "what do I do?! What do I do now.....?!" All I could do was cry and think oh my god what truly has gone wrong......

There literally were no words. Because words had lost all of their meaning, except for "I love you".

Everyone grieves in different ways and everyone at the moment is at different stages. We can cry, it is ok to cry. Michael means so much to each and every one of us it's hard to think clearly which is why I wanted to post this.

The first couple of days I was extremely upset, and even today I am only just holding it together. But I am ok.

We must remind ourselves of Michael, and his relationship with the fabulous Mr James Brown. James Brown is to Michael, what he is and will always remain to us. Someone we looked up to, someone we cared about, someone who gave us guidance in times of need, someone who was always there and we knew loved us. No matter what the circumstances Michael always loves us.

When Michael lost James Brown did he really loose him? No. James is always with Michael the same way Michael is always with each one of us.

What did Michael do when James passed? Did he stop, or did he fight. He fought. This should be a lesson to us all; and in no way am I saying you can't be upset and you cannot take the time to cry and to grieve and feel a traumatic loss.

Michael grieved, Michael cried, Michael cared and he loved James SO much. Along with Fred Astaire, Luther Vandross, Ryan White, Lady Diana, Marlon Brando to name a few; and what did he do, he kept fighting. He kept living.

James Brown inspired Michael Jackson to do what he does. He was such an inspirational force, someone who guided him and helped him the same way Michael does with us. And they loved each other like a father and a son. For James Brown, Michael continued he kept fighting because he knows that James Brown would and never will be forgotten. Not only that but because he knows that James Brown would not have wanted people to suffer. Yes we may suffer now, but in time and each in our OWN time must take the steps to move forward. Just like Michael does.

We must remember that Michael Jackson IS in all of us.

He is an "IS" not and never will be a "was". Michael Jackson IS my inspiration. Because of me and you, Michael Jackson IS alive. Michael Jackson IS a force to be reckoned with. He will never ever not for anything ever be a "was". Michael IS in our hearts, in our souls, in our lives and nothing can ever change that.

Nothing can EVER change how much we as individuals and as communities and as families love Michael Jackson, we will always have him with us, always.

Whilst so many people at this time are grieving think how much he means to you, now, then and forever more.

We love you most Michael. Not 'loved' but LOVE. Because we still do and nothing can erase that. Nothing can wipe away the memories we each hold in our hearts.

I want to send out my love to every single Michael Jackson fan in the world, whether you dedicated your lives to him or you just likes his music, but everyone. No one is to be left out. There will be a tomorrow and there ALWAYS IS MICHAEL JACKSON. He lives in you.
That was beautiful, and so true. Thank you for writing this. Michael is my inspiration and he is in my heart, always.