In search for Mark Rydens painting of Dangerous album cover!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Astral realms =)
Hey guys, along time ago the creator of the Dangerous album cover artwork for Mike done by Mark Ryden, he posted on his website the original painting of the Dangerous cover artwork and there was alot more to it then the one you see on the CD cover, if anyone knows what im talking about please post the image. There was alot of symbolisim in the artwork i need it for a project.

Thanks alot dear friends.:)
Wow, that sounds very interesting. I would also love to see that!
I would love to see the original painting

album cover


I also read that it was heavily influenced by this Bosch painting
(I see Adam and Eve in the bubble)
Back in the early 90s I had a wide poster that had the full design. Unfortunately I was too young to look after it and lost it, but there definitely was more to it than from the album cover. I hope someone can post it!
The album design always intriqued me, up to this day. It also added to MJ's mysterious aura/mystique back then.
I remember days this album came off the shelves...I didnt want to open the tape (it was a tape back then) cos I was worried I will ruin the cover..

thanks for sharing
I love how the MJ's eyes in the painting are basically the same eyes from the BAD album cover, with the exception that the curl was moved over. The Bad album cover is the first and maybe the last time I've seen Michael's eye's portrayed in a lighter brown color, other than the Dangerous album painting.

can i ask why it says 1998?
it says it on the illustrations in Moon Walk the book
i don't understand why it says 1998?
Michael was very into writing 1998 on things for awhile...I forget the suggested meaning/symbolism