In life the king of pop!!in death the king of the music industry**

  • Thread starter xscape guy 2003
  • Start date

xscape guy 2003

Michael Jackson! what does that mean to the general everyday person, not the huge dedicated fan , who follows him with out doubt! Well you could say, a man that was good at dancing , was good upto Thriller or Bad, changed from black to white with nobody knowing or more to the point believing what it was.
Maybe also a man that never grew up, a boy trapped in a mans body, maybe some saying a weirdo or worse. WELL that was upto a terrible night , one we will never forget in the UK and also obviously around the world! The date 25th June! the time approx 10.10pm UK time! The news came thick and fast ! first shock and unconfirmed reports! Then more accurate and reliable reports, you could feel the worlds *heart* literally beating faster and faster with the anticipation of the sad news that was coming out, was it true?? how could this be happening, surely not Michael Jackson!! No it couldnt be! People that absolutely cannot stomach him going OMG this cannot be, how could this happen! WELL JUST TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF BECAUSE YOUR THE ONES THAT MADE THIS HAPPEN!

The truth of the matter is that the WHOLE WORLD except the fan *WORLD* did not appreciate what we had, did not give him the recognition he deserved! Did not cherish his many endevours to truly make this place a better place, look what they done with the Heal The Kids! which was a amazing project! Ridicule, name call , insult, degrade, the list goes on and on!

so now we look today and ask the same question of the everday person again, and you hear, omg what a musical genius, what a so understood poor man, what a absolute amazing kind man who had a heart as big as the world. Oh i didnt like him much but you carnt touch his music, but i am getting to know more about him, im intrigued! i wish i had discovered when he was alive! These are all comments i hear in the street, in the pubs clubs, which i must say Michael Jackson blaring out everywhere , pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants, radio, even little kids that have ipods, walking down the street!
As an example of the ignorance of some people and the *i have to do that now* FACTOR as i call it! i pulled up in my car and was playing *LADY OF MY LIFE* and when i got out, this women said to me, "excuse me, but what was that song you was playing?" i replied it Michael Jacksons song lady of my life, she said she had never heard it before but it was beautiful, and that she had to buy it, when i told her its on the album *thriller* she said well i have to buy that! **another THRILLER SALE*!!

What im putting over here is the general concensus now of the entire population! THE WORLD OVER!! at last the ignorant people have woke up, at last they have discovered melody again, but why does it take the *DEATH*! of a genius and living Legend to make the world take notice! In a way i dont even think that they deserve to have that connection we al have and i mean have because for me and im sure lots of his fans he will never ever go, and will never ever be far away! Why did the world not recognise that they had a Legend alive and show him repect and love, cherish the fact that yes he was different, but also so kind , caring, and just a good man! As my Mother has said, now, the good always DIE young, and this i believe! Friends who knew i was a fan and know how big a fan, have came upto me and openly admitted i was right, they was wrong, he truely is the best!
Even more people are only just discovering his body of work, and i mean from little Michael Jackson to present day *Vince and greatest hits times*

I had a friend that was talking about the motown rehearsals and how amazing it was to see that, when i told him i saw that some 20 years ago now, he nearly fainted and said my god TEZ what have i been missing!

To this i said Mate! what you have been missing is what everyone will miss from now on! The greatest legend that has ever lived , and now the biggest legend in Death!


Its sad it takes Death to awaken the living!!
From the smallest liitle guy or girl with their Ipod now, to the DJ spinning the sounds Michaels music is everywhere the charts are dictated , this is Michaels legacy, not just about getting the success of a hit , but to quote his words from the Michaels Jacksons ebony issue!! YOU HAVE TO BE ABLE TO HUM IT, FROM THE FARMER IN IRELAND, TO THE LADY WHO SCRUBS TOILETS IN HARLEM TO ANYBODY WHO CAN WHISTLE TO A CHILD POPPIN THEIR FINGERS, YOU HAVE TO BE ABLE TO HUM IT. This sums everything about Michael and the fact that he wanted to give more than recieve.

R.I.P. my friend michael Jackson the short time i had to meet you will last forever and gets replayed in my head over and over like a record rotating. I love you for ever! and thank you for sharing your talent with your fans on this earth, i know the angels will have a new heavenly voice now, but will they all be moonwalking lol!!

Love Terry
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im going to bump this becuase i edited it a bit, hope you all enjoy!

hey guys did you like this? have not got any discussion on this yet:(

this was brilliant and how i've been feeling really.
That was so beautiful Terry.

Michael will live forever...absolutely til the end of time. What you saw are just the beginnings of his eternal legacy. WE are so FORTUNATE to witness this, to have loved him when he was still alive and now as we embark on a new journey be it painful, we should cherish these moments and memories...for these are the memories that we will remember at the end of our lives.

Love you forever sweet Michael.