In Death... I am finally getting an understanding of my musical hero

Rasta Pasta

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Milan Itlay
in death, I am finally understanding Michael... and who helped me to complete my understanding was T-mez............what he said yesterday
really brought me full circle...

T-mez comments:

we fans asked frequently, what will it take for people to respect him..
to understand him...

it took his death...............

now the negative spins don't have the same effect on me... I am shielded.. this new understanding of my musical hero takes away the continual disappointment with the media on how they protray him..

I am witnessing people that never uttered his name or say they like his music have no shame in doing so............

I am amazed at how many different people cherish some part of Michael thru his life and their lives.................

for the over 17years+ of redicule and hate from different forces towards im ...25 Jun 2009 showed me that all of that never really mattered...

what mattered was what was in his heart and soul......thats were the
creativity came from .........and that's where immortality shines from...

RIP Michael !!
I completely understand what you mean. In his death, there have been many, many of his haters that have come up to me and apologized for things they've said that I had no idea they ever spoke. Many people even feel guilty about the way the carried on over the years.