Important Project that I Hope All Fans Joined In On


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hello, . Weeks ago David Edwards (co-administrator from the Vindicate Michael Blog) had a meeting with Professor Martha Gallien who teaches criminal justice courses at a Texas Univeristy to dicuss the false allegations made against MJ in 1993 and 2005.

Here is David Response about the meeting with Professor Gallien in case you haven't read it yet

Today I met with a professor who is teaching her college students about MJ! Her name is Martha Gallien, and she teaches criminology and sociology here in Texas. We met for around 2 hours and talked about MJ, what she thought about him before and after his death, what her students think about her, and other topics.

She is making her students read “MJ Conspiracy” & they must write a book report on it! In another class, her students are given extra credit assignments that they can do on MJ if they choose. She always liked his music, but was too busy with working and raising her family to follow his life closely while he was alive. After he died, she became very curious about him, and was disgusted at what she discovered!

In Sept. 2010, she flew to Cali to attend the Frozen In Time seminar, where Mesereau, Zonen, Feldman, & others spoke about the MJ cases. She met with William Wagener afterwards and taped an interview for YT where she describes what she heard there I will work with her to give her additional material that she can assign to her class to read, such as books and articles. Her students are very excited about learning about MJ, and many have decided to study MJ even after taking her course! Many minds have been changed!

They love watching the “What Did Happen To Michael Jackson?” series on YT! Via word of mouth, enrollment in her classes has skyrocketed due to MJ! Minds are being changed about MJ!

We will meet again in a few weeks and I’ll keep you guys updated

I got so inspired by this that I suggested that a criminal justice professor at my college in Louisiana to do the same thing and he read the conspiracy book i sent him and he said he would definitley included this book in his lesson for future classes. I was wondering if us fans could get together to email criminal justice professors in America to suggest to them to read the conspiracy book and articles from vindicate Michael regarding the allegations and how Mainstream media and journalism maniuplated the general public's perception on Mj based on their biased opinions instead of the straight up facts. What better what to say thank you Michael for all you done than to get his truth out there starting with the academia field. David Edwards helped me with a lesson plan that we can email to different professors. i remember Michael saying a long time ago when he's gone he'd hope to be protrayed accurately in History. So many envious people want to cover up Michael's History of all the amazing things he's done as an Artist, Humantarian, and as a Human being and replace it with bogus Tabloids tales. Do you know there have college courses on Elvis, The Beatles, Madonna, Tupac, and even Lady Gaga now but not Michael yet. we have to throw the ripple for change.

Hey guys we have to researche different criminal justice professors in America that we can email the lesson plan to. If it a success in the U.S. we can contact other acdemic field in other countries
I would also recommend Geraldine Hughes' book, Redemption.
i remember Michael saying a long time ago when he's gone he'd hope to be protrayed accurately in History. So many envious people want to cover up Michael's History of all the amazing things he's done as an Artist, Humantarian, and as a Human being and replace it with bogus Tabloids tales. Do you know there have college courses on Elvis, The Beatles, Madonna, Tupac, and even Lady Gaga now but not Michael yet. we have to throw the ripple for change.

Hey guys we have to researche different criminal justice professors in America that we can email the lesson plan to. If it a success in the U.S. we can contact other acdemic field in other countries

This is a great idea and thank you very much for posting it.
I would love to see Michael's wish to come true and him to be portrayed accurately in history book.
Not the person that some people still try/tried to make him to be, but real Michael, that to me is the most important thing.

Its great that they have these classes at colleges so today's youngsters can learn about Michael, also they will learn that everything they read from papers is not necessary true.It's not just Michael that is wrongly portrayed on the papers and other medias, but other people too.