IMO, his best second of music :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Heal The World
(5:26-5:27) that little ad-lib is what separates him and puts him on another level, imo.

That song all together actually, even though it is dissed for being cheesy... i disagree as the message is believable in the way it's composed and sung.

Brilliant prelude written by Matty Paich who has written thousands of pieces and helped alot of artists over his long career.

Signature deep bass and percussion arrangement of MJ with the highlight being the bass just before the chorus hits as it seems to emulate his voice.

The vocals are just perfect, The first line is brilliant... no one sings the word 'heart' like Michael Jackson, best way to decribe his voice is painfully beautiful.

this song is a masterpiece, as the years pass more people will see that. :D
Hell yes. FINALLY someone said it. "Heal The World" sits regularly at the top of the list of my favorite songs of Michael's. Whenever someone askes me what my favorite song of his is, I say "Heal The World". The song isn't cheesy, it's powerful. And what you said, about his voice, is so true. Your description is spot on. Painfully beautiful. Michael has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard, period. It's so sweet and so clear that you just feel it right to the core. It makes you melt. People may talk trash about "HTW" but they're the same people who will be swaying their arms and crying like little babys when Michael sings it live. It's an antehm, a real anthem that makes you feel. And lyrically it's fantastic. I named my blog after a line in this song "Stop exisiting and start living". That says so much, in so few words.
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