im worried


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hi there my tickets for july 10 has been rescuedueled till march 1 which im not pleased with, so i decided to get a refund

however im worried about buying another ticket for july 22, reason why is because he might rescueduel that one aswell. the reason is i read in the newspaper (yes i know its tabloid sh*t) but it said he may need radiotherepy they also said they cured the cancer cells on his nose and chin but found cancer cells on his chest which they said he may need an operation which will affect his singing voice and may bring the tour to a stand still

i dunno what to think and what to believe, yes i know his spokesman said he is in great health, but i think he said that to not get us worried, but the cancer has got worse which michael wasn't expecting. so i might wait and see what happens. or can someone convince me this is not true?
The story about him needing radiotheraphy comes from the paper "THE SUN", a notorious tabloid a.k.a shitty paper. Its been denied that he has skincancer. Dr Tohme has denied it, Randy Philipps has denied it and even LaToya!

The rumours about skincancer started about 2 weeks ago.. IF he had it, I think it would been taking care immeditaely and not jeopardize the shows in the last minute (i hope I dont come across as ignorant, hars and selfish here).

Its up to you to buy tickets or not. I think you can get a re-fund also. Shows gets cancels pretty often and you can never be 100 percent safe that a show will go on. But as long as there are rumours like this from shitty papers I will not pay any attention to it, because they want the reaction that you just shown here. They want us to doubt and be worried. Its understandable that you are a bit worried, its human nature.. and the papers knows it and will spin it forever. They will commercialize to deceive minds ;)
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OMG , im impressed people acctually is believing the news paper when its true fact its BS.
I'm worried, too, but I tell myself that it's from a tabloid, and so it's probably just garbage. I hope Michael's okay.
Look. Read this and remember it well. Michael Jackson does not have skin cancer, he does not need a lung transplant, he is not falling down when rehearsing steps, he is not using live animals for the shows, he is not hiring an impersonator to do the most hard routines, he is not doing anything the tabloids say he is, and his health is not what the tabloid say it is.

Remember this. Everytime(there is no exception) you read about Michael's finances or his health, the chance of it being true is less then 1%

Here is why. The newspapers that write this have NO, I repeat no access to this kind of information from Michael. They never have and never will. They can only make it up, as Michael or his people would never ever release information like this to any tabloid newspaper. And there is a perfectly good reason as to why that is.

I understand that some fans are to young to know the history between Michael and the press.

But rest assure, this is coming from someone who has read about 1000 or more articles like the one's we are seeing now, and not ONCE were they correct.

Just to give an example. They have been writing that his nose will fall off for the past 20 years! It is still attached, and no he does not have a synthetic nose wich he takes off at night and put on in the morning.

After a while reading all this garbage, you KNOW what to believe and what NOT to believe. And checking the source for any story, will always tell you the credibility of the story.
stop reading newspapers especially crappy tabloid ones.

what happened to the MRSA amd lung and liver disese he has?
I agree that we shouldn't believe these things. And it doesn't seem like it is true, especially as its coming from 'the sun'. But, it is very upsetting and difficult not to think 'what if' when all you have to do is type 'michael jackson' in to google news and all you see is 'cancer this, cancer that'.
If this isn't true who could this selfish person be that would make up such disgusting lies, especially when so many actually do suffer from cancer.

It is hard not to think negative.
you dont have to read papers u dont have to google news. theres a way to stay away from such crap but some fans seem to love wallowing in it. its something fans have to get used it its been going on for year and wont stop as mj has never taken action over such stories.
Look. Read this and remember it well. Michael Jackson does not have skin cancer, he does not need a lung transplant, he is not falling down when rehearsing steps, he is not using live animals for the shows, he is not hiring an impersonator to do the most hard routines, he is not doing anything the tabloids say he is, and his health is not what the tabloid say it is.

Remember this. Everytime(there is no exception) you read about Michael's finances or his health, the chance of it being true is less then 1%

Here is why. The newspapers that write this have NO, I repeat no access to this kind of information from Michael. They never have and never will. They can only make it up, as Michael or his people would never ever release information like this to any tabloid newspaper. And there is a perfectly good reason as to why that is.

I understand that some fans are to young to know the history between Michael and the press.

But rest assure, this is coming from someone who has read about 1000 or more articles like the one's we are seeing now, and not ONCE were they correct.

Just to give an example. They have been writing that his nose will fall off for the past 20 years! It is still attached, and no he does not have a synthetic nose wich he takes off at night and put on in the morning.

After a while reading all this garbage, you KNOW what to believe and what NOT to believe. And checking the source for any story, will always tell you the credibility of the story.

BEST POST EVER. :clapping::agree:
they are so vicious that they use anything to make the paper sell... sad...
Well, i can see that you are worried for another delay but if there is gonne be another delay it will be delayed becaause of technical issues.
Is it not possible for you to attend a gig in early august?
You can be pretty sure they have all technical issues sorted out by then (if there are any).