i'm worried about Katherine jackson?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i'm very very worried about katherine (MJ) Mother i'm so scary if she gets so upset that she will have heart :heart: she is scarying me cause he son dead i just what to know if she is o.k :cry: :heart:

Mrs.Katherine Jackson we all love you hold on to your faith of love :heart: :cry:
Yes I am worried too. This type of news is not healthy for a 79 year-old woman.

You just have to look at her face after she had heard of the news. It's really... heartbreaking and sad.
i'm very very worried about katherine (MJ) Mother i'm so scary if she gets so upset that she will have heart :heart: she is scarying me cause he son dead i just what to know if she is o.k :cry: :heart:

Mrs.Katherine Jackson we all love you hold on to your faith of love :heart: :cry:

This has been worrying me too...... I dont think she is strong enough to go thru this.
I hope the Angel from up above blessess the one here....
i cant imagine what she must be going through, but shes a strong woman, she'll get through this.
I'm worried abou Katherine too. I'm also worried about Elizabeth she has lost so many loved ones.
My grandmom lost both of her sons and she was never the same since she lost her first born son.
im worried about mjs mother too this is a awful horrible time we need to love her and support her i myself would ove to give her the biggest hug and tell her how sorry i am and what a great inspiration he was to me
i cant imagine what she must be going through, but shes a strong woman, she'll get through this.

That is so very true. Michael got his strength from his mother after all...really though I hope she is OK. :-( She lost an angel.
same here... i am so sorry for her... a child should never die before the parents.. i can imagine how she feels... my grandmother lost all of her children... but i know katherine will be alright. she is having a great family...
i've been praying for her as well. it hurts so bad to think about her and the children. no one can imagine the pain they're going trough is. God bless them.
yes, since she is very religious she can draw strength from her faith. She will get through this.
Her faith in God is amazing. And Michael will watch over her.

She'll cope.
Much love to Katherine, the kids will give her the strength to get through this xxxx
Yessss mama kate i hope and pray for you
losing your son i can only imagine my heart goes out to the whole jackson clan and akk mj fans i wish i can hug all yall
I'm very concerned for her as well. Michael and his mother were so close. He was her heart and she his rock. Now he's gone. I pray that she remains in good health. A lot of people forget that Michael is now the second son she's lost. She lost her son Brandon (Marlon's twin) in 1950 the day of his birth. I don't know how much more pain her heart can take. Bless you Katherine and your family.
Mrs Jackson god bless you to be strong , im sorry for the lost of michael your son...words fail me ,,,god bless you and your family :angel::huggy:
Mrs. jackson can you feel my heart of love and faith i'm with you and i'm supporting you all the way with love :yes: :heart:

I pray that she is holding up well. The media dogged this lovely lady's son for year. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was when ET Online posted that picture of her son in the back of the ambulance. I have never felt so bad for one person in my life.

If Mrs. Jackson was reading this I would let her know that her son is in good hands now and I am sure he is making magic up there in heaven. Plus my grandmother is up there probably talking his ear off, since she never got to see him in concert, I am sure she is asking him why he never did a video for PYT (her favorite song). My Madea (that's what we called her) is looking after him making sure he watches over his kids.
yea his anyone from LA if you see Mrs.Jackson :yes: can you give her hug for me :hug: with alot of love in my heart :heart: o.k
She was one of the first I thought of when I heard the awful news. Could not get to sleep all night thinking about the family - the children and especially Katherine.:( My heart goes out to her...
I'm really concerned about her as well. I can't imagine what she's going through right now. I just hope that she'll be okay... God bless her. :heart: