I'm taking a break


Proud Member
Sep 12, 2004
Hi everyone
due to today's news about the trail being delayed I am taking a break from the forum for awhile. I support and admire all of you who will continue to post and contribute to the forum in my absence, but I would like to take some time out to remember Michael in my own way and take a breather from the case and all it entails. I feel pretty ground down by the stress of it all and the emotion involved and need to step back a little.
I hope you all understand.
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Gaz and all the MJJC team for all that they do and all that they continue to do to keep this forum the fab place it is.
Kati x
I hope you're alright. Just take comfort in the fact that in less than 5 months time, Conrad Murray will pay for what he has done. It may seem like a long time but it's the same amount of time as Christmas to now, and that doesn't seem that long at all.

I hope to see you back soon, just try not to focus on the trial, I know it's hard but just try your best. :)
Hi Kati,
I know it is so difficult and if leaving the forum for a while helps then I understand completely. Please come back though and let us know you are doing okay from time to time until then. Hugs.
I hope you'll be ok and I think it's good that you're looking after yourself by realising you need a break and taking some time away from what is making you unhappy. Obviously know MJJC will still be here if you feel like coming back but don't feel pressured into being here if it's not helping you personally, and don't feel bad for looking out for your well-being

All the best x
I understand Kati... Hope you can 'recleanse' your spirit with Michael's love... and only if you're ready you can come back... Hell, it took me ages to come back here...
I tend to just 'ignore' that part of the forum... SOWWY GAZ... my system just can't take it... I'm trying to live as 'healthy' as posibble... He just makes me puke grrrrrr....
