I'm suddenly sensitive


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In a cup, in a ride.
Ever since I started learning more about Michael, I've suddenly become much more sensitive to the world around me. The sensitivity to people that talk down about Michael was expected...and I'm sure we all relate with that. But this new sensitivity to everything else - wasn't expected. Like, suddenly I'm really sentimental and you will find me crying during any kind of sad or sweet scene in a movie. LOL. And when I read stories of others in pain, I just...FEEL it. I find myself getting emotional about a lot of different things, that I just never used to get really emotional about. I mean I was sensitive before, but never like this! I am deeply feeling for so much of what I hear/read/see now...it's interesting.

Has anybody else had this happen, since knowing Michael?
*hand raise*

Yea. Before I couldn't have given a damn about half the people I met, because in retail you meet a lot of people. Now when they come in and look distraught I kind of wonder and try and help. Before I avoided them. That's just one example though. lol
Ever since I started learning more about Michael, I've suddenly become much more sensitive to the world around me. The sensitivity to people that talk down about Michael was expected...and I'm sure we all relate with that. But this new sensitivity to everything else - wasn't expected. Like, suddenly I'm really sentimental and you will find me crying during any kind of sad or sweet scene in a movie. LOL. And when I read stories of others in pain, I just...FEEL it. I find myself getting emotional about a lot of different things, that I just never used to get really emotional about. I mean I was sensitive before, but never like this! I am deeply feeling for so much of what I hear/read/see now...it's interesting.

Has anybody else had this happen, since knowing Michael?

me too,all i ever blogged about since i know him is about our environment and what's happening to the world.i've bcame more concern of the people around me rather than selfish love.
Sounds like Michael's passing has somehow opened you up more. I do that sometimes - walk down the street and notice someone's pain as they walk by. I feel it. Our window cleaner came to door once to collect his money and I almost asked him what was troubling him, but just stopped myself in time! I don't actually know him, but could feel his distress. Very odd.

I think Michael was like that much of the time, taking in other's pain but not knowing how to deal with it. There are some techniques for dealing with it as you probably know. It might be worth you trying them? :)
Yes! Though for me this only happened after Michael passed.

I have always been sensitive but NEVER this way, I seariosly get teary-eyed almost every day nowadays! LOL! And really it's almost getting to annoy me, so little things can make me cry from sadness or joy. Even watching news can make me so emotional or if Finland's sport team is doing well in some sport that I don't even follow I get all emotional and teary-eyed..
Oh yeah, same here. I seem to care alot more about people and now i really 'see' what is happening to this world. i can get teary eyed when i watch a movie or something where someone loses a relative. i feel that now i can really understand people that have to deal with death, since michael is the first person i lost that i really cared about. its my first experience of death and it has really affected me in alot of ways. i got to know myself much better and i try to be a better person, and live my life the way michael preached about. i want to help people and now i feel its more important than ever to keep your loved ones close, beacuse you never know when you will lose them.

life isnt always a walk in the park, and life it too short for not doing something for the people we love and the world we live in.
I have been sensitive person even before Michael's passing. For years I have been a big believer in how we are destroying the planet. It was Earth Song that really got me to see that 14 years ago. I hate seeing any animal being hurt or killed. Mainly tigers, orangutans, and whales. I practically threw up a couple of times. Because I was just so horrified and upset to see an innocent whale being killed. I didn't think Animal Planet would show something like that. Whenever I see a bug or a spider in the house. I don't have it in my heart to kill them. Unlike other people who would kill them. I either just leave them alone or I just put them in something. And just take them back outside where they belong. I also never had a reason to cry at movies. Even if it is one of those tear jerker type movies. But when I saw bollywood movies like

and Fanaa

OMG did I ever cry. Especially the movie Fanaa. When I saw that movie I was practically crying so much through out that entire movie. That is one of the most greatest movies ever made. And so is Jaago. Jaago should have a very strong warning on it before you watch it. Unless you think you can handle the child rape scene in the movie. That movie was based on a true story. That had happen in India about 10 years or so ago.
I've always been extra, extra sensitive. I can feel people's pain as if it were my very own. :cry: Michael went through so, so much pain in his life. I'm so happy that he is "home" now. :angel:
I'm glad I'm not the only one. All of your replies I relate with! Although it's sometimes embarrassing to get so emotional about something most people wouldn't get so emotional about...lol...I think this newfound sensitivity is a blessing, and is a beautiful thing...even in feeling sadness, because it pushes me to reach my hand out and help.

I've always had HUGE compassion for animals, but Michael has opened me up to more compassion with people. Not just because of the compassion he had for people, but because of the compassion I felt for HIM as a person, having gone through what he did. This somehow unlocked the part of my heart that held understanding and love for everyone.
I'm glad I'm not the only one. All of your replies I relate with! Although it's sometimes embarrassing to get so emotional about something most people wouldn't get so emotional about...lol...I think this newfound sensitivity is a blessing, and is a beautiful thing...even in feeling sadness, because it pushes me to reach my hand out and help.

oh been there done that lol. i can start to cry when i least expect it, like the other day when i was walking in the woods near my house i got to a place where you can see the whole city, its really a beautiful view. michael always seemed so amazed by nature and the magic of mother earth, and now i really understand what he means. before he died i wouldnt have noticed something like that, but now i try to see the beauty in everyone and everything. thank you michael for opening my eyes so i can see all the beautiful things in this world, and thank you for making me a better person.
OMG yes! I 've always been quite emotional, but now I can literally cry watching the news...(reminds me of that story of Mike sitting in his hotel room crying while watching the news)....I'm super-sensitive. I like it though, because I feel more in touch with the world and more motivated to make a difference, even if it's just smiling at someone in an elevator. Know what I mean?
I've always been a sensitive person, but as far as I can recall I've been a Michael Jackson fan.
But after Michael passed away it has been even "worse", the smallest things can open the floodgates in a split second.
It's like there's always tears pressuring to get out from the eyes, and it's like you're suddenly more aware of pain and sadness.
I've always been a sensitive person, but as far as I can recall I've been a Michael Jackson fan.
But after Michael passed away it has been even "worse", the smallest things can open the floodgates in a split second.
It's like there's always tears pressuring to get out from the eyes, and it's like you're suddenly more aware of pain and sadness.

yes, you've explained it perfectly!! It's like anything that causes pain, triggers the sadness for Michael.
I feel this too. I mean I've always been a sensitive person, but my emotions have always been kinda weird. It's more like an on/off switch for me. Most of the time it would be in the off position, not feeling much emotions at all, but doesn't mean I didn't care. I've definitely become more deeply affected by tragedies since his death, and taking much more pleasure in the little things in life. Like nature. I always appreciate nature, but just taking a walk and looking at the scenery is a blissful experience, or just looking at the night sky. Every time I look at the sky at night it reminds me of Michael's unauthorized interview from '83 where he talks about how dusk is his favorite time of the day and how magical it is. It really is.
Every time I look at the sky at night it reminds me of Michael's unauthorized interview from '83 where he talks about how dusk is his favorite time of the day and how magical it is. It really is.

Same here! Every time dusk comes around I think of that interview...and how excited Michael was with the magic of the evening. When I first saw that interview it really took me back to my childhood...because I remember dusk and dawn feeling so magical, in the exact same way it did to Michael. But in "growing up" I kinda forgot about these treasures...or rather, didn't take time to notice them anymore. So Michael has not only opened me up to compassion for all, but reconnected me to my "inner child" and the beautiful things in life.
I can feel people's pain as if it were my own too. And its crazy at times.
Yes, it's weird but I feel like I'm getting a glimpse into how Michael felt a lot of the time; I mean, I believe he was one of those souls who really felt other people's pain, and the pain in the world, and I feel like I'm doing that now too. It's not debilitating - if anything, it's making me more determined to bring positivity and love to the world, in any way I can.
Ive always been a sensitive person, but michael brought it out in me alot more!
Especially with things going on in the world around me, he made me realized to do anything about it i have to care, i used to just try and put world events to the back of my mind, now i think about them alot more and that is a good thing i believe!