I'm sorry to Michael~~


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hong Kong
Hi, I'm the new members of this club. I think i should say sorry to him.Because...
Before Michael Jackson died, I don't know he is the greatest man and good father that i can imagine.What i know about michael before?? I just got something about him from mass media.But now, i know that---they are wrong, they're liyer, i should not believe them anymore.

But after he died, I feel so sad and i can't accept he had died. If i have one more chance, i hope that is lies. Also, i will be his big fans early!!!

But I Know That He Will Live In My Heart Forever!!!--(i hope all of you are)

He had changed my life. He let me kown that we should love...love family, love friends, love anythings that you have. Don't miss them, because they'll be your power when you met some diffculties.

Now, what can i do???Every day, I just can finds some news about him, reading Michael articles, blogs, listening to his songs and watching videos and interviews on youtube or on other website. Of course, I have bought some CDs of him.

I think about him throughout the whole day and every time I will automatically feel very depressed that he's not here. At night I go to bed, and lay there thinking about him. I can't stop crying. I don't know why I will cry. I just know that i was following my feeling.
Now, I promised that i won't believe mass media reported anything about M.J anymore.
Because i think it will misleading reader~~~

I read articles where people have said they have seen sighting of him after he had died. I know those articles are crazy, but thinking he may be still out there in hiding or something makes it a little bit more comforting. Even if I don't believe it, it gives me that small bit of hope.

I feel sad living in a world without Michael. He really did feel like the king of the world. And now that God has left this world and left us all alone, it feels really scary living each day without him on this earth.

After I died ,i hope i can live with him.
That's all i want to say. Please forgive me.
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<3 that was absolutely the sweetest thing! Michael is proud to have you as his fan hun <3
Welcome to the most anti-tabloid fan club in the world :]

Im glad people are starting to see the truth now, its just a shame it takes such a shocking event to make people see sense.
Hi there,

I also feel sorry about him.......

I NEVER believed what awful tabloids said about him. I NEVER believed he did anything nasty to anyone.

But you know what? I feel really sad because it's now when I'm starting to discover him more deeply,his phylosofy,and also his music; Im just 20 so I wasnt born when he published his firstt albums, but at home, we have always respected him,recognised his talent,and never believed those accusations, I ve always loved his style, his dancing style, his style of music, and I knew he was innocent. But still I feel sorry because its know,after he has past away when I'm a REAL fan..now I cant live without his music.........RIP MJ

What do u think?? THKS
Thanks for sharing! I'm so happy knowing you are one of us who believes in him.
Let me give u a big hug!
i'm from Hong Kong too by the way^^