I'm so sick of this...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Livingston, Scotland
I'm about ready...to give up on life...

I'm sick of it...I know I shoulden't listen to the media about what they say about Michael....But it always gets to me....I actually feel sick....People...making money for telling false stories of an innocent man...I don't understand...Why does saying horrible things about someone bring in more money? Is money really worth more than a human being?! IS IT?!

It's happened...I've lost it...I've lost respect and hope for humanity.....and I don't know if I can get it back...

I hate it...I hate this world I HATE IT!! I've tried to love it..But I can't! I'm sorry Michael, but I can't!

I don't want to be here anymore...I don't wanna be on this planet anymore....I wanna be where he is....
We all know what you're saying about the media!! But you can't let them effect you!! Have to be strong!! Michael wouldn't want any of us to have this kind of thoughts!! Plz think twice before act on anything!!! We're here for you!!! We're famliy!!!
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:hug: I hear what you are saying about the media too! I hate it. I've been wary of reading any scandal-seeking stories of Michael lately. I'm just so weary of them. Some people are so hateful. BUT! Don't let it get to you too much (easier said than done, I know). Otherwise the hateful people in this world will win -- and we cannot allow that to happen. Keep your head up high. As BAD.gr said, we're here for you, for each other, all because of Michael.
You can make a better place!!! If you're optimistic, if you're not you have to try harder!! Trust me on this!! You have to see the bright side on everything!! I know sometimes it seems that there is no bright side but think of Michael and his message: It's all about love!! What about the people you love? What about the people who love you?? And is death really like freedom? Can anybody be sure about those kind of things?? We'll all eventually meet Michael... but we all have to strong!! Remember what Mike said in the "Prime Time" interview?? "I could never be suicidal... I love life too much!!"
How can I ignore them? Look what they did to him!!

He woulden't have needed medication for sleeping if the media just left him alone!!

stop reading/watching them now, its no use to you or Michael. Focus on what Michaels said, the truth!

there's more to you than this. you deserve to live you life to the fullest.

Try to ignore the tabloids, hun. They don't deserve our attention. Always remember that Michael loved live too, he would never want any of us to take our own life. Though life is sometimes hard, and for us especially now, there is still love out there! Just take a look at your life and all the things you love and you will find purpose to live again. We are here with you and we totally understand your feelings and we care of you!

Keep the faith!
How can I ignore them? Look what they did to him!!

He woulden't have needed medication for sleeping if the media just left him alone!!

the investigation isn't over yet..we don't know if the media is lying about that, either. all we have to do is keep up his legacy. and for that..we need each other. we need you. we are the media's replacement for MJ. and we love you. i L.O.V.E. you. let's keep Michaeling, forever.
We need to stick together now.
I know everything is easier said than done but we have to try. We need to keep on spreading Michael's legacy, we need to let the world know the Michael we knew, not the Michael the media's portraying. I know it hurts reading all these lies about him, and it seems we can't get away from it but you know at the end of the day WE know the real Michael, WE grew up with him, WE dedicated our lives to him, we followed him through good and bad times, WE got to know him, WE took the time to know the person inside. WE are the good people here, and Michael aswell. We cannot let the media make us feel sad or guilty. Its the media who should be ashamed of themselves, its them who are poison, not us, not you.
Michael would want you to raise your head up high, don't let the media get you 'cause if you do then they've achieve what they set out to do. Do not give them the satisfaction. Through all the media bullying, Michael remained dignified, he changed for NO ONE, nobody can take away who you are from you. All these nasty lies about Michael hurt him, these things broke his heart but you know what he took time to look around, and he saw us, his fans, he saw music , he saw dance and he relazied that there were better things to do than listen to the media, he relazied that not everyone was against him and he focused on those people, he focused on us the fans, and that's what so special about Michael. He had a deep connection with us, and he knew we'd be there for him always, and he always turned to us. Through our love Michael was able to find the strength. We gave him strength, and he gave us strength. There's a hero in everyone of us, we just got to go through bad experiences to find that part.
We are all here for you, you're not alone, we're here for you. xxxxxxxx
I'm about ready...to give up on life...

I'm sick of it...I know I shoulden't listen to the media about what they say about Michael....But it always gets to me....I actually feel sick....People...making money for telling false stories of an innocent man...I don't understand...Why does saying horrible things about someone bring in more money? Is money really worth more than a human being?! IS IT?!

It's happened...I've lost it...I've lost respect and hope for humanity.....and I don't know if I can get it back...

I hate it...I hate this world I HATE IT!! I've tried to love it..But I can't! I'm sorry Michael, but I can't!

I don't want to be here anymore...I don't wanna be on this planet anymore....I wanna be where he is....

Goodness Gracious,

Some will say and Do Anything For Money...Unfortunately: Money is the Root of All Evil...

"Life IS Way Too Precious and Way Too Short To EVER Take It For Granted..!"

I know for a fact Mr.Jackson would NOT want you to take your life..!

He would tell you no matter what...NEVER EVER...give up on your many Hopes, Dreams...Stay strong...No one ever said that helping to Heal the World was going to be an easy.

It is up to us to take evil by the horns and destroy it..!

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
I'm sorry...I'm sorry if I worried anyone..I've just been so angry lately...I'm not sure what I'm thinking anymore...

It's just..what the media say..It makes me...It makes wanna just...*screams*
"With such confusions, don't it make you wanna scream".. "Make you wanna screeeaaam?"

Michael was so right about that song.

Hang in there okay?
I've always been suicidal....Michael was the only thing that made me feel better whenever I felt so low....I lived because of my dream of meeting him...But thats gone now...
top reading/watching them now, its no use to you or Michael.
yeap exactly. i dont go near newspaper stands watch the new if its likely mj will be mentioned.go on websites other than fan ones just close off from them
We need to stick together now.
I know everything is easier said than done but we have to try. We need to keep on spreading Michael's legacy, we need to let the world know the Michael we knew, not the Michael the media's portraying. I know it hurts reading all these lies about him, and it seems we can't get away from it but you know at the end of the day WE know the real Michael, WE grew up with him, WE dedicated our lives to him, we followed him through good and bad times, WE got to know him, WE took the time to know the person inside. WE are the good people here, and Michael aswell. We cannot let the media make us feel sad or guilty. Its the media who should be ashamed of themselves, its them who are poison, not us, not you.
Michael would want you to raise your head up high, don't let the media get you 'cause if you do then they've achieve what they set out to do. Do not give them the satisfaction. Through all the media bullying, Michael remained dignified, he changed for NO ONE, nobody can take away who you are from you. All these nasty lies about Michael hurt him, these things broke his heart but you know what he took time to look around, and he saw us, his fans, he saw music , he saw dance and he relazied that there were better things to do than listen to the media, he relazied that not everyone was against him and he focused on those people, he focused on us the fans, and that's what so special about Michael. He had a deep connection with us, and he knew we'd be there for him always, and he always turned to us. Through our love Michael was able to find the strength. We gave him strength, and he gave us strength. There's a hero in everyone of us, we just got to go through bad experiences to find that part.
We are all here for you, you're not alone, we're here for you. xxxxxxxx

^ I like this.

GameGirl - I don't know what article you saw yesterday, but I have felt like this many times. I just have to keep reminding myself that what they say doesn't matter. There are plently of people in the world who know what we know, and I'm glad about that - thats what you should focus on. Complain about the articles you see if they require it, but just try to cut off your emotions from it.. they don't deserve our tears. Tabloids are trashhh.
i think i know exactly how you feel.

i have to be honest, those thoughts have crossed my mind too. sometimes i just want to escape. you need something to comfort you. i found out that listening to medication music is something that comforts me, and makes me escape into another world that is much more peaceful. there are times when i want to give up, but then i think of michael, he never gave up.. never! no matter what!

i know its not easy. we are here for you.
smile, though your heart is aching.

be strong!
I do know how you feel. You won't believe all the horrible stories I have been hearing about Michael back in the 90s. Especially around the time when the first allegations was going on. I was in my early teens then. And that was really hard for me constantly having to hear whatever tabloid story that was made up about Michael. And this before the time of the internet. I felt like I was Michael's last fan in the entire world at the time. You won't believe all of the ridicule and the bullying I went through in school from the other kids just because I was a Michael Jackson fan. I had absolutely no friends because of it. To the other kids they saw Michael the way I didn't see him. And that was as a child molestor and a freak. But I really didn't care what those kids said about Michael to me. Those other kids wanted to believe what the tabloids were saying about Michael. Instead of me who knew the truth about Michael. I know it is hard I too had thoughts of suicide at the time. But I just could allowed those lies about Michael get to me like that. So I really learn to just ignore them over the years. And to think I can still once remember a time where Michael was loved by everyone. Michael Jackson haters were practically unheard of at that time. So totally wish I could relive those days again.
We have to stick together, we have to fight for Michael! We have his back, right?
We have to do everything we can to make this world a better place.
Hang in there hun. :(
Dear all of you MJfans,
I know it is hard to read all the dreadful things written about Michael, but I can telle you that we have a complaint in the PCC and they seem to take it seriously. I also will have a small article in one of NOrway's biggest papers tomorrow, all about Michael. I am so happy that they really print it. And also a small voice helps. I have been telling about Michal to more than 100 people this autum and many have turned into fans. I have also written in local papers and people have stopped me in the street to thank me for what I write. I think most people are tired of all the nonsence in the papers. Keep the faith!yours Astrid