I'm sick of the media putting down every album after Bad


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Every album that MJ has made after Bad the media has always said something negetive about it. They said that the fans were dissapointed with Dangerous which goes to show just how much the media knows Michael Jackson fans because if they did then they would know that alot of fans think that dangerous is one of his best. On HIStory the media said that MJ was going insane because it was an angry album. Blood On The Dance Floor get's no mention what so ever and then they call Invincible a washed up flop. The media always says that MJ was in his prime during Thriller but any hardcore Michael Jackson fan will say that he got even better as a songwriter and performer after Thriller.

What's funny is that if Dangerous came out before Thriller and Dangerous was the biggest selling album of all time then the media will be saying that MJ was in his prime during Dangerous and that Thriller was a dissapointment. For them it's all about quantity over quality.

With the media always praising Thriller (Yes they have said some positive things about Off The Wall and Bad but 95% of the time it's usually just Thriller) and bashing MJ's later work it's no wonder that so many fans backlash againts that album
1. I've personally never read or seen any media putting down every album after Bad.
2. If a few do,it's because they are f'ing idiots who dislike Michael on a personal level and therefore want to try to minimize his God like music status by downplaying his other musical masterpieces
Bad IMO was MJ at his prime. Dangerous and all his follow up albums were just as good. TBH i'm not really into Thriller that much. There are songs on there that I love but I believe that his follow ups were amazing.
I completely agree with you, analogue....It's funny that the media has indeed put down even Dangerous because most fans I know think it's his best album...I love the Bad album, that's my fave, followed by OTW...I don't even actually listen to Thriller that much, it's brilliant of course, but his music just kept getting better and better as time went on....f*ck the media, they're missin' out...:D
I agree analogue. They rarely mention anything after Thriller with some acknowledging Bad. Dangerous happens to be my favorite album. Usually when a person grows in fame, their musical content weakens. Michael's kept getting stronger. That on its own should be acnkowledged, but it is often overlooked.
I can honestly say thriller, although being amazing is one of my least favourite albums. dangerous and invincible are my favourites :D. Musically michael just got better and better with age IMO
There are always critics in the media of any album, not just MJ's albums. Do you really think that everyone will think one specific album was either good or bad? There will always be people on both sides. I'm sure there were even people that were negative on Thriller.

Anyway, I think Dangerous was MJ's best album.
I agree. It needs to stop. Some people seem to think that Michael Jackson's music ceases to exist after the 80's. Michael may have been in his "prime" in the 80's but he made fantastic music after Bad. Personally, I think his best album is Dangerous and I am not just saying this. It is in fact my favorite album ever. :yes: I also love his mature, deeper voice in his later music.
There is of course no reason to bash Michael's later albums. The only reason would be because they wanted to bring Michael down from his peak of success. They couldn't take it, that he had become so huge after the Thriller album was released. It also doesn't help that every future album was compared to Thriller in terms of sales. It's impossible to measure up to, but the quality got better. His other albums still sold well, but because they're always compared to Thriller, they're not regarded as highly like they should be.
I don't think critics care to appreciate the albums after Thriller. There's a shift in content beginning with Bad. For the most part, up until Bad, Mike's music was relationship/love stuff. I think this was mainly because he was getting songs from others rather than expressing himself. (Between OTW and Thriller, he only wrote 7 or 8 songs I think)

Beginning with Bad, when he was more 'in charge' there began to be the global awareness songs that people (at least in America) think are corny are way to idealistic(MITM, APOM). The disdain with the media also began on the Bad album (Leave Me Alone).

I personally think Dangerous may be his best album. Its diverse, but somehow its still cohesive. The lyrics to some of the songs are absolutely incredible and the song structures always keep you guessing. There are a variety of vocal deliveries also. Front to back, Dangerous is a lot to digest. There are the global awareness songs, love songs, memorial songs, race relation song, rock, hip hop, R&B, a ballad, singing, semi-rapping, high notes, deep voiced vocals, cliched-mouth vocals, full voice vocals (see my point). Most of the songs are at least five minutes. Its a lot. I don't think people gave it a chance since its so much. Nearly 20 years later, I'm still discovering subtle nuances on the album.

I feel like HIStory is a good representation of Mike's mind state at the time. I kind of see it as a period piece. There are a few timeless songs (Earth Song, TDCAU, Stranger in Moscow) but for the most part, its him venting his frustrations from the previous 4 years. Similar to Dangerous, its a lot to digest but its way more disjointed. I've always felt that album sequencing plays a large part of how an album is perceived. While there are some incredibly strong songs on that album, the sequencing isn't very good in my opinion. In all honesty, I wouldn't expect media types to give the album any praise considering he talks about them more than a few times on the album. The very stuff he's talking about on the album is the type of shit that the reviews for this album begin with. Pairing the album with the Greatest hits seemed to show a shift in his personality and song style. Dude was MAD. Rightfully so. I love the album by the way because I feel its his most personal, but with the media bashing songs, its no surprise that the media wouldn't like it.

I think BOTDF was bashed by the U.S. media because of all of the dance/house remixes. That wasn't hot here at the time (which shows he was ahead of his time). The fact that its the biggest selling remix album ever shows that he knew what he was doing. I've always treated BOTDF as an EP with the first five songs. I only have those tracks on my iPod because that's how Mike wanted it (and thats how I listened to it before I even knew that's how he wanted it). Those five songs are a diverse collection as well. There is some magic on those five songs. I think they are as strong as anything he's released. The remixes threw me off then and still do. Its kind of funny because many artists are releasing EPs now and they wouldn't let him do it in 1997. Again, it shows MJ was a waaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of his time.

By the time Invincible came out, I don't think he had a chance. His name had been tarnished, by who? The media. He could've dropped *kanye voice* the greatest album of all time, but by then, it wasn't about the music for the media. It was about the eccentricities. There are some gems on this album as well, but I don't think its a strong album in all. I also think its his most inconsistent as far as the highs and lows. I actually think that the last 3 tracks on disc four of the "The Ultimate Collection" box set trumps many of the songs on the Invincible album. With all that being said, a lot of the reviews I've read were way too harsh. Its my least favorite MJ album, but there are some incredible songs. I've even read interviews that didn't give the vocal brilliance of 'Butterflies' its props.

With all this said, I do think the media are a bunch of haters Post-Thriller. I bet when this new album comes out, they are gonna posture like "its amazing that these songs didn't make his earlier albums" and all that shit. smh
Every album that MJ has made after Bad the media has always said something negetive about it. They said that the fans were dissapointed with Dangerous which goes to show just how much the media knows Michael Jackson fans because if they did then they would know that alot of fans think that dangerous is one of his best. On HIStory the media said that MJ was going insane because it was an angry album. Blood On The Dance Floor get's no mention what so ever and then they call Invincible a washed up flop. The media always says that MJ was in his prime during Thriller but any hardcore Michael Jackson fan will say that he got even better as a songwriter and performer after Thriller.

What's funny is that if Dangerous came out before Thriller and Dangerous was the biggest selling album of all time then the media will be saying that MJ was in his prime during Dangerous and that Thriller was a dissapointment. For them it's all about quantity over quality.

With the media always praising Thriller (Yes they have said some positive things about Off The Wall and Bad but 95% of the time it's usually just Thriller) and bashing MJ's later work it's no wonder that so many fans backlash againts that album

Interestingly, Dangerous is probably the most beloved MJ album among fans (Bad and Dangerous are my favourites too). I just ran a poll on a website among fans about which are their favourite songs and songs from Dangerous are winning big time (followed by songs from Bad). Surprisingly the much hyped Thriller is lagging even behind History.

I think the critics just decided after Thriller that they won't praise MJ any more, no matter what. Personally I don't think Thriller was his best album....

As for History being criticized for being angry: what did they expect after the allegations, that he will sing dreamy love songs? He is an artist and artists are inspired by their experiences. It's natural.
I don't think critics care to appreciate the albums after Thriller. There's a shift in content beginning with Bad. For the most part, up until Bad, Mike's music was relationship/love stuff. I think this was mainly because he was getting songs from others rather than expressing himself. (Between OTW and Thriller, he only wrote 7 or 8 songs I think)

Beginning with Bad, when he was more 'in charge' there began to be the global awareness songs that people (at least in America) think are corny are way to idealistic(MITM, APOM). The disdain with the media also began on the Bad album (Leave Me Alone).

I personally think Dangerous may be his best album. Its diverse, but somehow its still cohesive. The lyrics to some of the songs are absolutely incredible and the song structures always keep you guessing. There are a variety of vocal deliveries also. Front to back, Dangerous is a lot to digest. There are the global awareness songs, love songs, memorial songs, race relation song, rock, hip hop, R&B, a ballad, singing, semi-rapping, high notes, deep voiced vocals, cliched-mouth vocals, full voice vocals (see my point). Most of the songs are at least five minutes. Its a lot. I don't think people gave it a chance since its so much. Nearly 20 years later, I'm still discovering subtle nuances on the album.

I feel like HIStory is a good representation of Mike's mind state at the time. I kind of see it as a period piece. There are a few timeless songs (Earth Song, TDCAU, Stranger in Moscow) but for the most part, its him venting his frustrations from the previous 4 years. Similar to Dangerous, its a lot to digest but its way more disjointed. I've always felt that album sequencing plays a large part of how an album is perceived. While there are some incredibly strong songs on that album, the sequencing isn't very good in my opinion. In all honesty, I wouldn't expect media types to give the album any praise considering he talks about them more than a few times on the album. The very stuff he's talking about on the album is the type of shit that the reviews for this album begin with. Pairing the album with the Greatest hits seemed to show a shift in his personality and song style. Dude was MAD. Rightfully so. I love the album by the way because I feel its his most personal, but with the media bashing songs, its no surprise that the media wouldn't like it.

I think BOTDF was bashed by the U.S. media because of all of the dance/house remixes. That wasn't hot here at the time (which shows he was ahead of his time). The fact that its the biggest selling remix album ever shows that he knew what he was doing. I've always treated BOTDF as an EP with the first five songs. I only have those tracks on my iPod because that's how Mike wanted it (and thats how I listened to it before I even knew that's how he wanted it). Those five songs are a diverse collection as well. There is some magic on those five songs. I think they are as strong as anything he's released. The remixes threw me off then and still do. Its kind of funny because many artists are releasing EPs now and they wouldn't let him do it in 1997. Again, it shows MJ was a waaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of his time.

By the time Invincible came out, I don't think he had a chance. His name had been tarnished, by who? The media. He could've dropped *kanye voice* the greatest album of all time, but by then, it wasn't about the music for the media. It was about the eccentricities. There are some gems on this album as well, but I don't think its a strong album in all. I also think its his most inconsistent as far as the highs and lows. I actually think that the last 3 tracks on disc four of the "The Ultimate Collection" box set trumps many of the songs on the Invincible album. With all that being said, a lot of the reviews I've read were way too harsh. Its my least favorite MJ album, but there are some incredible songs. I've even read interviews that didn't give the vocal brilliance of 'Butterflies' its props.

With all this said, I do think the media are a bunch of haters Post-Thriller. I bet when this new album comes out, they are gonna posture like "its amazing that these songs didn't make his earlier albums" and all that shit. smh

Well put. I'd like to add that Invincible is my least favourite MJ album too, because it sounds the least MJ-style to me. And I just recently realized why: a song on Invincible often has 4-5 writers - and I don't think that has a great effect on songs. It just takes away the MJ-style somehow when so many people add their ideas. I realized that I enjoy those songs the most that MJ wrote alone. But even if he has written something in collaboration, working with another person or maybe two more is OK. But I think when 4-5 or more(!) people work on a song the song will suffer from that at the end. And I think that's what happened to much of Invincible - at least that's my opinion. Even on Invincible the best songs are that Michael written alone (Speechless is my favourite, for example) - I wish he had written more alone, or at least with less people having a say in them.
It so sad that he didnt really get the credit he deserved with all of his follow up albums after Thriller. The media tried to bring him down anyway they could after Thriller came out. So insead of them talking about the success of his albums they only tried to make him look crazy.
I also wonder why Michael shifted his priorities from the US to other parts of the world after Bad? After Bad he never toured the US, and he didn't release a lot of great songs there (like Give in to me, or he didn't release the original Who is it video there or Earth song etc.). I wonder if it was because the US media started to turn against him, or it was part of the reason WHY the US media started to turn against him? (Don't get me wrong, the media is bad everywhere, but as I see it, they were especially hostile to Michael in the US after the Thriller era.)
Say whaaa??? :mello:

So Michael Jackson has recorded more than just Thriller, Smooth Criminal, Man In The Mirror, Black Or White & Bad? oh my god... :( I'm heartbroken :cry:
Although I agree and it frustrates me too as I love Dangerous & HIStory (Dangerous is the best album ever made in my opinion), at the same time I do understand it.

Firstly, it's easier for them. A journalist isn't going to say 'Michael Jackson - creator of albums such as Off The Wall, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous, HIStory & Invincible'. For the ease of abbreviation they'll just put Thriller or at a push Thriller & Bad.

Secondly, Michael Jackson summed up the 80s and it's a decade he's synonymous with so that is why there is so much focus on that era.

Thirdly, it's refreshingly controversy free. Michael Jackson in the 80s was universally loved before his image got tainted. So the songs from Thriller & Bad were from albums that everybody had so everybody recognises. Play Billie Jean, Bad, TWYMMF, Beat It - in fact any single from Thriller or Bad and they'll all recognise them. Although the songs may be better, you can't say the same for In The Closet, Give In To Me, Who Is It, Stranger In Moscow. As other have put HIStory is very introspective & autobiographical. I've said before if you want to know the real Michael Jackson 1993-1995, listen to HIStory. Because of that, it's very hate filled and full of pain & anguish. Therefore it's harder to get into.

Forthly, this isn't MJ specific. It's usual to focus on one pinacle and pay no heed to other great achievements. Name a man who's walked on the moon? Hand up if you said Neil Armstrong or Buzz Aldrin. Why not David Scott, Alan Bean, James Irwin? Because although what they did is extraordinary, the ones who did it first get all the attention & acclaim. Hence why Thriller & Bad get more attention than Dangerous & HIStory.
I also wonder why Michael shifted his priorities from the US to other parts of the world after Bad? After Bad he never toured the US, and he didn't release a lot of great songs there (like Give in to me, or he didn't release the original Who is it video there or Earth song etc.). I wonder if it was because the US media started to turn against him, or it was part of the reason WHY the US media started to turn against him? (Don't get me wrong, the media is bad everywhere, but as I see it, they were especially hostile to Michael in the US after the Thriller era.)

Well Give In To Me was going to be a single in the US. They showed the music video during the Oprah interview. But after MJ sang Who Is It during the interview, plans were changed and they rushed Who Is It out as a single. I guess they didn't have time to make a proper video, so they had a video with a collection of MJ footage.

Earth Song wasn't released on physical media in the US in an attempt to boost sales of the HIStory album. The video was released and the song did go out to radio stations.